Title: Reason

Summary: Naruto had to have had a reason to create the Sexy No Jutsu, right? One shot. SasuNaru, NaruSasu, you know the deal. Oh, this is an AU because Naru is seven and the demon talks to him. Deal with it. Warning: 2 am moodiness. You flame and I can summon it right back up at 11. DON'T try it. The last person who tried did not get away unscathed.

Disclaimer: This is a rare treat for you. I usually forget it. So… if I owned Naruto… well… lets just say boys. Lots and lots of boys. Making out. Constantly. And Sakura would've drown or burned or suffocated after her first appearance. Therefore, I do not own Naruto.

Should it even be possible for a seven year old boy to not only like another boy, but to take into account the said boy's feelings on the matter? I mean, really, truly take them into consideration.

The answer you reached is probably no. It's far too mature to look from another's point of view at that age.

But, the seven year old chibi Kyuubi wielder sat in his room, contemplating his current dilemma. No, it was never easy to be gay in a small village of homophobes, especially not for Naruto, who held a hated demon somewhere in his mind and was also seven and therefore too young to properly defend himself from a horde of the said homophobic villagers, where they to find out. He had a crush on Uchiha Sasuke. Everyone had a crush on Uchiha Sasuke. But he felt something different for the Avenger. A kind of unknown recognition. Because they both had lost everything. Because they had both felt empty. Because… they both needed someone to love. He liked him more than anyone else did. But there was only one problem.

The Avenger wanted children. Meaning that he couldn't, under any circumstances, be gay. Meaning that he would never notice Naruto the way Naruto wanted him to. This is what had Naruto in a bind. Yes… This was defiantly something he would have to fix… That was when the idea hit him. A jutsu that transformed the body of the user into that of the opposite sex. Both inside and out. He nodded. Yes, that would work.

And so, the chibi demon vessel "trained" for months until he had perfected the technique. When he wondered how he would test the inside part, the Kyuubi had assured him that the transformation worked. Worked very well, in fact, for being made by a seven year old. Naruto was in luck, for he soon realized that he only needed a little Chakra to transform and then a little more to de-transform, so he could be a girl for as long as he wanted, even when he was nearly depleted of Chakra. He knew that being pregnant would lower his Chakra quite a bit, so he was relived about that.

Even if he was being mature in his thought of Sasuke's problems, his naiveté shown through in the form of the fact that there was no, heck, there was less than no doubt in his mind that he was going to be with Sasuke.

But, all in all, his creation of Opposite No Jutsu, later renamed as the infamous Sexy No Jutsu, merely proved one thing: When Naruto set his mind to it he could be quite a genius of geniuses.


S.A.: Yeah. Short little one shot to get the ball rolling. This is the first in a trilogy of one shots. Review, please!