Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

"Will you always hate me?" the little boy groaned as she got up and walked away from the table, books and quills piled in her arms.

"Until we're both dead," she answered stiffly, turning her nose skywards in hate.

"But why?" he pestered, following her to her seat.

"Because you are you," she retorted. "You are selfish and arrogant, and your head is so big, I wouldn't be surprised if it popped."

"Will you always bother me?" she asked him as he snuck around the corner to watch her sit and study in the late hours of the night.

"For as long as you ignore me," he responded, standing to sit at the desk with her.

She didn't answer him.

"Will you always work with me?" he asked as she moved to the other side of the cauldron, dropping in the required ingredients in intervals.

"Just so long as you behave," she sighed, closing her eyes lightly. "You're so much more enjoyable to be around without your friends there to change your moods or influence you."

"Will you always be their friends?" he asked as she opened a rather large and dusty book, scanning the pages for where she had left off the day before.

"They're your friends," she assured, "and are therefore mine as well. After all, someone has to look after you lot, right?"

He smiled, throwing an arm around her shoulder lovingly.

"Will you always stay with me?" she asked as he slipped the engagement ring onto her finger, allowing her to view it from several angles before kissing her briefly on the cheek.

"Until I can no longer remember who I am," he whispered into her ear. "I can never leave your side, my love, I have made a vow to myself that I wouldn't."

"Will you for always cherish me?" she questioned him in her wedding vows, staring into the hazel eyes that had held her spellbound since the day they met.

"Until death do us part," he promised. "That is why we are here, isn't it?"

"Will you always protect him?" she asked as she rocked her baby boy back in forth in her arms, forehead sweaty and hair sticking up.

"He's my child," he said. "I would be a failure of a father if I didn't."

"Will you always love me?" she asked as they looked up at the starry night sky, the moon casting pale beams of light upon their faces.

"Forever," he replied, tucking a hand around her waist and drawing her closer on the bench that they shared in the park. He rested his head on hers, adding, "Even when the stars die out and the moon grows dim will you be in my heart."

"Will you always remember me?" she asked, as he left got up to the room, wand in his hand, voice trembling. She clutched the bundle of blankets that concealed her child closer to her, hands shaking.

The man turned back to her, a look of pain on his face. "Even if I don't live through this fight," he murmur gently, "you will. And you will watch our boy grow and learn and live. You will be the mother we always spoke of, and he'll love you, just like I do.

"Yes, Lily, my love, I will remember you."

A/N: Just a random one-shot that I had bouncing around in my head for about thirty-eight seconds before I wrote it. It was supposed to be Lily and James conversing through several stages of their lives, but I'm not sure how many people caught on to that. Hope you r/r and check out some of my other fics!