Disclaimer: Don't own the Teen Titans

Don't own, do care.
Because of the confusion in the last couple of chapters…here are summaries, starting with chapter 6
Chapter 6: After being told she was going to be killed as a traitor by Gizmo in chapter 6, she has a moment where she laughs darkly about having such "great friends." This makes her remember about when she was in school. While in school, she was thought to be the Headmasters "favorite" thus jealousy from other students made her become picked on. When they picked on her however, she would just blast them…etcetera. Instead of being punished, she is sometimes complimented on, and the teachers take no real action to stop her. Instead, one remind her of her appointment with the Headmaster. Walking through the halls she feel satisfied with the looks she gains from other students, who had been in her classes before, and had seen her powers. When reaching the Headmaster's door, the experience is…insane. Cutting through the good details, we arrive to the Headmaster lecturing her to only attack those who disrespect both of them…overall the good guys. He tells her a story about his own daughter, who turned her back on his evil ways, and "disappeared." When asked what Jinx learned she replies that "I am not your daughter" and thus gets hurt. She then goes over the scene, and finds a new answer to the question, which is "that your daughter did not disappear" ---and now we go to the chapter's title "would you make me disappear?"--- (does this mean Jinx fears leaving? Hum…I do not know, maybe?) The chapter reemphasis the fact that Jinx just wants to be respected. And she'll go to extreme standards to be respected.


Chapter 7: Seemore comes to talk, tries to get Jinx to lie about being a traitor, however it is of no use. Kid Flash gives a slight hint of being jealous. Seemore then brainwashes Jinx to believe she was brainwashed by Kid Flash to be "good" and follow along, etcetera. Her great performance in believing so, allows her to be let out of the cage by Gizmo. However…she is a little bit more…evil now. She mouths off to Madame Rouge, who tells of her henchmen coming to take the Teen Titans and Kid Flash away, and that they may leave tomorrow. After leaving, Jinx freaks out Gizmo, and blasts Billy Numerous. Apparently, due to the brainwashing, she now has major headaches, and the little bad voice in her head…(there's a hint in the story of it being louder then usual) may have a little bit more power over her (of course the little voice inside her head is her…just a different part of her). Madame Rouge's henchmen come in the middle of Kid Flash's and Beast Boy's conversation, telling them they are going to take them.

Chapter 8: The Hive Five is pretty freaked out by Jinx's last encounter with them. They decide to leave, no one volunteering to tell Jinx. Jinx finally gets up and decides to pay Kid Flash and the Teen Titans a visit. (stuff happens and…) Madame Rouge's henchmen pretty much get their butts kicked while Jinx leans on the door and watches. Kid Flash and her then have a conversation about him knowing her, and her being good…and Jinx kisses him. But then she tells him she thought it would be better and left. Leaving Kid Flash pretty much in shocked, and saying it wasn't Jinx (MENTALLY NOT JINX) and Beast Boy able to relate because of his past relationship with Terra. (that's it, no more Terra. Terra will not be making any scenes as she is currently incarcerated in stone at the moment)

Chapter 9: Jinx looks for the other Hive Five and finds Seemore, who confesses how much he cares for her, and how much Kid Flash does too. He then tells her how he brainwashed her and then unbrainwashed her. Upon waking, she finds herself covered in a blanket and a apology note from Seemore, feeling guilty she gets up to look for him. Upon opening the door, she walks into, (and its just her lucky day) Beast Boy, Kid Flash, and the other Teen Titans. All of whom she wished to avoid, especially Kid Flash, because she kissed him. Beast Boy then makes the Teen Titans move up ahead (because he feels bad for Kid Flash, and is able to relate to his relationship with Terra, and now is trying to get Kid Flash and Jinx together) Jinx apologizes and Kid Flash accepted…eventually, accepted, after he freaked her out by getting really close.

Chapter 10: She walks with the Teen Titans, because she is looking for Seemore, hopeful that he is still in the building. The Teen Titans are still looking for the documents. Beast Boy asks her about who she is looking for and she replies Seemore. Robin then gets all freaked out (you know how he is with villains) and jinx refuses to tell him about why she wants to find Seemore. Things get out of hand, and she yells at Kid Flash, and tells him to leave her alone. Robin pretty much pushed her over the edge, way to go Robin. Kid Flash, has had enough, and goes to comfort her, but instead her little bad luck magic makes it so the wires fall from the ceiling, break and start spitting out electricity. You know, like they fling around everywhere, shooting off sparks? This puts a "wall" (or more like electrical wires) in between her and everyone else. Kid Flash then admits he let it go on, without much effort to stop it because he too wanted to know why she was looking for Seemore. Tisk tisk, Kid Flash. Jealousy is a bad bad thing.

I'm crossing my fingers you still get this, this was a really really quick summary, so I'm hoping I didn't leave anything out, or make too many mistakes in grammer and spelling. If I did, send me a private message...or on my forums. And I'll reply quickly