Arianna here and ready to finish up this AWESOME story! Mkay, I know you all have been waiting FOREVER for this, so here it is! I forgot CENTURIES ago who won first review, but sorry! Here it is! Sorry again for the ling wait!

Katara's body shook as she hugged Aang to her body, and ignored Zuko's comments and suggestion.

She shook her head, and then burst out crying, and sputtered out, "It's no use! He's—he's—dead. And it's my entire fault!" and started sobbing over Aang's motionless body, and body that would airbend no longer.

Zuko stood there helplessly, not even thinking about suggesting taking Aang to medical care. It was there clear and plain: the Avatar was dead. He looked at the others: Sokka, Iroh, and Haru, who were all crowded around Katara with concern.

Zuko glimpsed around them many commoners stopping, ones who had no idea of all the events that had just happened, and coming closer. Zuko didn't want anyone to know yet, especially Fire Nation citizens. He simply had a bad feeling about what would happen if anyone found out the Avatar was dead. He had planned for Aang to help him control the Fire Nation instead of the comet, so he'd need to figure out a way for this to work.

Too many things to think about, but to deal with one thing at a time, he motioned to the rest to come with him back to the safety of the castle, and when Katara refused to go, and insisted upon staying outside for some reason, he finally had to simply pick her up, while she was still holding Aang. It was very awkward, and so Zuko allowed one of the males to carry Aang's limp body as he held Katara, sobbing, in his strong arms.

Once in the palace, Zuko and the rest had a council meeting, or more like they tried to comfort Katara with ideas of the future.

"Too many problems at once for my liking, but one is: is there any food? I'm starving!" Sokka said, but gave a real issue after he had a few hate looks from everyone, especially Katara who sat back up from Zuko's lap, her eyes red from crying, and started shouting, "How can you think about food at a time like this! Our best friend, like a family member, the Avatar, Aang! He's dead!" and then started crying again.

"Sorry!" Sokka said, flustered, and replaced his statement with, "Well, for one, what do we do about Jet? He's been a prisoner for months and has been no threat at all except a nuisance and anther mouth to feed.—and don't you go there!" for Haru had looked as if he were about to mention something.

Zuko and Katara exchanged nervous glances, remembering the other day and Katara's little "going" with Jet in the cells, but they chatted with the rest and moments later came up with the choice of exiling him from the Fire Nation to the Earth Kingdom or killing him.

"So who wishes him dead?" Haru stated, looking around.

"I do." Said Zuko coldly.

"Me too." Sokka added.

Katara lifted her head again, and simply said, "I don't want him killed, just that too many people have died over this time period, and I don't think we should kill another…person…"

"I agree." Haru said,

Everyone then looked at Iroh, to fix the tie, and he simply shook his head and said, "Ahh, all I can say is: What would the Avatar wish?"

No one spoke for a moment, and then Katara said, "Aang never would want someone killed. He would want Jet to have to live, but in exile."

Zuko nodded, and closed that problem with saying, "Haru, you're ship has been delayed a bit, for we will use it to quickly get Jet out of the Fire Nation."

Haru nodded, and they sat in silence for a moment, thinking of what should be done further, for no one could think of any other problem at the moment.

Aang's funeral had already been thought to be later, a week or so away (Though you readers won't have to attend one again!), and it seemed as if everything was solved.

"Well, that's all for now. I'll see you all later." Zuko said, picking up his body, and pulling Katara up also, and they walked into Zuko's room, Katara's head resting on his shoulder and his hand around her waist.

Everyone else also got up, and went to bed.

For now, all seemed well. What could ever go wrong?That's what everyone felt as they happily got into bed and fell asleep, having no idea of the things later to come in their life.

AN: And that's the end of that! I hope you enjoyed my fanfic, and the sequel should be coming out in March or April! I can't wait! Can you? And if you're wondering why the long wait, I gotta write it, ya know! It can't be horrible, cuz I seriously care about you reviewers! Also, I will tell you that we're going 10 or more years into the future in the sequel, and so we'll have knew AND old characters! But mainly new! Get ready to meet the whole new trio! And btw, there's a REASON Jet didn't die! (Wink wink) LOL! Well, read and reply! And your welcome for FINALLY posting this! LOL! Jk!