CHAPTER ONE: First day of school

"FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" Dudley yelled, running around the house as his mother tried to comb his hair. He ran by his six-year-old cousin Harry and push him over. "OUTTA THE WAY, POTTER!"

"Come here, Dudders, so that mommy can take your picture," Aunt Petunia cooed to her son, ignoring the fact that he had pushed over his cousin. Dudley was dressed in new clothing that fit his chubby body rather well, new shoes, and had his hair combed over nicely. Harry, on the other hand, was thin and dressed in Dudley's old clothing, which was much too big. He wore Dudley's old sneakers and his hair was jet black, rather long, and stuck up in back. His aunt hadn't even bothered to comb it. To make him look even stranger, he had glasses that were taped together in the middle and a lightning shaped scar on his forehead.

"Why does he have to go too?" Dudley whined, pointing at Harry after his mother was done taking pictures. "He'll ruin everything, just like he ruined that vase!"

"The law requires that he goes to school," Aunt Petunia said rather stiffly, "and if he causes any trouble at school, he'll get no meals for a week." She cast Harry a cold glare before tossing him a plastic sack with a few school materials in it.

"I won't, Aunt Petunia," Harry promised. Aunt Petunia snorted and escorted Dudley out to the car with Harry following in their wake.

A/N: HAHAHAAHA! It's not a romance story, surprise surprise! I hope u like this, and sorry that this first chappie is a extremely short