ba da da daaaaa. this is the part where i stray from the original plot of the "The Man in the Iron Mask " and my reviewers boo me for my crappy plots. enjoy. ;)

Kagome had never really been an impatient person, whether it was because she was brought up as a relatively insignificant servant in the elaborate court of the eastern lands, or because she had spent two years of her life confined in a ridiculously small cell, she could not say. All she was really aware of, at the moment, was of her gradually diminishing patience.

Kagome sent her dance partner a scathing glare, as he whispered in her ear the most obscene language she had ever had the displeasure of suffering through. His hand, clad in tightly wound, black silks and simple glass beads continuously slipped from its place on her waist and at first, she was won over by his profound apologies and innocent demeanor, but in time, the black haired-man had managed to completely obliterate the poor girl's trust.

"Miroku, was it?"

"Ah yes it was, though I still haven't had the pleasure of knowing such a beautiful woman's name…"

Ignoring the man's subtle request, Kagome opted for clenching his steadily descending wrist and hissing through clenched teeth, "Then I assure you, if you want to live long enough to learn it, you will keep that wandering hand of yours to yourself."

He supplied her with a feigned, ignorantly innocent expression to which Kagome uttered an incredulous curse before prying herself from the man's grasp and stomping moodily to an elaborately decorated table, draped in a hefty assortment of sweets and pastries. Her previously foul mood was swiftly obliterated at the sight.

'How long has it been since I've eaten chocolate?'

Before Kagome could indulge in any of the tempting sweets, however, a voice next to her questioned dryly, "Troublesome, aren't they?"

Kagome froze. Her stomach clenched into vicious knots and her heart pounded erratically against her chest. She breathed slowly, evenly, before turning cautiously to the woman next to her.

Kikyo's vindictive brown eyes assaulted her, from under a curve of tidy black bangs. Despite the obviously forced smile on her face, Kagome clearly sensed the hostility emitting Kikyo's already bitter aura.

To her relief, there was no obvious recognition in Kikyo's gaze, though a subtle curiosity could be detected in her chocolate orbs.

Having already forgotten Kikyo's inquiry, Kagome swallowed nervously and nodded mutely, hoping the response would suffice.

Kikyo eyed her for a moment, eyes calculating, smile still in place; Kagome shivered under her silent scrutiny, knowing that the mask had hid her face well enough to distort Kikyo's memory of her, though found she was not at all comforted by the thought.

Kikyo's piercing stare was adverted, momentairily, to something over Kagome's shoulder before quickly returning to wander Kagome's tense figure, a glint that could only be defined as purely wicked entering her lifeless eyes.

She opened her mouth, eyes again focused eagerly on whatever had sparked such a malevolent gleam in her chocolate eyes, only to find a harsh grasp enveloping her pale wrist. Kikyo's head jerked back to berate whoever dared touch her person.

Dull brown eyes clashed with liquid topaz and Kikyo found herself being dragged away by her mate-to-be's decidedly callous grip.

Kagome stood absolutely still for a moment, breath baited. A peculiar mixture of annoyance, curiosity and relief flooded her stiff figure. She made a mental note to thank Sesshomaru, before turning to follow Kikyo's previous gaze as accurately as she could.

She found herself starring past groups of mingling guests to a pair of simple glass doors on the opposite end of the expansive room.

She frowned. 'Maybe she was looking at someone?'

Wary indigo eyes scanned the oblivious guests before returning to the glass doors. Had it just been her imagination?

Brushing it off as paranoia, Kagome shrugged; unaware of the numerous sets of eyes set on her.

Turning back towards the desert table with an impish grin, Kagome proceeded to reach for a small chocolate delight smothered in what appeared to be raspberry sauce, before she was, for the second time that night, prevented from indulging in the sweets elaborately adorning the massive, glass table.

'What gives?' She thought irritably, glaring down at the pale hand wrapped around her wrist. Her withering stare followed the appendage connected to the damnable hand up to the nervous face of a young human boy.

Kagome blinked, azure eyes raking over the boys trembling form curiously. He was obviously a servant in the house, his face eliciting an eerie feeling of recognition in the back of her mind. His features, pale and strained, were taut with a fear that reflected in his wide brown eyes. He held out his other hand, and clenched tightly in his trembling fist was a crumpled slip of paper.

Kagome took the offered paper with a small, reassuring smile, before looking down expectantly.

In the gardens; come, with no followers.


Frowning, Kagome re-read the lines. Was there a change of plans? She blinked, before glancing back up at the fidgeting boy.

"Thank you. "

The boy nodded jerkily, turning away.

Acting on impulse, Kagome reached out to grab a hold of his hand. The boy flinched at the contact, however calmed at the soothing circles she traced on his palm.

She offered the young boy a tender smile before stating in a charming voice, "He may come off as a little intimidating at first, but I assure you, Lord Sesshomaru is a noble man."

The boy's eyes darted up to hers, black eyebrows knitting together in obvious confused. "Lord… Sess…homaru?" he asked in a confused voice.

Kagome nodded enthusiastically.

He blinked in response, opening his mouth before shutting it quickly. His forehead smoothed out and a solemn understanding seemed to dominate his features. He offered the kind woman a sad smile, before tugging his hand out of her grasp.

Kagome watched the peculiar boy melt into a crowd of people before making her way towards the double glass doors, where she knew lead to the castle's extravagant garden.

Her gaze traveled down to the slip of paper in her hand, and a sliver of doubt wormed its way into her conscious. The entire thing seemed a little suspicious. Their plan had been flawless; what could possibly have prompted Sesshomaru to summon her, against the rules he had so strictly set the night before.

'A trap?'

A spasm of panic erupted in Kagome's chest, and she threw a quick glance over her shoulder. The blackness of the night veiled everything but the blurred images cast through the thick glass doors. Crushing the lingering feelings of hesitation, she whispered in a small voice, "Sesshomaru?"

A low rustling to her right made Kagome before releasing a shaky laugh.

"Sesshomaru, you sca-"

A cold hand wrapped around her mouth, at the same time an arm slithered around her slim waist, giving Kagome no time to let out a scream for help.

I LOVE MY REVIEWERS. thanks for the support. ;)
RogueRaven89: aheheh. about that...
Spider Rider 14: when sessy-poo saves the damsel in distress, aka next chapter. i semi-promise.

meepitome of lazy. but i'll try to get on next chapter sooner.