A/n: This was originally going to be a one shot, but I thought the ending felt a bit abrupt. Besides, the first part was from Max's POV; what would Logan make of it?

(Plus it gives me extra space to try and persuade Gypsydoggy10 to re-post.)


Scars on the Soul: Part Two

Logan sat in his chair, gazing out over the city, lost in thought. The sun had set spectacularly hours ago before his unseeing eyes; now the twinkling lights of Seattle were the only illumination in the dim apartment.

Max's words and gestures repeated over and over in his head. He marvelled at the idea that someone as physically perfect as Max could see him as a whole person, not the broken ruin that had stared bleakly back at him from the mirror. He rarely looked in a full length mirror these days; it was just easier not to have to contemplate what the rest of the world saw when they looked at the great and powerful Eyes Only.

Logan saw their expressions every time he left his self imposed prison; the pitying looks he got from everyone from sector cops to market vendors to his own family. He hated them, hated standing out, hated the feeling of helplessness and inadequacy it gave him.

Only once had he seen the same thing in Max's eyes. He'd turned away, so he didn't have to see it, but he knew it was there. He remembered so clearly…

"See you're back at it. Rocking the boat."

"Somebody's got to."

"I'dve come sooner, but… I didn't. How you doin?"

"Not in any pain; good and bad news of a blown out spinal cord."

"I'm sorry."

It was then he'd seen it. Guilt and pity in those eyes he'd looked down into so recently, eyes that had run over his athletic body from head to toe, while he held a shotgun on her. Eyes that had connected with his as they looked into the mirror together, dropping their guard just a little too far and allowing him a look at her barcode. How he'd wished afterwards that he'd kissed her, just so he could say he'd stolen the breath of an angel…

"I'm sorry." Everyone was sorry about what had happened to him. Sam, Matt, Bennett, Lauren… Even Bruno. The only people who'd never told him they were sorry were Bling and Jonas. Bling because he knew Logan didn't want to hear it, and Jonas because he wasn't. In fact, a glint of triumph, a clear 'I told you so, Junior,' had been present in his eyes when he first met his nephew after the shooting.

But Max thought he was incredible. And she'd hardly met him before the chair came along. The strongest, bravest, most unique human being he'd ever met; let alone the most beautiful. Who cared what Jonas thought if Max admired him? With her behind him, there was nothing he couldn't do.

Unless… was she just saying that? She did need him to help find her siblings. Maybe she thought a little 'over the top flattery' of her own would keep him on her side.

But she does way more for me than I do for her, what with all the missions, Logan thought. Max doesn't need to flatter me to get me to help her. And the kiss…

When Max had brushed his scar so lightly with her lips she'd had no idea of the effect on him. Logan swore he'd felt the contact in every nerve in his body; like a spark jumping across the gap in his spine. Right at that second, he could have risen to his feet and taken Max in his arms. And he'd have a second chance to steal the breath of his angel…

Then another thought occurred to Logan that wiped the smile from his features. What if Max was just curious? He doubted she'd had much to do with the disabled before him; why should she? What if she just wanted to know what it was like to screw a cripple?

But no. The kiss hadn't been a sensual gesture. It had been about friendship, trust… acceptance. It was only him trying to put a romantic spin on his relationship with Max. She probably thought of him as just a friend, the only person she could talk to about her past without fear. Maybe if he could walk she'd begin to see him differently. But for now, he was more than happy with just her friendship.

In that case, maybe she'd take the invitation he intended to make the next day the wrong way. Max might even think she'd been leading him on without realising it if he asked her to come meet his family. Besides, after an evening with that crowd she might never want to see him again.

It would probably be safest to just not show. Bennett would be pissed that his best man had stood him up, like he had at the wedding rehearsal (Logan had been in no state to go; he'd been too busy treating the electrical burns on Max's back left by the Reds). But he could always use the excuse that it would be his first family occasion since the shooting. Hour after hour of twittering aunts and cousins and associated hangers on all telling him how sorry they were. And it wouldn't be a lie. Without Max beside him, he didn't think he'd be able to keep it together until it was time for his carefully prepared and written speech. His cousin would understand, eventually.

Yes. He'd drop the rings back to Bennett tomorrow after basketball; the least Logan owed him was a face to face explanation. It was definitely the right thing to do.

And Logan Cale always did the right thing. Right?


The End. So? What did you think?

This story was the best I could do as far as persuasion goes, but here's some shameless begging:

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please re-post Making Amends!