A/N: Whoot! We're almost there! DH is just under a day away, OotP is doing incredibly well in the theatre and I've mapped out the rest of where this story is going finally. Hopefully DH will push me into finishing it in the next few weeks, depending on my work schedule. I do want to thank you all for your patience and perseverance in the past two years in dealing with my fickle writing habits. Just wanted to touch base with all of you once again and to promise that I will not abandon this fic and that there is, indeed, a light at the end of the tunnel.

Harry swallowed hard, blinking owlishly at the adults around his bed, looking rather small against the mass of pillows behind him in the hospital wing bed. It was rather disconcerting having Severus', Dumbledore's, and Pomfrey's undivided attention on himself and he shifted a bit. They had all shifted around after Dumbledore had requested that Harry explain what he remembered from the night before, Harry getting shifted back against a mass of pillows and the others in seats gathered around his bed.

"Well…um. I didn't purposely do anything. Draco was ranting about how unfair things were, but I wasn't listening to him much. I just stood there, looking at him," here he nodded his head toward Severus a bit. "I just felt so angry and helpless, so I turned my attention to his dark mark, thinking about who and what it represents and treated it as though it were Voldemort himself. I started yelling at him, telling him to leave Sna—er, dad, alone. That's all I really did, then there was a big flash suddenly and the next I remember is waking up in this bed," Harry finished, looking as bewildered as he felt.

Severus stared at Harry incredulously and Madam Pomfrey was watching Dumbledore, who was deep in thought. After a moment Dumbledore nodded, seemingly to himself and looked at Harry with a smile. "Well, it looks then that we get to catch you up on events, rather than the other way around, though I think I may have an idea of what occurred.

"When you began speaking to the mark, according to young Mr. Malfoy, you were speaking in Parseltongue. Now, as I briefly mentioned, whenever I attempted to remove the mark before the only thing that occurred was that a sort of green fog would emit from the mark, almost like smoke, and Riddle's laughter would begin. It was almost as though he were mocking me for my attempt. This fog occurred when you were speaking to the mark, and Draco said that another set of hissing began, in another voice," Dumbledore continued, pausing when Harry nodded hurriedly.

"It did, then. Voldemort started to goad me, arguing back. At the time, I thought it was just my imagination, that it was what he would say back if he were there. You know how he gets when he starts making speeches," Harry rolled his eyes a bit, smirking wanly.

Dumbledore chuckled briefly and nodded, sharing a look with Severus, who seemed to also understand the reference all too well. Severus smirked, sitting back in his chair, unconsciously rubbing his left arm with a few fingertips while listening and watching Harry.

"Now then, the fog became quite animated and locked Madam Pomfrey and I in her office, while also shutting the ward's door shut behind your friends, who had just arrived. Then, according to Draco and the others, your conversation with Voldemort turned rather heated, particularly when the monitoring charm on Severus started to sound.

"It was only moments later that a blast of magical energy erupted from you, not once but thrice, shattering the windows and doors, and engulfing you and Severus. The blasts knocked young Mr. Malfoy back, knocking him out, and rendered you unconscious as well. By the time it stopped and we were able to leave Madam Pomfrey's office, Severus was alive once more."

As Dumbledore paused to allow the information to sink in for Harry, Severus picked up where he had left off, "You said you have a theory on what happened, Headmaster?"

Dumbledore nodded, looking at the younger man as he spoke, "I believe Harry may have inadvertently used a variation of Legilimency. What variation, I cannot say at this time, and it is entirely possible that it is a unique form due to Harry's connection to Voldemort through his scar. I will be researching it, and will let you both know what I find."

Harry and Severus both nodded before Severus was herded back to his own bed. Both patients were dosed with a light sleeping draught once more as both Dumbledore and Poppy -retreated to their own quarters for a night of well-earned rest.

After the rather unnerving events of the Welcoming Feast, all those involved with the events were relieved to find that the school year settled into its regular monotony, nothing more dangerous or unusual than the normal detentions and house rivalries, mounting homework and quidditch practices.

As it was their OWL year, Harry, Draco and friends were kept more than sufficiently busy and Harry could not have been happier that he had taken Hermione's advice to drop Divination, though she had been rather disappointed to learn that he had not picked up another class in its stead, rather opting to have a free period. He was very glad he did, however, as he still had to focus on Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures.

Add quidditch practice to that and balancing time with his Gryffindor friends and time with his father and Draco, Harry had more than his share of busy-ness. He and Draco, having become rather good at Occlumency, had moved onto Legilimency, though Severus refused to teach them the finer aspects of it, sticking with the basics. He insisted that given that it was essentially mind-reading, they really had little business learning it at their age, and only indulged them in the basics at Dumbledore's encouragement.

Harry was glad to have Lupin back for DADA, and was thoroughly enjoying his best class, homework and all, since there wasn't much. Transfiguration was much more challenging this year, and the pile of homework was substantially heavier, leading to many moans and groans at the end of every class, and an increasingly disapproving, pursed-lip expression from Professor McGonagall.

Charms varied between simple and amusing and the opposite extreme of frustrating and hair-pullingly difficult, leaving Harry feeling vaguely like he was in a wave pool that sometimes calmed and then other times threatened to drown him. Potions class was…well, potions. Having Severus not breathing down his neck and paired with Draco, who at least had some semblance of what he was doing, plus the addition of a repelling charm on the top of his cauldron had made things better, but he certainly had not inherited his parents' knack at the art, which Harry secretly thought frustrated Snape to no end. He knew it was only a matter of time before he had to start taking remedial potions, if his father had anything to say about it.

Harry used History of Magic like most others in the school, as a means of catching up on sleep or neglected homework while the ghostly Professor Binns droned on about goblin wars and giant rebellions. Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures were wonderful excuses to get outside the castle for a few hours before the weather started to turn cold for the season, though Harry didn't particularly care too much for Herbology, especially if a plant they were working with was particularly vicious, or sprayed stinky sap or oozed pus…or did really anything that most magical plants seemed to do.

CoMC was much the same with Hagrid as teacher, and if Harry had been honest with himself, he would have dropped it with Divination if Hagrid hadn't been the teacher. But he enjoyed spending time around the giant and hadn't had the heart to drop the class.

Aside from their worry, Ron and Hermione treated Harry no different than before, though occasionally Hermione would shoot shrewd looks at him when she thought he wasn't paying attention. Ginny, Luna Lovegood, and Neville all started to hang around them more as well, becoming (along with Ron and Hermione) like a pack of bodyguards, buffering him from the rest of the school. Seamus had been rather subdued since the Welcoming Feast, and always gave Harry and his friends a wary berth. Dean personally had nothing against Harry, but as he was closer friends with Seamus than he was with the rest of his dorm mates, he joined him in staying on the sidelines.

Since the beginning of the year, Hermione had taken to burying herself in the library even more than usual, checking out every book with a reference of wizards coming into their majority. After a few weeks, Ron and Ginny had taken to joining her when Harry was with his "Slytherin bunch" as Ron had taken to calling Severus, Draco and Blaise.

Unfortunately for Hermione, Ron and Ginny didn't have nearly the stamina she did for a research project and had taken to doing homework or enchanting bits of paper to act like quidditch figurines and balls, starting miniature quidditch games over the tabletop with them.

"This is hopeless! There is not so much as even a mention of what the magical majority can be indicative of, nor anything really of use about it!" Hermione huffed one afternoon in mid-October. Ron and Ginny watched her as she thumbed rather violently through another dusty tome, her frustration evident. Ginny glanced around, making sure that Madam Pince had not been attracted to their location by Hermione's outburst and was surprised to see that the library was rather empty, save for the two boys coming their way.

Draco smirked and winked to Ginny, leaning between Ron and her to pull the book out from under Hermione's nose and examine it as Blaise lingered silently behind him. "You know, Granger, you really ought to keep your voice down, wouldn't want the wrong sort finding out what you're researching, lest they get curious and start to wonder why," he muttered softly, ignoring Ron trying to slink away from him. "Did you ever stop to think that perhaps you can't find anything in a book about it because there is nothing in a book about it? A magical majority is incredibly personal and never the same for two people."

He looked rather smug at his proclamation and focused on the page he had been thumbing to, raising an eyebrow before looking up at Hermione. He turned the cover so that he could read it and gave Hermione an incredulous look now, "Mind arts and disciplines, Granger? Surely even you couldn't think that there would be anything of use on magical majorities in this book…unless it's not information on magical majorities that you're really after."

Ron growled and stood, putting himself between Draco and Hermione, "What's it to you, ferret? And what, are you saying she's up to no good? If she says she's looking for stuff on magical majorities, then she is." Draco scrunched his nose as though Ron were a disgusting bug and circumvented him, sliding into the seat on the side of the table, across from Ginny, scooting his chair closer to Hermione to make room for Blaise to scoot a chair in next to him.

"I don't believe I was talking to you, Weasel. Unless I'm very much mistaken, Granger is fully capable of answering for herself," he replied to the redhead, who blushed furiously and looked ready to lean over the table and punch Draco. Ginny rolled her eyes, yanking him back into his seat and shaking her head as she went back to her essay. Ron gaped at his sister for a moment before turning his attention to Hermione as she blushed furiously and glared half-heartedly at Draco.

"Given that you're far nosier than you ought to be, Draco, I suppose I can admit that I'm not looking this up purely for my own personal knowledge. Professor Dumbledore has me looking up a few related topics as well, but that's all I'm saying to you!" She replied hurriedly, blushing even more as Ron and Ginny both stared at all, having had no idea that she was leaving things out.

"Ha, I knew it…does Potter know that you're researching him?" Draco responded before either of the Weasleys could cut in, Blaise sitting back with an amused expression as he watched the banter.

"Well, no, but Dumbledore doesn't want to tell him anything before things are fully researched," Hermione replied, nibbling her bottom lip and looking at the stack of books beside her, "But there doesn't seem to be much."

Draco slid the book to her and moved to stand, but Ginny piped up before he could, "How are things with your housemates?" Draco looked at her, giving a withering glare that somehow didn't have the same venom it used to.

"Fine, if you consider that nearly all of them have turned on me and started taking to pranking me and sabotaging me in Potions. It's a wonder they haven't started attacking me outright, yet," he replied casually, with a slight tinge of bitterness.

"Surely Professor Snape can stop them?" Hermione replied, looking at Draco with a bit of concern, which only served to make Ron's ears turn red in addition to his face.

Draco snorted derisively and stood up completely, "They don't respect or listen to him now that the truth is out about him, they have no reason to, and all the more reason to be as disrespectful and hostile toward him as possible, especially with everyone essentially spying on the other for information to pass to their parents."

"Like you used to, you mean," Ron finally spoke up, glaring at Draco. Draco stared right back before shrugging.

"Of course, it's how all of us are raised and groomed to be. Though at least Professor Snape is still the head of house and can still rule on matters related to that. They all tried to kick me off the quidditch team, but he over-ruled them. I wanted to quit after that, but Harry convinced me to stay on the team to spite them," he replied, smirking and shaking his head. "He's more Slytherin than anyone gives him credit for."

Ron looked ready to launch into an argument against that point, but Ginny kicked him, as Draco and Blaise both stood and started to head off. Draco looked over his shoulder at them, "Happy hunting, just be careful about who is around when you start screeching about not being able to find anything."

Ginny called out to him as he and Blaise moved farther away, "You know you've got us, thanks to Harry! Ron too, even if he won't admit it, and Neville and Luna are on your side as well." The only response she got was Draco pausing briefly in acknowledgement, Ron glaring at her and Hermione looking oddly proud.


Halloween fast approached and was soon upon the school and Harry was excited about the feast, always loving the decorations, the sweets and the incredible amount of food that the elves prepared. Thankfully this year the holiday landed on a Saturday, so there were no classes, and Harry and his friends spent most of the time in their common room, minus Luna, who was a Ravenclaw, and the Slytherins for obvious reasons. They, like many others, had decided to eat breakfast and lunch in the tower as well, wanting to be surprised by the decorations when they went down for dinner.

Of course then, Harry should not have been surprised when they finally gathered in the Great Hall for dinner that Draco, Blaise, Severus and Dumbledore were all missing. Assuming that they were all in the dungeons for one reason or other, the Gryffindors took their seats and continued chattering about quidditch and their approaching first game against Ravenclaw.

A short time later, Severus entered the Great Hall, followed by a very silent and pale Draco. He guided the boy gently to the far end of the Slytherin table, closest to the Head table and patted him on the shoulder while muttering something into his ear. He then proceeded to his seat at the Head Table and sent Harry a rather grim look. Before Harry could really consider what could cause his father to look at him in such a way, Dumbledore entered the Great Hall, looking unusually somber and made his way to his seat, though did not sit.

He stood at the Head Table and surveyed all of the students as they grew silent and looked up to him, expecting his typical Halloween speech. He finally cleared his throat, "May I have your attention for a moment, please? Before we begin this delightful feast, I do have an announcement to make. Earlier today, a band of Death Eaters attacked a wizarding family in Cornwall. Normally, I would not bother you all with such a fact, on such a holiday, however the victims were the family of Slytherin student Blaise Zabini.

"Blaise's aunt arrived this evening to withdraw her new charge from the school, and has removed Blaise to live with his remaining relatives in Italy. Please take the time this evening to wish him well in such a harsh time of his life, and remember the Sorting Hat's words in that each house must making bonds with the others if we are all to come out of this war as best we can. And with that, tuck in." As Dumbledore sat, the tables became laden with food, though the conversation level in the hall was much more subdued than before, even at the Slytherin table.

"How awful, poor Blaise," Hermione said quietly, as she tucked into her meal and Harry could only nod in response, watching Draco closely. The boy was understandably in shock, pale and looking utterly miserable. A short while later, the eagle owl that Harry had seen him receive letters from before arrived bearing a missive. Draco took the letter warily and sent the owl off with a piece of his untouched dinner.

If at all possible, the boy became even paler and looked ready to upchuck anything he had eaten in the previous 24 hours and looked up to Severus. Harry watched the exchange and with a quick nod from Severus, left his own dinner in favor of following Draco to Severus' private quarters, waving away his friend's questioning looks and gesturing that he would tell them where he was going later.

He entered the quarters just minutes after Draco, peering around the darkened room to the figure hunched over in a chair in front of the merrily crackling fireplace. Harry approached quietly, sitting on the arm of the chair after a moment and gently laid his hand on Draco's shoulder as Draco brooded and stared into the fire.

After a few moments of silence, Draco finally spoke softly, almost to himself, "We found out at lunch, and stayed in Dumbledore's office while waiting for more news other than that there had been a raid." He scoffed at himself, "I wished we hadn't, those hours were the worst in my life. Then word came that they'd been killed…and that my father had been the leader of the raid. His aunt arrived shortly before the feast and Severus was preparing to escort me down. Blaise pulled me aside after speaking with his aunt, explained that he was going to Italy.

"Given the distance, he didn't think we would survive as a couple, so he was breaking up with me. But I could tell from the look in his eyes, that all he saw in me at that moment was my father…my father killing his family." Draco became quiet and Harry gently wrapped his arm around the other boy's shoulders, pulling him gently in silent support. After a few minutes, Draco continued, waving the missive he had received at dinner between a few fingers.

"This is from my father. It essentially says that I should consider the raid and the way my housemates are treating me as a warning of what is to come if I continue associating with you, Severus, blood traitors and mudbloods, as he put it. I don't know what to do, Potter…he attacked Blaise's family because of me, to warn me. Granted they had been neutral and weren't happy with the idea of picking sides, but that's beside the point…"

Harry suddenly realized that at some point of the discussion, Severus had joined them rather silently, but was standing back to allow Draco the time to release his thoughts. "Maybe I ought to just go home and get the mark…become a spy like Uncle Sev did. If it would stop this sort of stuff from happening and keep my parents unawares…"

Harry noted that Severus had quickly decided to join them once he realized where Draco was going with his train of thought and he sat in the chair beside Draco, staring at him intently until he had his full attention. "That is not for you to do Draco, and it would help no one. You may be fairly decent at occlumency, but the Dark Lord is one of the best legilimens in the world. He would see through what you were doing and kill you before you would even receive the mark.

"It is not your fault that Mr. Zabini's family died, only your father's and the Dark Lord's and everyone else that was in that raid. Things will work out and you will stay safely within the walls of this school, completing your education. THAT should be your first priority, not some half-baked idea of spying. You are not even of age yet and would be utterly useless to the Dark Lord short of being cannon fodder. So no, Draco, you will not get the mark and become a spy, even if I have to bind you to that chair until the war is over," Severus spoke softly, with great conviction.

After a few moments, Draco nodded and Severus visibly relaxed a bit, taking over for Harry in embracing the boy gently around the shoulders. "Of course, you're right Uncle Severus…I just hate feeling useless and vulnerable to my parent's threats." Severus nodded his understanding and looked over his head to Harry.

"Draco, I'd prefer if you were to stay in my guest room tonight, given the current attitudes of your housemates and I will discuss the possibility of moving you into that room temporarily with the Head Master, as a measure of safety for you. Harry, you are welcome to stay tonight as well, or you may return to the feast and your friends." Harry examined his father's tired and weary expression and Draco leaning into him as though he were a rag doll, knowing that his father wanted time alone with his godson to console him and hopefully get Draco to get a full night's sleep, even a potions induced one.

Harry shook his head and stood, "I'll head back, give you two some time to sort things out…" He replied a bit awkwardly, feeling better when he saw his father's nod and his expression of thanks in return. Harry nodded in return and retreated from Severus's quarters to head back to his friends and the feast, hoping that Draco would be all right with Severus guiding him.