Super Smash Brothers: Unleashed!

Mario sat comfortably in front of his meal, with a heavy decision on his hands. A decision of such a magnitude, it would affect the rest of life with undeniable certainty…

Should I eat the Red 'Shroom, or the Green 'Shroom..., he pondered. The Red 'Shroom, so tasty… The Green 'Shroom, so energizing… What-a shall I do?

As Mario agonized over this life changing choice, Luigi burst through the door. In his haste, Luigi crashed right into the table, ruining Mario's Mushrooms. Mario stared in horror as he realized what had happened to his precious banquet. As Luigi began to speak, Mario exploded.

"Luigi, look at-a what you have done? My 'Shrooms, they are ruined! I think you will be hearing from mister hammer very soon!"

"But-a Mario, I have-a terrible news!" Luigi responded.

"I swear-a Luigi, if Peach has gotten kidnapped again…" he said with a long and weary sigh. "You save her Luigi!"

Eventually, Luigi was able to explain that they were summoned to a tournament. A tournament of epic proportions, or so Luigi claimed. After Mario and Luigi ate something to fill their stomachs, mushrooms of course, they hopped down the nearest pipe and off to the tournament.

Bowser grinned widely as he strut around the entrance to the tournament grounds. He flexed his massive reptilian muscles and breathed the occasional fire ball as the looked at all the smaller creatures around him.

Ahahaha! They are all so tiny! I will crush them with one hand, then barbeque them with the other! Ahaha! This tournament's in the bag, I'll be home before lunch!

As Bowser continued to feed his ego, he noticed a green pipe protrude from the ground about fifty feet from him. He looked with a worrying eye at who jumped out.

The Mario Brothers? They were called here too? Oh crap I'm boned! They beat me every time, I got no chance! Wait, I better not let them see me worried. Yes, Gahaha! Maybe I can scare them away, Ahahah!

As Bowser started off to intimidate the brothers, he slowed his pace a little as the Mario started to argue.

"Luigi, what-a the hell? I thought I told you to clean-a the pipe! Now look at-a what we are covered in!" Mario yelled accusingly, as he indicated to the steaming piles of brown matter adorning his overalls.

"But Mario, I did clean-a the pipe! It's not-a my fault that Wario used the pipe just before we did!" retaliated Luigi, pointing at a rather smug looking Wario about a hundred feet away.

As the Marios continued to argue over who was supposed to have cleaned the pipe, and whose fault it is that Wario used the pipe, Bowser strut his way over to them. He let out a menacing roar as he stared down at the down filthy plumbers.

Okay Bowser, its show time! Put on your game face, flex your muscles, and glare like you have never glared before! The Marios will never know what hit them, gahaha!

"Well if it isn't the Mario Brothers, I see you managed to get here in once piece, and you brought some stinky new friends with you! Hahaha!" Bowser mocked arrogantly.

Heh, smooth old boy! They will be in tears after that one! Man, I am so bad. Ahahaha! Still, I better get out of here before they get mad…

"Lucky for you, I have decided to wait until the tournament before I crush you steaming plumbers! That is if you actually make it to the final round to fight me!" taunted Bowser loudly as he slowly backed away from the plumbers, "Still, maybe you'll get luck and people will smell you before the match, then just give up! Gahaha!"

After guffawing his final guffaw, Bowser dashed away towards the front gates. As he ran, Bowser distinctly heard Mario ask what kind of 'Shrooms he had been smoking, and where he could get some.

Link had watched with amusement at the large turtle beast threatening the rather rank-smelling plumbers. He guessed there must have been a humorous story behind the arrival of the two pipe-riding contestants. As he wondered this, he couldn't help but recall the events leading to his arrival…

It was a beautiful day in Hyrule Field, and Link had just slain some annoying Moblins that had dared threaten his cool. Link was the coolest in the land, and everyone knew it, and if they didn't know it, he made them know it. Link stroked his fine blonde hair, as he looked at himself in the reflection of the stream.

Man, I am so fine. Nobody is as fine as me. Heh, those Moblins, they only wish they were this fine. Dude, I am so fine…

As he continued to admire his own beauty, Navi whipped a rock at his head.

"Navi, what the hell? You nearly scraped my luscious and creamy skin!" Link yelled.

"Oh, get over yourself Link! You are not that hot!" Navi said wearily, as though they had gone through this many times before.

"LIES! How dare you insult my peerless beauty! I'm fine and you know it!" Link responded with a slight edge to his voice, as if he had been genuinely wounded by the remark.

"Whatever you say long-ears, you just keep telling yourself that. Anyway, check out that this letter I found in your mailbox. It says 'Link of Hyrule, you are invited to attend a grand tournament! The winner will receive cash beyond their wildest dreams! Please attend, we await your arrival.' Well Link, how about it?"

"Ehh… I think I would rather make my own clothing line…" Link said dreamily.

Navi looked as if she were about to rip Link apart, but then her eyes got a mischievous shin to them, and she smiled.

"Hey Link look, someone prettier than you!" Navi said hurriedly to Link, as she pointed behind him.

"Where? WHERE?" Link demanded in fury, "Wait a minute Navi, there's no one–"

Before Link could finish that thought, Navi shoved Link into a nearby hole in the ground, which transported both her and Link to the tournament grounds.

"You could have taken it a little easier on me Navi; you nearly messed up my hair." Link said remorsefully.

"Whatever you say pretty-boy, at least I got us here! Now you can win me that money, and we can just pay Ganondorf to return Zelda."

Link just ignored the blue fairy as a commotion was starting across the grounds, as another challenger arrived.

Samus emerged from her gunship slowly and analyzed her surroundings with the Scan Visor. She was sure to take in as much detail about the area and its inhabitants as possible.

Planetary stability: nominal. Atmospheric conditions: breathable. Toxicity level in local flora and fauna: low. Structural stability of nearby construct: acceptable. All environmental variables appear to be within safe parameters. Life forms are extremely varied; they appear to have absolutely no genetic relationship between each other. Many posses either natural or artificial weapons or defenses, some posses both. Analysis of surroundings complete, the results indicate there is no immediate danger present. In the event of any possible dangers, I am adequately equipped to handle the situation.

With the analysis complete, Samus placed a security lock on her ship, and began to walk to grounds. She stopped occasionally to perform a detailed analysis of a plant of person. As she surveyed a rather unusual species of carnivorous plant that had taken up residence in a green cylinder, scans indicated it was called a 'pipe', a rather confused looking primate approached her. The large and hairy ape gaped and her and drooled, as if waiting for something. As Samus analyzed the primitive beast, it appeared to attempt communication.

"Mmmm… Banana…" it said crudely as it scratched it's oddly shaped cranium.

Samus considered responding to the ape's feeble attempts at communications, but before she was given a chance, it spoke again.

"Banana..." it spoke longingly, as it gazed at her.

Banana, Samus thought, a yellow fruit grown in tropical regions of Sol III, it is high in potassium and enjoyed by species such as monkeys, and apes. Why does it assume me a banana?

As she pondered this, she noticed that the ape gazed not at her, but at the tree behind her. The tree apparently bears the fruit known as 'Banana'. Samus stepped aside and watched with interest as the ape assaulted the tree with its face in hopes to attain some of the desired fruit. Fearing that the ape may wound itself, Samus took a few steps back and fired a missile at the tree. Its trunk blew apart and the top of the tree, bananas included, fell not far from the ape. The ape let out a cry of shock and happiness as it jumped on the felled tree and began consuming bananas at an alarming rate. Samus walked away from the ape and headed over to observe a small terrestrial craft that had just arrived.

Captain Falcon leaped out of his racer and flexed, knowing that people would be watching him. People were always watching him, and he grinned at the thought. As he posed for the undoubtedly awed people, a person clad in a bionic suit approached his racer and began to look at it.

"Like it? It's called Blue Falcon, I built it myself" he boasted proudly, and flexed for good measure.

The bionic person ignored him and continued analyzing his craft. He thought he heard the sound of a woman's laughter coming from within the suit.

A chick? He thought happily, I love chicks! I bet she is so impressed by my awesome racer and my glorious bod that she can't help but giggle. Ah, yes, I do have that effect on women. This awesomely toned bod of mine is known to cause riots…

"Hey girl," he said deeply, "If you like that you should check out my fabulously toned bod! I know you are intimidated, but don't worry, all girls are. After all, I am the Captain Falcon!"

As he went on glorifying himself, the woman in the bionic suit walked away still chuckling from amusement.

A chick resisted me? ME? How did this happen? I-I can't believe what just happened. How could she resist my fabulously defined muscles? Oh, my poor muscles. How hurt they must be…

"Heh, don't worry boys!" he said compassionately to his muscles, "We don't need her! Now, who wants a date with the tanning oil?"

Captain Falcon flexed his muscles and acted like they were responding to him. As he continued to amuse himself, an official sounding voice could be heard booming from inside the stadium.

"Honored contestants," It sound with too much enthusiasm, "Please enter the stadium now, and we will begin preparations for the main event!"

The many contestants gathered around the gates, began to slowly pile in to the stadium. As a number of contestants were still arriving, one particularly large koopa could be seen hurling people out of his way so he could get through the gates first.