1Lost it all

Rating: M

Summary: When Sanji makes the greatest sacrifice, can Zoro and the others cope? Without his hand, can Sanji even hope to continue his cooking...can he even continue living...? The least likely among the crew must help Sanji find himself, and in doing so...Save his own soul.

Disclaimer: Nope. No own.

A/N: This is only a teaser...If you want me to continue this story- you must let me know! Okay?


It all happened so fast, Zoro didn't even see it coming. One moment the cleaver was hanging over his shackled wrist, and the next... It was gone, along with the man who had been holding it. Sounds of crashing could be heard and he turned slowly, just in time to see the bloody meat cleaver sail through the air, and then the world was bathed in red.


Blood flew in an arc, striking him in the face and sliding down his cheek, so that he was seeing through his right eye into a red-tinted universe. He was dimly aware of small noises coming from a huddled mass on the floor, but he couldn't see who it was.


"Gerrup, you piece of crap! GERRUP!" The man kicked the other, striking him in the stomach so that he threw his head back, gasping in pain. An arm was curled around his middle, clutching at his left hand, or what was left of it. A bloody stump, that was all that was left...

Zoro stared, his eyes widening in horror as he stared upon his savior's face. It wouldn't register, the shock was too much for him to handle...How could this be? Why would he? What in the HECK gave him such a stupid idea!

Sanji was curled over his amputated hand, tears of pain sliding down his face, teeth clamped firmly down onto his lower lip. Zoro knew he was too proud to scream, not over this. Although the utter loss in his eyes was tearing the swordsman's heart in half.

"Sanji..." He whispered, "Why...Why did you...?"

Their tormentor apparently had had enough of the brave act and he struck Sanji so hard he skidded backwards, his left arm flinging out to where another man waited. He gripped the cook's arm and twisted it, before pulling up his foot and slamming it as hard as he could onto the injury.

In all the time they had been crewmates, Zoro had never heard such a sound from the other. It was a wail of pain, horror, loss, guilt, love, and rage...And it gave the other the strength he needed to strain against his bindings, pulling as hard as he could. There was no way he was letting them do this to Sanji. Sure, he was an annoying, self-conscious idiot, but he was...HIS annoying, self-conscious idiot!

But something that happened next froze the other in his tracks. Sanji looked up at him, and smiled... "A swordsman...may...need...only one..." He murmured around the blood in his mouth. "But...the...greatest...swordsman...in the...world...must have both...h-hands..."

Zoro felt tears in his eyes, but he wouldn't let them fall. "Sanji...I..."


This time, Sanji didn't cry out. He didnt have the time to. One second he was there, and the next there was a limp and bleeding body lying on the floor not five feet to Zoro's right.

Rage like he had never known infected the samurai and he brought both his hands toward him in one swift motion, snapping the shackles like wood. His eyes burned and he snarled, "I'll KILL you."



"Zoro, this isnt...any...Luffy..."

"Fault...all mine..."

"Sanji wouldnt want this...Zoro, please...!"

It was his name that managed to rouse him from the darkness, a place where there was no pain, no annoying pirate king's wanting breakfast, no bumbling, tri-wielding swordsmen. But these voices...something important was going on..and he wanted to know what.

As soon as he 'fell' back into his body he was overcome with pain, but he pushed it all aside. The voices were clearer now, in fact they were right next to him; and man were they LOUD. Didnt they know he was trying to sleep!

"Zoro...! Zoro, come on...Put the sword down!" Who was that...Nami?

He fought to open his eyes, fought against the glue that seemed to want them shut for some reason. That only made him want to open them more. When he could see, he let out a low gasp, not enough to be heard over the clatter of the pirates that crowded his room, but pretty loud to his ears.

Zoro stood not too far from his bedside, his right arm held outward, one of his unsheathed katana's in the left, held just over his wrist. What was he doing!

"ARE YOU NUTS!" Luffy cried, trying to get to the other man, "Sanji would KILL you if he knew you were doing this!"

Or at least seriously maim.

"Its my fault, Luffy!" Zoro's voice was cold, flat, dead. "He lost his hand and its BECAUSE OF ME! Do you want to know what the last thing he said to me was? DO you!He said 'A swordsman may only need one. But the greatest swordsman in the world must have both hands!' That was what he told me! ME! Now HE cant follow his dreams- all because of me! If Sanji cant become a master chef than I cant be the greatest swordsman! End of story!" And he brought the blade up.

No one had any time to move. The metal flashed and that was it. Blood sprayed, and Zoro clenched his eyes shut. He had done it...and now...he wouldn't be ashamed when he saw Sanji...Not anymore...Now that they were the same...


Use that little button on the bottom left of your screen that says 'Submit review' and tell me if I should continue this or not!