Author's Note: There needed to be more fic where Zhang He get some love from a guy not a girl. HE'S NOT STRAIGHT! I really don't care if you flame me I'm doing this just because so BRRRRRP! Oh also the rating on this may change depends on my mood and the reviews I get. Kay? Good

Disclaimer: I don't own anything okay. Cause if I did I wouldn't be here…teehee.

WARNING: Yaoi! Zhang He/Lu Xun. Just because I find both of them so cute.

Chapter1) New Life

Lu Xun tugged at his bindings. How could fate be so cruel! It would have been one thing to die on the battle field but to be found unconscious and wounded by slave traders was something entirely different. He had to get out of here, he didn't want this to be his fate. Not once did he give in to what these people wanted him to do, he couldn't quit fighting now. Many people came over to look at him but so far no one wanted him which suited him just fine.

Zhang He was passing through the market place life had become dull with out the thrill of battle. Still the large commotion from one of the slave traders stands caught his eye. He recognize the boy from anywhere, it was Lu Xun from Wu but now there was no Wu just Wei. Zhang He frowned when he looked through the crowed of people looking at the boy. Not one of them was beautiful enough to deserve the ex-Wu officer. Cutting through the crowed Zhang He walked up to the slave trader.

"Attendant, go buy him and bring him back with you I'm go home for the day." Zhang He ordered handing a pouch of gold to the attendant before leaving.

Lu Xun continued to scowl at the group of people who had come to check him out having no clue that someone had slipped behind the crowed and bought him. He didn't show his surprise when rough hands grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the crowed. He was brought to a man who by his clothes was someone servant or something like that. If they thought he was going to be easy to get they were wrong. He had thought about it as soon as he realized he'd been captured and his best chance of escape was on the way to his master's home. What he hadn't expected was for them to be going on horse. Damn. Lu Xun thought as his hand were yanked forward and then tied on to the saddle of the horse. Alright I'll just have to wait a little longer. Lu Xun told himself. He would get away just not right now.

When they got to his master's home he was immediately taken to the bath house, and the man who brought him here left Lu Xun with other attendants.

"Lord Zhang He." The attendant bowed before approaching the peacock warrior.

"So?" Zhang He rested his cheek on the back of his hand.

"He's here. Being cleaned up right now."

"Good. You may leave." Zhang He waved him off. Zhang He let his hair fall down, pooling around his hips. He ran a brush through it softly thinking of how fun it would be to have the beautiful ex-Wu officer here. Maybe life now wouldn't be so boring, but more importantly maybe no not maybe he would get the boy to join him in his bed willingly even if it took awhile.

(Author's Note: Yes it's a short chapter so you get to in one)

Chapter2) YOU?

Lu Xun frowned at the garments that these people seeing how they were Wei colored and well you get the idea. His wrist had been rebound after much struggling tight then before and now he was being led out again. Lu Xun was led into someone's bed chambers but there was no way he'd let them think he was nervous or scared.

"Mmmm… Blue doesn't suit you like red does." Lu Xun turned to glare at whom ever had bought him but shock came. The Wei general Zhang He was standing in the door way.

"YOU?" Lu Xun's voice held a bit of fear but mostly anger. Zhang He just tilted his head slightly before stepping into the room and shutting the door behind him.

"Oh… well I'm a bit hurt you don't remember my name." Zhang He frowned sitting down on the edge of his bed looking Lu Xun over.

"Zhang He." Lu Xun hissed stepping away from him.

"Yes, so you do remember me." Zhang He. "Well I must say I'm glad you didn't die, beauty shouldn't just be discarded like it's nothing." Lu Xun just eyed the Wei warrior this was just perfect, now there was no way for him to get out and he'd probably be… He didn't want to think of what might come now. "Mmmm… You're so tense so… scare perhaps." Zhang He smiled when Lu Xun's eyes widen a little. "I swear I won't hurt you." Zhang He said standing up walking over to Lu Xun, who stepped back sucking in a deep breath. "I give you my word I won't hurt you." Zhang He said again walking around the smaller boy. The fact that he didn't trust the Wei officer was probably what kept him still till he felt Zhang He's hands on his shoulders. "Stand still." Zhang He order. Lu Xun gasped when he felt the hands start squeeze and rubbing the tension from his shoulders. Lu Xun started to relax as Zhang He's hand traveled along his back. Zhang He smiled to himself it would be very interesting to have Lu Xun around, and very promising. Zhang He seemed to find the spots where the most tension lied and eased it away to the point where Lu Xun was having trouble staying still and keeping quiet. Lu Xun was really starting to relax which was bad since he wanted to keep his guard up but finding it right now rather difficult. Zhang He licked his lips leading Lu Xun over to the dresser, before continuing the massage. Lu Xun gripped the edge of the dresser trying hard to stay still again and not make any sound. In truth ever so often a soft moan would escape his lips now whether or not he was aware of it. Zhang He smiled to see the boy's eyes closed and took the chance to move his hands closer to Lu Xun's sides but continued the massage. Zhang He move his hands around to feel the muscles on the other boy through the fabric. Lu Xun's eyes shot open and he tried to get away forgetting the dresser was in from of him.

"What are you doing?" Lu Xun shot a glare at the Wei general.

"I really don't have to answer that." Zhang He whispered still holding on to Lu Xun, but had loosened his hold. Lu Xun would come to him willingly and he was not going to have it any other way. After all there was nothing wrong with love between soldiers. "Now before you yell again I think of where you are and your position. I figure that the Wu tactision would know to be careful." Zhang He smirked, as Lu Xun looked down to the floor. "You still think I'll hurt you, don't you? Unless you try to run away or attack someone or something like that I will not hurt you." Zhang He stated again.

"I don't trust you." Lu Xun hissed at Zhang He.

"Fine but I'll telling you that it'd just be easier to." Zhang He shrugged walking over to his bed. Zhang He lent against his head board looking at Lu Xun. It would definitely be fun with him around as a play mate.

Author's Note: Hope you all like it! Third chapter coming soon I hope.