AN: Holy crap is it even possible? Yes it is dear reader, after a bazillion years and lack of reliable computers to work with, I have finally updated this story! Cheers and applause Writer's block is a pain in the butt, and that's been part of my problem too, I couldn't figure out how to say what was in my head on the screen. I finally got it figured out though, and it's made this chapter really long (at least in MSWord I'm sorry ahead of time if you have trouble figuring everything out. Splitting it into two chapters just didn't work. It's got a bit of a change for the chapter name, as I felt it didn't explain enough. So we move ahead into the next chapter:

Chapter 5: Black Sheikahs, a Prince, a Princess, and a cow

Link gulped, staring up into the emotionless expression on Impa's face. He wasn't sure what to think; on one hand, she was the Sage of Shadow and he liked to think of her as a friend, but on the other, she was the Princess' bodyguard and head of Castle security. "Um, this isn't what it looks like…" he said nervously. Impa only raised an eyebrow as he slowly resheathed his sword.

"So you're not an oddly dressed commoner armed to the teeth trying to sneak into the castle to meet with the princess which is quite illegal and could get you thrown in jail for a long period of time?" she asked as Link gulped.

"I can explain it…"

"Because if you were, I'd point out that you are also the good friend of said princess and would be more than happy to tell the guards to let you in." Link opened his mouth to protest before his brain caught up to what she had said.

"Y-you would?" he asked surprised. Impa nodded, the barest hint of a smile coming across his face.

"Of course I would. I know you hero, and to let you go and possibly end up in prison would most upset Her Highness as well. You took a serious risk young Hero, your young lady friend down there was way too nervous about something and she kept looking in this direction. Thankfully I was leaving the castle or else you would have been caught by the guards. I used my powers to sense any threats, but instead I found the pulse from your TriForce. I'm quite glad to see you."

Link nodded. "Yeah, I was trying to suppress it so that Zelda would be surprised when I showed up. I guess I can't pull one over on you Impa." But then he scowled. Though it doesn't shock me that she didn't sense it with all the crap she's doing lately. She's too busy letting everything go bad around here.' He grumbled. But then he instantly regretted it, as Impa's expression darkened, and she stepped closer, towering over him.

Link hastily backed up, feeling a chill go down his spine as Impa spoke. "You would do well to watch what you say Hero and to whom you say it to," she warned, her eyes narrowing. "I will forgive your lack of judgment this time due to you not being here, but you do not know the pressure Her Highness is dealing with at the moment and you can not begin to understand without seeing everything for yourself. But you will not say such a thing again, is that clear?" Link nodded worriedly, stepping away another foot. "Crystal. I apologize for my rash tongue Impa." He glanced around, thinking. "So, how do I get in then? I don't have the proper papers to get past the gates."

Taking hold of Link's arm, Impa said, "I'll get you in for now. We'll be sure to get the proper ID for you later." Concentrating, she formed hand signs with one hand, before there was a flash and the world seemed to stretch around him. Link's body felt like it was being squeezed in a vice, stretching across time and space itself as the world swirled into a purple void. Seconds later it stopped, and Link was dropped unceremoniously onto the floor of what appeared to be an empty hallway as the world stretched back into reality.

"Ugh…" he groaned, clutching his stomach, trying to hope he didn't vomit cucco leg all over Impa's boots. Impa chuckled.

"I'm sorry, that can be rough for those who aren't accustomed to Sheikah teleportation." Link nodded, his stomach feeling as green as his tunic.

"Yeah, thanks for the warning." He said, getting shakily to his feet. Looking around, he saw that the corridor was rather pleasant, with gray stone making up the walls, with doors spaced every few feet on one side and windows on the other. Hoping fresh air would help his naseau; he walked over to the window and glanced out. "Hey, I know where we are!" he said, recognizing the walls of hedges seen outside the window and the slight glimpse of a courtyard in the distance.

Impa nodded, gesturing down the hall to where two large ornate doors stood, guarded by two tall and bored looking guards. "We're going this way."

Link followed, looking around. He hadn't ever been down this way in the castle, but he realized it had to be near the throne room since he saw that they neared the courtyard as they headed down the hall. As they did, he glanced at Impa, remembering the strange sight of the 3 figures in his dream the night before. "Hey Impa, can I ask a question?"

Impa nodded. "Ask away hero."

"Have you ever heard of black Sheikah? You know, like Sheikah wearing everything black?" He didn't know what her reaction would be, but the fact that she froze in one spot and her expression went from shock to anger, to fear to hurt in 2 seconds worried him. After a few moments, Impa finally found her voice.

"Link I don't know where you heard that, but there is no such thing as black Sheikah." She sighed, shaking her head. "They are nothing but legend, and you would do well to not mention them ever again."

Link frowned; clearly Impa was hiding something, and felt that it wasn't something to talk about at the moment. He nodded. "I'm okay with that."

Reaching the doors, the guards stared at them, before bringing their spears together and blocking them. "Only you may pass Lady Impa, the Princess is in the middle of a meeting and only authorized personnel are allowed in."

Impa nodded. "I know this, we're planning on heading up to the balcony and watching until its over." She gestured to the left where another hall led to a flight of stairs leading upwards. One guard nodded, while the other frowned.

"Are you sure he's allowed Lady Impa?" Link scowled, annoyed by the fact that this one was even from Dovaria but a Hyrulian guard.
"Yes, I can vouch for him as will Zelda when she meets him later." Impa said, not waiting for a reply and setting off down the hall. Link shrugged at the guards before following her up the stairs and onto a large balcony.

The balcony ran around the edge of the room, with several guards placed at various points around it. It had a large railing completely surrounding the edge, only stopping at the four points where stairs led down onto the floor. The room was large, with a tall ceiling high above them, and the balcony was a good three stories above the floor of the room.

Link followed Impa to the railing, blinking from the bright sunlight streaming into the room from the large windows. As he neared the edge, the sounds of annoyed arguing came to his ears, the source being from the various beings at a long wooden table sitting in the middle of the room below, with two thrones situated at the opposite ends of the main doors.

"I can not simply understand why you are so stubborn on this matter!" an older, long bearded man said angrily, throwing his hands up in frustration. "With out the guidance and wisdom of King Daphnes, Hyrule will end up having to take a side eventually your Highness, we will be seen as weak if we do not!" several of the people around the table nodded, all looking towards where someone was standing, her back to the group as she stared out a window. Looking at her, Link's heart leapt, it was Zelda. With the sun streaming down behind her, her hair seemed to glow, giving her even more of a beautiful aura as she sighed, clasping her hands behind her back.

"As I have told you before Sir Rolan; I will not, I repeat, will not take Hyrule on a course of action that will lead us to war." She said, turning to face them and Link could see her face was even more mesmerizing. "There must be a way to calm all the races so that an equal treaty can be worked out."

Rolan shook his head, incredulous. "You are being stubborn!" he said exasperated. "They are refusing to let any type of negotiation be started." A middle aged woman next to him nodded. "They don't trust each other, and they are starting to lose trust in you! They see you as weak for being so foolish about this!"

"I would rather be seen as a weak minded peace lover than a war mongering dictator." Zelda said fiercely and that silenced the council for a few moments.

"The treaty with Dovaria is working, and peace is starting to be brought back to more of the troubled areas." Rolan pointed out. "They have been ever so helpful in this. The union between the Prince and her Highness will be most beneficial." A fat man across from him snorted.

"Yeah, because they're taking all the good stuff and letting all of our people get the scraps."

"Oh please, as if you need anymore scraps around that ample middle of yours." Rolan shot back and the man glared at him.

"Anyways, the woman said, bringing their attention back. "Your Highness, no matter what you feel, the Zoras and Gorons are both agreed on that you must make a decision on this matter by this time next week. Or they will seriously start putting thought into whether or not our alliance with them is worth it."

"She's not going to side with either one." Rolan snorted, crossing his arms. "She's too hung up on trying to be like her mother and that damn idealistic crusade she had been so hung up on. Look where that got her." he humphed, unaware of the amazed and shocked expressions many of the council were giving him as they looked nervously over at Zelda. Before he could say anymore, there was a breeze and suddenly Impa's hand was on his shoulder. He jumped, freezing when he realized who stood behind him. "You will be careful to watch what you say. Especially words said about the late Queen." Impa said, and her eyes flashed dangerously. Rolan stuttered an apology, bowing to Zelda who sighed wearily and shook her head. Impa nodded, releasing her grip on Rolan's shoulder. Glancing at the clock, Zelda moved so that she was standing at the end of the table.

"Your opinions I feel are what you all truly think is best for the kingdom. I thank you for your willingness to share them with me. But I believe I will be able to come up with a solution that will keep our lands at peace and end all this discord. I will be sure to take them into consideration and get back to you all on these matters within a few days, I promise you that." She said. The council members nodded standing and starting to leave, with Rolan rubbing his sore shoulder.

Zelda watched them leave, before walking to her throne and sinking onto it, clearly worn out. Impa glanced up at Link and made a gesture for him to come down. Zelda closed her eyes, rubbing her temples. "Goddess this is wearing on me. I can't handle so much stress being thrown on me constantly." She muttered. Impa nodded, moving around to rub the princess' shoulders.

"It comes with the job your highness." Impa said, and Zelda snorted, rolling her shoulders under Impa's hands relieved by the Sheikah's skill.

"You want the job then?" she asked Impa. Impa chuckled, looking up as Link reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I think I'll pass, but you have yet another visitor your highness." Impa said, and Zelda groaned.

"Impa, I just want to end it for now and go sleep in my chambers." Zelda complained, shaking her head. "Tell them I'll talk to them later." Impa chuckled as Link got closer.
"So I disappear for 5 years and I get stuck on the waiting list?" he teased, stopping in front of them as Zelda's eyes shot open.

"Link!" she said excitedly, jumping out of the throne and running at him. She hit him with a huge hug, and he lifted her off her feet, twirling the joyous girl around. "You're back!"

Link grinned as he finally put her back on her feet. "Yeah, I figured I'd been gone long enough. Plus I was kind of missing everyone." He admitted. He gazed into her eyes, and found himself for whatever reason leaning towards her. "Especially yo-"he was cut off as a smooth voice echoed from behind them.
"Well, am I missing all the fun?" the voice belonged to a tall man, wearing gold and black armor walking into the throne room, followed strangely but an awe struck Malon. Zelda quickly shoved herself away from Link, hurrying up to them. "Prince Bernardstrom," she said smiling.

"Your highness, you are as beautiful as ever I see. I was just helping this young lady in the stable, apparently a cow was being difficult and she needed help calming her down" The man said, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. "I was just coming to ask you to join us for lunch."

Zelda smiled, a blush coming to her face as he kissed her hand. "I am feeling hungry." She admitted. "I've been stuck in meetings all morning." Link scowled, glancing at Malon, who shrugged.
"We can not have that!" Bernardstrom said, looking as if it were the end of the world. "Such a beautiful flower as you could wither away if you didn't feed her! I must make sure you join me then!" he smiled as she giggled, then glanced up, seeing Link. "And who is this strapping young lad?" he asked.

"Oh, he's Link, an old friend." Zelda said, waving it off like he was a fly. A vein in Link's forehead twitched as Bernardstrom came over, offering his hand.
"It is a great pleasure to meet your acquaintance Link. The Princess has mentioned you many times." Begrudgingly (with Malon's insistence for him to do it behind the prince's back) Link took it. The prince had a strong handshake, but Link knew his was stronger.

"Haven't heard squat about you." He muttered.

"Would you care to join us for lunch?" Link opened his mouth to refuse, but his stomach grumbled and Zelda was glaring at him, daring him to say no.

"Yeah, I am kind of hungry…"

And so we leave our friends here. I hope this kind of explains better where Zelda's mindset is at, since some reviewers weren't happy with how she was acting. I stole some Star Wars quotes in here, see if you can find them, and you get an e-cookie for your good work if you do :) Next up, we go to lunch and tensions get high and questions are asked in Chapter 5: Lunch troubles (Plus you might see Sheik heh heh heh I'll never tell… )r & r!