Chapter 18 …Choices

A/N: okay I'm unbelievably sorry that I haven't updated sooner, I've been traveling without technology. (Florida Massachutes, Delaware) and I haven't gotten a chance to even think about writing. Also I've received some reviews saying that my author's notes are annoying and too long etc. WELL…my a/n's are always in bold if they really annoy you that much DON'T READ THEM! It's okay, you will not miss anything, normally, otherwise please don't criticize my a/n's I put them in there just to make me and spinner laugh, you don't have to read them and generally they are very easy to ignore…. I'm really sorry if there are really bad errors in grammar in spelling but I haven't been able to get a hold of spinner and I really wanted to post this so please forgive me! Anyway to the rest of ya'll I'm really sorry it took so long, you might want to go back and reread chapter 17, please enjoy and R and R.

"Oh my god!" Padma exclaimed after the siblings broke apart. "I have the snog! I have the snog! PARVATI, I HAVE THE SNOG!" She twirled around in a dreamlike state thinking about all of the boys she could snog. 'The possibilities are endless.'

Parvati replied, as if reading her thoughts (being twins they did this a lot) "What possibilities?" she gestured to the Great Hall where they were currently located. Padma looked around, it was full of boys drooling over their performance and a bunch of first years who were in shock.

"Good luck with that," Parvati said over her shoulder as she exited the hall.

"SO NOT COOL SIS, SOO NOT COOL!" Padma turned to face the crowd in the hall; she saw them and was about to turn and follow her sister when she got tackled from behind.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Said a voice behind her


Fred and George scurried around their workshop, repeatedly bumping into each other. They shoved about 20 things into a small vial, heated it in a muggle microwave and add some tofu and spray cheese for flavor.

"George, quick write a note to Hermione explaining everything, she's gonna kill us but oh well." Said Fred frantically.

"Righto," said George.


"Gimme the snog, gimme the snog!" said the voice on Padma's back.

"Well, I don't how many people you've snogged before, but in order to snog there generally needs to be mouth to mouth contact, but hey if you know something I don't about snogging mouth to back, go right ahead," stated Padma.

"I know plenty about snogging thank you very much," said the voice as Padma felt the weight lift off her back.

Padma rolled over on the Great Hall floor "do the house elves ever clean here," she thought as her hand landed in some gum. Padma picked herself up and looked at her mysterious attacker and her mouth fell open.



"Well…." Harry gulped, "you see…I, I mean we…and then you….but he….and umm….I…really" 'Very smooth Harry, just keep mumbling and one of them will leave and you won't have to pick'

"Really Harry if you don't want to say it I'll just leave," Dean said heading toward the dormitories.

"If you don't pick, Mr. Potter, you can forget about that snog and you can forget about me!" Ginny said.

With this Ginny turned to leave out the portrait hole, Harry was stuck.

"Wait…" Harry said with a sigh, "I'll pick…."


Hermione was sitting in…the library (A/N: big shock there) when Dennis Creevey ran into her.

"Hermi…. Herm…Heeee." he said breathlessly as he fell down, his arm rose up and handed her a letter.

"Thank you Dennis, but how did you get this?" Hermione questioned.

"I was up in the Owlrey looking for Collin, have you seen him anywhere by the way?" Hermione shook her head "anyway I was looking for him when this owl came in and started flying in circles, I think it was crazy, or at least it's owners are, so anyway it just dropped the letter there in the middle of the Owlrey floor and left, so I picked it up and decided I should give it to you." Dennis finished.

"Well thank you," Hermione said again as she opened the letter.

"Are you sure you haven't seen Collin, because I really need, to find him, I have the perfect picture for him…. I don't know what happened I guess it's a Slytherin thing, but Pansy, Crabbe, and Blaise all have really long green nose hair and they're sitting in the entrance hall eating platefuls of chocolate covered pickles. It's the funniest thing I've ever seen…WAIT maybe Harry will know where Collin is, or maybe Collin's stalking Harry, I gotta go, bye Mione!" said Dennis as he left to a loud 'SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' from Madame Pince.


"LAVENDER!" Padma said with a shriek, "WHY WERE YOU ON TOP OF ME!"

"Because silly I heard you have the snog and I want it, so hand it over," Lavender said putting her hands on her hips.

"Why on Earth would you want the snog, it's a pain in the butt, I mean I have no idea who to snog and you know I don't want all that bad stuff to happen…" Padma started.

"Well that won't be a problem because I know who to snog and you are going to snog me, so there, problem solved! Ready," Lavender said leaning toward Padma.


Harry cleared his throat and began, "I think I am going to choose…."

Hermione burst into the common room "HARRY LET ME SEE YOUR NOSE, QUICK!" without asking Hermione grabbed Harry's nose and jerked his head upward.

"OUCH…. My nose is still attached to my face you know?" Harry whimpered.

Hermione released Harry's nasal cavity and breathed a sigh of relief, she took a deep breath and looked around, the whole common room was looking at her, waiting for some sort of explanation which Hermione was not about to provide, "Has anyone seen the Draco and his idiots?"


"You know Fred, I'm sort of hoping that Hermione doesn't cure the Slytherins, boy I'd love to see Crabbe with green nose hair." Fred said looking to his twin who was sitting in an identical lounge chair.

"Yea, we've always know he's had it but now it will be out there for everyone to see," agreed George


"No," said Harry, "anyway," he said turning back to Ginny and Dean, " I decided to pick Ginny…no offense Dean. "

"None taken, I'm off to find Seamus," he said as he exited.

"Oh Harry this is wonderful!" yelped Ginny and she reached out to hug him, but when she closed her arms there was no one there.

Hermione was dragging Harry down to the Entrance Hall, she handed Harry the letter, Harry's eyes widened.

"And you're saying that the Slytherins-"

"Yes, that's why we have to find them Harry, Fred and George sent me an antidote." Hermione said.

"Have you tried the Great Hall, maybe they wanted more chocolate covered pickles," Harry said jokingly.

"Good idea," Hermione said grabbing Harry's robes and pulling him into the Great Hall, which was oddly silent.

Harry's eyes landed on two people in the isle or the Gryffindor table. There were Lavender and Padma snogging like there was no tomorrow. Ron walked up to Hermione and Harry from the table.

"They've been at it for about 5 minutes," he said, mainly to Harry.

The two finally broke apart Hermione turned to her two friends, "You guys can close your mouths now, they're done." She turned and left the Great Hall, still searching for Slytherins.


The twins' eye's widened.

"Sooo not fair," Fred whined.

"What's not fair?" sighed George

"That's 2 times in a row it's been girl kissing girl, why couldn't we have been there?"

"You are sooo shallow, no wonder why you can never get a date," said George as a pillow hit his face.

A/N: ta da, sorry if it stunk, I sorta need to get back into the swing of things and find all my plot notes…please R and R to make me feel good about myself!