Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Familiar stranger...

Chapter six: The offer.

"Just give me a chance, itoshii. I promise nothing and no one will hurt you or your son."

Naruto stilled, his eyes closing in resignation as he asked, "Why can't you stay out of my life Sasuke?" Despite the question, there was a small lingering smile on his lips that the brunette did not miss. He brought his hand up to caress the pale cheek of the new Uchiha heir and smiled, "What would you do if you were in my shoes Naruto?" Leaning in he grasped the blond's chin. Glorious blue eyes looked at him uncertainly. "He is your son, I won't dispute that. He is an Uzumaki, he'll be raised like one. I... I just want to be a part of it Naruto."

Brushing his thumb across a tanned cheek he murmured, "I want to be a part of you. A part of your life and I want you to be a part of mine." Naruto narrowed his eyes in thought.

When he came to Konoha, he wasn't planning on so much to happen. He just wanted to reveal himself, finish his problem with Itachi and leave to settle down at Hidden pearl with his family. That's the kind of life he wanted for Daisuke, peaceful and secure. Jiraiya did an awful mistake when he brought Daisuke to Konoha. His eyes gained a silvery glint as he looked at the man he loved for so long. "You know how it feels Sasuke? How I feel right now?"

Sasuke frowned as Naruto continued, "In my arms I have my son, who also happens to be the son of an S-class criminal. He possesses two of th most powerful bloodlines to ever exist in the history of leaf. People still hunt me for my eyes as they hunt you for yours. Moreover, we have the Akatsuki that would do anything to get the Kyuubi in me. I have a family in Hidden Pearl yet Tsunade would make me a missing-nin if I leave leaf and people here still hate me for being alive. What would you do if you were in my shoes Sasuke?"

Sasuke had nothing to say to that. That way Naruto said it, he felt that they were being selfish and very unfair to Naruto. Closing his eyes he let go of Naruto and asked, "Give us a chance Naruto, please give me a chance." He knew that he was at the point of begging but his pride didn't matter any more. No matter what Naruto said, Sasuke didn't believe that he would be safe outside Konoha. Naruto was the most stubborn person he knew, he just hoped that he still loved the village enough to stay.

The tense moment was broken when Daisuke shifted in Naruto's arms and buried his face in his father's chest. Sasuke felt his heart stop beating for a moment, the expression on Naruto's face when he looked down at him son stunned him. It was simply beautiful, his eyes were half-lidded and warm, his lips eased into a gentle smile. As he leaned down and kissed his son's forehead he whispered, "I'm not as strong as father was, not in will, not in power."

Sasuke smiled. "No, you're stronger."


Tsunade narrowed her eyes on Jiraiya as he walked into her office with a very serious face.

"You are doing him great injustice Tsunade." Jiraiya stated, gazing straight into her eyes. "He belongs in this village Jiraiya. This is his home, his father sacrificed himself to save this village. How can he just ignore such a heritage? He's letting his father's sacrifice go into waste."

Jiraiya leaned back and said, "Naruto is like a son to me Tsunade. I would never have brought Daisuke here if it hadn't been for you."

"I am doing what's good for him." She said resolutely, ignoring Jiraiya's icy countenance. The toad sannin leaned forward, "Good for him? You are being selfish. You know that there is no other person fit for the position of Rokudaime, you know that there is no way any shinobi can get stronger than Naruto. And sacrifice Tsunade? Arashi got the easy way out! Naruto is the living sacrifice, everyday, every moment. He is paying for Arashi's sacrifice. What good are you doing to him? Forcing him to stay in a village that would rather have him dead? Letting his son face the heat and hatred from the villagers just for being Naruto's son."

He looked at Tsunade straight in the eyes, "That boy has been raised with such care and love Tsunade that it will break him if he faces the same hatred as Naruto. I admit he has got potential to be a shinobi. However, I am warning you Tsunade, if the boy comes back with even a single tear on his face Naruto would raise hell on earth."

Tsunade narrowed her eyes. The toad sannin went on, not bothered by the anger in her eyes. "Konoha has never been good to him and you are using him as a mere commodity."

"What exactly are you accusing me of?" Tsunade hissed, her eyes glittering in rage. "I love the brat and I don't want to see him hurt anymore than you do." The Hokage sighed and closed her eyes, "And this is not solely my decision. Hiashi-sama and the elders' council insisted that Naruto should be brought back. My hands are tied Jiraiya. He is an Uzumaki Heir, they are not going to let him go! Besides, if Naruto leaves now, I am dead certain that Uchiha Sasuke would follow him. He loves him."

Jiraiya snorted, his lips curling in disgust. "What's so new in that? Uchiha Itachi loves him too."

"What did you say?" The chair stumbled back as Tsunade abruptly stood up and glared at the other sannin. Jiraiya looked nonchalant, his eyes looking bored and his posture lazy. "Exactly what you heard woman. Naruto doesn't know this, but Uchiha Itachi loves the brat, may be even more than the younger Uchiha does."

"Who the hell goes on a rapes the person he loves?" Tsunade asked, her tone disbelieving. What Jiraiya said shocked and horrified her.

"A person who is under the influence of another form of cursed seal." Jiraiya replied calmly. He didn't look affected by what he just said. Sarcasm dripped from his tone as he stated, "Now we know the mystery behind the Uchiha massacre. Our beloved ex-teammate had found an ancient scroll and used the slavery seal that it contained to tame the genius Uchiha. Orochimaru still controls Itachi to an extent, but he cannot take over his body, the seal contaminates the very soul of the barer. Orochimaru has a personal Uchiha soldier to keep Akatsuki in check."

"You mean... You mean Itachi is innocent?"

"Yes, I do."


Sasuke watched as Naruto ran tender fingers along his son's cheek. Sasuke had agreed to stay with Naruto in the large and homely Uzumaki mansion. Its warm environment was the absolute opposite of the ghostly Uchiha district. Sasuke could see that this was the right environment for the boy to grow, rather than his house. They were currently in a room, which Sasuke presumed was made for Naruto by his parents. His blonde was kneeling by the bed, stroking his son's cheek as though trying to drown himself in the little boy's carefree innocence.

Naruto was aching inside, Sasuke could see that. His regal features were pinched, his eyes dark as he gazed down at his son. It was a look only a loving father could have. Naruto was worried about his son and Sasuke didn't blame him. The blond was just so young, Sasuke could only imagine what it would be like to be pregnant at the age of fifteen, and being a male at that.

"Sasuke." The young Uchiha snapped out of his daze and looked at Naruto. The troubled look in his eyes did not escape Sasuke's sharp gaze and he raised a questioning brow.

Naruto took a deep breath and let it out heavily. Giving his sleeping son's cheek one last loving caress he stood up and silently walked out of the room. The Uchiha glanced once at his nephew and followed Naruto, a small smile lingering on his lips.

The blond didn't speak a word as they walked down the stairs and sat near the fire place. Although Sasuke was eager to know as much as he could about the past five years, he kept quiet. He knew that Naruto would tell him, the expression on the blond's face pointed out as much.

Naruto leaned back and gazed at Sasuke with half lidded eyes. Those deep cerulean eyes reflected specks of dangerous silver of Naruto's mysterious bloodline. His eyes were searching, as though determining whether it was safe to tell his secrets to Sasuke. The Uchiha left himself open to Naruto, all barriers and walls down for him to explore.

Five years ago, Sasuke wouldn't have dared to show others what he was like on the inside. However, five years without Naruto by his side taught him more than he'd like to admit. There was nothing he needed to hide from Naruto. There was nothing he wanted to hide from him.

He relaxed slightly when he saw a small, hesitant smile grace Naruto's rosy lips.

"There is a lot you don't know Sasuke." Taking a deep breath Naruto continued, "If you heard a our conversation, you might know that I'm Yondaime's son and therefore the inheritor of his bloodline." Looking at Sasuke straight in the eye he smirked, "I don't think you'd like this, but you see Mejiro is an advanced form of Sharingan. Since Daisuke has both bloodlines, he got his eyes developed very early."

Sasuke leaned forward and frowned, "How come I'm not aware of this bloodline? After all, if this is an advanced form of Sharingan than I would been informed about it." Naruto sighed, "You knew of Mangekyou only because Itachi possesses it, right? Our bloodline is advanced and therefore only a few members of our family inherit the bloodline ability. It is odd that my father, Daisuke and I, all have Mejiro. It has never occurred in three consecutive generations."

"What does it do?" Sasuke asked, somewhat intrigued. Naruto shrugged, "The limits of it? Don't know. As it is the evolution of Sharingan, it has all the powers of the Sharingan. The only advantage your bloodline has over ours is that it can still predict our moves, which Mejiro cannot. And of course, we don't get Mangekyou in any shape or form." Sasuke's eyes widened marginally. There was another bloodline with the capability to copy jutsus. Surprisingly, Sasuke was not angry or jealous. However, he didn't understand how Mejiro was an advanced form when it actually lacked some of Sharingan's most useful tricks.

"However, that's not what makes Mejiro so feared and wanted." Naruto added. Sasuke raised an eyebrow at the blond's obvious hesitance. He ran his fingers through his hair in a nervous gesture, "It stills time Sasuke."

"Nani?" he asked, looked at Naruto sceptically. The blond sighed, "Activate your Sharingan." he commanded as his eyes glazed over and two simple silver rings appeared in his eyes, both rings were connected with spikes. Sasuke looked at those eyes in wonder before activating his Sharingan.

The air suddenly got heavy and before he ever knew it he found himself wincing. Bewildered, he raised his fingers to his cheek and felt slight wetness. He brought his fingers in front of his face and saw it covered with small amounts of blood. His eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at Naruto who smirked at him. "Still don't believe me Sasuke?"


"I told you I can still time. I can stop time for four seconds and that's more than enough for me to kill nearly six people." Sasuke stared at him in disbelief. Six people in four seconds was not something to joke about. Then again, if they were not fighting back and staying still it wouldn't be too difficult.

Naruto leaned back again, "However, Daisuke is at a serious disadvantage. In a few years Sharingan will manifest itself and hamper Mejiro's abilities. In a sense, Sharingan will be drowned out by Mejiro. However, Daisuke will loose his ability to copy jutsus along with the Sharingan." Sasuke pondered this for a moment. It didn't matter to him that their bloodlines clashed, what baffled him was the fact that he had never heard of such a power. Frowning slightly, he asked, "So Itachi never considered the possibility that having Kyuubi inside you could enable you to bear a child?"

Naruto laughed huskily and said, "I knew it! Sasuke, Kyuubi isn't the reason I got pregnant. Its my bloodline."

"What!" Sasuke exclaimed, incredulous. Naruto chuckled at the expression on Sasuke's face, "The Mejiro can only be passed down by the person who already has that ability. In my clan, females were very rare, one in three to four generations and even fewer with Mejiro. Therefore the clan devised a jutsu that could enable males with their eyes already developed to produce heirs. Over a period of time, it got ingrained into our blood."

Naruto smirked at Sasuke's stunned expression, "So you see Sasuke. As some would call it, giving birth to Daisuke was my destiny."

"My god... Naru..."

"Its nothing Sasuke." Naruto assured with a small smile. Tilting his head to the side, he looked down at the small fire that kept them warm. "It hurt at first. I didn't know where to go, what to do. I was so confused. There was this fear that Itachi was there, hiding, watching me." Shuddering slightly he continued, "Jiraiya-sensei came looking for me after he heard about the rape from Tsunade-baachan. He knew this would happen. And for once I am thankful for him, if he wasn't there I'd have been lost Sasuke. I didn't know anything!"

Sasuke resisted the urge to stop Naruto from speaking any further, however, a large part of him wanted to hear what happened. The blond's expression of pain almost rendered him undone.

"I was happy, I had grown stronger in my three years training with Jiraiya, I had managed to bring you back. To me it was the happiest time in my life and then Itachi happened." Shaking his head he closed his eyes, "We traveled a lot, however, as my pregnancy started to progress, traveling was not an option. Kyuubi suggested that we go to a demon village for a while and I trained there through my first trimester. It was then I was spotted by my grandmother."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. Naruto looked at him from the corner of his eyes and smiled, "It isn't everyday you see a pregnant male Sasuke. She knew I was her grandson the moment she saw me. After all, I look a lot like my father. She took me to Hidden Pearl where I was tended to through the rest of my pregnancy."

The smile left his face as he looked back at the fire, "Going through it made me realize how much a woman goes through. It was such a painful experience, my whole body used to ache, there was morning sickness and those dreadful mood swings. I was so confused by it all and most of all I was scared. It hurt like hell. The delivery was worst! It was like the baby was going to kill me inside out. He wanted to come out but there was no way he could, I was a male after all. This was supposed to be totally out of my capacity."

Sasuke actually winced trying to imagine what it would be like. The expression on his face was that of horror. Naruto laughed out loud. Small, almost invisible tears formed at the corner of his eyes as he smiled, "They had to perform a C-section to get the little brat out. But Sasuke, when I first saw him my heart stopped beating."

Sasuke felt a small smile forming on his lips as he saw Naruto's expression of awe and wonder. "That tiny, pink bundle was my son and the way my heart swelled that very moment... I would never forget it. All that pain, all that emotional suffering seemed nothing compared to the utter joy I felt the very first time I laid eyes on him."

Beautiful cerulean eyes glittered in warmth and love and Sasuke found himself mesmerized. "Believe me Sasuke, there is nothing, absolutely nothing that can describe that experience."

"Tsunade just doesn't understand! Loosing a child is thousand times worse than loosing a comrade or family. It terrifies me Sasuke. I would have slipped past easily, but with Daisuke I cannot ensure his safety if Hunter-nins are on my tail." Naruto murmured.

Sasuke didn't know what to say. With everything he went through, he deserved to be at peace. 'At least he was not alone.' He thought in relief.

"You need to kill him Sasuke." Naruto said finally making Sasuke start in surprise. He looked at Naruto sharply. Naruto did not react to all this, "You need to save him and the only way to do that is to kill him."

"What are you talking about dobe?" He questioned, icy anger coloring his tone at the mere mention of his brother. He found sharp cerulean eyes looking straight at him. The expression on the blond's face was a mixture of seriousness and pity, which managed to annoy him further. It was pity for his brother and that is something Sasuke would never tolerate. His brother was a psychotic, power hungry murderer who deserved the worst of punishments, not pity from the beautiful blond angel in front of him.

However, the next words Naruto said shattered everything that he had known in his life.

"He is cursed Sasuke. He has been cursed with Orochimaru's slavery seal since the day before the Uchiha massacre."

Naruto didn't wait for Sasuke to speak. He just stood up and smiled at him. Sasuke's eyes followed his each and every movement as he leaned forward and planted a soft, timid kiss on the corner of the shocked Uchiha's lips. Brushing a strand of midnight black hair away Naruto whispered, "I know this gives you a lot to think about." Caressing the milky skin of his one and only love, Naruto smiled. "Your brother was never a monster Sasuke."

Just when Naruto was about to leave, Sasuke grasped his hand in a vice like grip. The blond gasped when he was pulled onto Sasuke's lap and grasped into a tight, seemingly desperate embrace. It didn't take long for Naruto to realize the meaning of the gesture. He wrapped his slender arms around Sasuke's neck and dug his face into his shoulder. The Uchiha's breathing was harsh against his ear, and he was trembling. Naruto didn't say anything, he just waited for Sasuke to settle down and calm himself.

He closed his eyes, he knew Sasuke wouldn't believe him. After all, he had just contradicted what the brunette had believed for a major part his life. He had just destroyed the whole purpose of his life.

However, Naruto found himself surprised. Sasuke stopped trembling and tightened his arms around Naruto. "Is it true?" he whispered in his ear, his voice full of hope. "Please tell me its true!" Naruto's face melted into a smile. "Yes its true."

Naruto became serious again and warned, "However, you cannot forget Sasuke. Itachi cannot be saved. The seal is slowly corrupting him. In a few years time he'll become the monster we all believed him to be. You have to kill him before that happens." Sasuke stilled in his arms. Naruto slowly detached himself from the now limp embrace and whispered, "I'll give you some time to think. If you need anything I'm in the master bedroom."

Sasuke just nodded numbly.


Kabuto watched with growing fascination as the object of his master's interest trained. He was dead certain that he was found out the minute he came here. However, the young man in front of him didn't bother to acknowledge him, which was very peculiar. He adjusted his glasses and continued with his careful observation. Kabuto had to stop himself from walking up to the young man and challenge him to a fight.

Orochimaru was indeed a man with a great eye for talent. And this man screamed raw talent. Jiraiya was truly a miracle worker, Uzumaki Arashi and then Uzumaki Naruto. Both of them late born geniuses. If Uzumaki Naruto was anything like his father, Orochimaru's plan would work perfectly.

Kabuto smirked. His eyes following each graceful flip and duck. Kage Bunshins without hand-seals and tai-jutsu with speed too fast for his eyes to follow. Such speed, such grace was the true mark of an Uzumaki. It was unrivaled power which defeated even the mighty Kyuubi.

"Kabuto-san. Are you just going to stand there and observe me or are you going to inform me of the true purpose of you visit?" Naruto questioned calmly continued his training, not even out of breath. Kabuto smirked and stepped out of the shadows. Naruto didn't glance at him but Kabuto was well aware that if he made one wrong move, he'd be sliced. The Katana in the blond's hand looked just as dangerous as it was beautiful. The bejeweled sword sparkled and shinned and Naruto seemed to wield it with expert efficiency.

"Observing you is quite delightful Naruto-kun." He stated as his eyes followed the blond's movements wearily.

Naruto snorted in amusement as he sliced another Kage Bunshin ignoring he puff of smoke that clouded his vision momentarily.

"Orochimaru-sama wants you son."

Naruto stilled. All his clones disappeared in a series of pops as he calmly sheathed his sword. "Does he now? And how do you propose he'd do that?" Raising to his full height Naruto glanced at Kabuto with bland cerulean eyes. He was somewhat disturbed with the utter lack of alarm in the fiercely protective father. However, it wasn't surprising. He was well aware of the circumstances that led to the little boy's birth and frankly Kabuto was somewhat disgusted by it.

It was simply Orochimaru pulling his strings that made Itachi behave so disgracefully. He knew what was making the snake sannin so desperate to get his hands on the boy. His control over the older Uchiha was slipping steadily. Kabuto didn't have a sliver of doubt that Orochimaru would have hell to pay if Itachi found out what he had planned. Even under the effects of the seal, the Uchiha was shockingly difficult to control. If his affection for the demon-vessel did override Orochimaru's control then Itachi's wouldn't hesitate to have the sannin's head on a silver platter.

Orochimaru had been edgy ever since his plan backfired. Kabuto had to admit, with all his medical knowledge he hadn't imagined that the two bloodlines would clash. On paper, Uzumaki and Uchiha bloodlines had perfect compatibility. Naruto's son should have been a perfect wielder of both bloodlines. However, Orochimaru's little experiment came out to be a perfect failure.

Initially, the plan was flawless. Itachi's desire for Naruto and his near obsessive affection was a solid base for Orochimaru to manipulate the older Uchiha. As suspected, the Uzumaki blood running through the blond's veins acted up to its heritage and Naruto got pregnant.

Everything went downhill from there. The first thing that went wrong was the strengthening of Itachi's mental barriers. Alongside his growing love for Naruto, the sannin's control of the ancient seal started fading. He didn't anticipate the Konoha council to be so careless and let an Uzumaki slip through their fingers when he was with a child. An Uchiha child at that.

He didn't count on Naruto actually meeting the Uzumakis at Hidden Pearl. Naruto's safety was assured the minute he stepped into that powerful village.

What eventually left Orochimaru's plan in shambles was the fact that Naruto's son was defective. He would possess the Sharingan for no more than a month and his Mejiro would be permanently hampered. The boy was useless to Orochimaru now.

Kabuto refocused his gaze on Naruto who was looking at him. There was something very unnerving about that steady stare. Power radiated from that lean frame and Kabuto was certain that it owed nothing to his bloodline or the Kyuubi. The sound shinobi was hoping that this particular plan would work. Naruto was not a person who could be easily manipulated. The boy had lived through a life that Kabuto wouldn't wish on the worst of his enemies. He was a lot easier to tolerate than Uchiha Sasuke.

Smirking, he looked into those frigid eyes and replied to the blond's earlier question. "By war of course." His smirk widened into a smile when Naruto visibly stiffened. Cerulean eyes narrowed and silver rings so unnaturally beautiful, came into them. Tilting his head to the side, Kabuto's eyes gained a little mocking glint as he said, "If you don't hand the boy over peacefully then Orochimaru-sama would attack leaf to gain him."

Naruto scoffed, but caution was clear in his eyes. Kabuto knew that the plan was working just fine. It was somewhat surprising to see how much his master knew of people's mindsets.

"Even with skilled and powerful ninjas like you and Sasuke-kun, leaf wouldn't escape without casualties. Civilian casualties." Kabuto felt triumph coursing through his veins when Naruto's lips thinned and a frown appeared between elegant brows.

Kabuto shrugged casually, "Who knows, Orochimaru-sama might be able to succeed in killing your beloved Tsunade-sama." That was the last straw. Kabuto would see it. "You are still considered quite young to take over the office, aren't you Naruto-kun? How will you handle a broken Konoha and cope with the loss of your son and your elder sister? May be even your beloved Sasuke-kun?"

The Sound ninja smirked when he saw little droplets of blood falling from white knuckles. "Surely you know that you're already selected by the council as the Rokudaime. That powerful blood in your veins is very hard to ignore you know? As the Rokudaime, you can't pursue your son and avenge the death of your comrades."

"All this can be avoided Naruto-kun, all you have to do is hand over your son. Hand over your son and Orochimaru-sama would never bother your village again. Surely..."

"Take me instead." Naruto interrupted. Kabuto resisted the urge to smile. The outcome was exactly what Orochimaru had expected. "Take me and leave Konoha alone. If Orochimaru promises that he'd never bother leaf and Tsunade, Sasuke, Daisuke and Itachi, I'll come willingly."

Kabuto raised a brow at the mention of Itachi. His lips curled in amusement, "So you know? Why am I not surprised."

Naruto snorted, "Kind of difficult to ignore. I burned off his shirt once. Uzumakis are not called seal masters for nothing, it was easy to figure out what that long set of seal running along his spine was. Nice trick though." Naruto locked his gaze with Kabuto and smirked, "That snake bastard finds it very difficult to control Itachi now right?"

The smug look on the blond's face didn't sit well with Kabuto. His eyes narrowed as he questioned, "You tampered with the seal?" Naruto beamed, his lips twisting derisively, "I inherited my father's affinity for seals. Weakening that seal was a mere child's play for me. Its a pity I say, although I can't save him, I can at least free him from that bastards curse."

Kabuto ignored the rising panic his chest and asked, "So, you want to sacrifice yourself for the sake of the village? Just like your father. I thought you'd give your son away." The sound nin shrugged, "Doesn't matter I guess. You are rumored to be more powerful that both Uchiha prodigies combined. You can fight on par with Tsunade-sama, can't you?" A disturbing smile graced Kabuto's lips. "Orochimaru-sama could use a powerful vessel like you."

"You are mistaken if you think I'd let my Naruto fall into the hands to Orochimaru, Kabuto-kun."

Naruto stood stock still. That dark seductive voice rang throughout the clearing. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and his eyes narrowed at Kabuto. The Sound shinobi smiled, "Good to see you Itachi-san."

Naruto resisted the urge to shudder when Itachi slipped his hand around his waist in a possessive gesture. He eyed the sound nin with deadly Sharingan eyes. He did shudder though when Itachi pressed his lips against his neck and growled. He didn't know which side Itachi was on. Was he still being manipulated by Orochimaru or was he himself.

"Are you out of your mind!" Itachi hissed in his ear causing Naruto to relax completely against him. Blue eyes watched Kabuto was the other man looked amused at Itachi's blatant display of possession.

"I'll give you a week to decide Naruto-kun. I'm certain Orochimaru-sama will be waiting for your response. Choose wisely." With that Kabuto disappeared.

Naruto didn't waste time to break free of Itachi's grasp and walked away from him. Brushing his hair back he asked, "So what's your deal Itachi?" Turning around, he looked at the man for the first time that evening. He wore normal ninja gear without his Akatsuki coat. He didn't look as small as he did in those ridiculous cloaks, he looked fairly intimidating. He was just as lean as he remembered, even more powerful and it put Naruto on edge.

This was the reason why he dared to return to Konoha. To see if he could save Itachi once and for all. Then may be Daisuke would get to know his father. Itachi looked enraged. Although his face did little to betray that particular emotion, his eyes were proof enough. Naruto's didn't know whether to anticipate a fight or not so he closed his eyes for a moment and activated Mejiro.

He didn't need his bloodline to defeat Itachi, but he was not here to do that. He didn't want to accidentally land up killing Itachi.

"What were you trying to pull there? You know exactly how dangerous Orochimaru is." Itachi stated calmly, gazing sharply into Naruto's enchanting eyes. Naruto nearly flinched. He never understood why he could gaze into Sasuke's eyes so easily but never control himself when he gazed into Itachi's.

It was as though Itachi had some claim over him. With difficulty he tore his gaze away from those crimson eyes and dug his hands into his pockets. He could almost feel the older Uchiha's eyes narrow in annoyance at the lack of response from him. His sensitive ears picked up the slight sound of Itachi's footsteps as he approached. With each step Naruto's heart beat increased. With each step he could be uncertainty crawling up his spine.

"Naru-chan, you know I'll find out sooner or later. I'd rather you tell me now." Naruto could feel his insides freeze. All these years he was waiting to confront Itachi and yet his courage fled the moment he set eyes on the older Uchiha.

"He threatened Konoha, Sasuke and the others." Naruto whispered, his voice almost meek. Itachi reached forward and grasped Naruto's chin. The touch was tender and cautious, so different from how Itachi had touched him before. The older Uchiha leaned forward and murmured, "And you, like you father would sacrifice anything to save this blasted village."

"Itachi..." Naruto hissed at his venomous tone. Itachi smirked when Naruto lifted his gaze, he had yearned to see those eyes up close for a long time now. "This is your village damn it! This is our village. And that's our s..." Naruto stopped himself short. The blond's face went blank when Itachi's face started showing hints of warmth. The Uchiha leaned in and brushed his lips against Naruto's, "And that's our son he's threatening. Is that what you wanted to say Naruto?"

He smirked at the still blond and whispered, "He is very beautiful, little one. I just wish you would have let me know him. Don't worry, I won't touch him, I won't even go near him. He does not belong to me, you raised him and I cannot claim him as mine." Naruto visibly relaxed. Itachi found himself trapped in wide unblinking eyes and inwardly smiled. His brother seemed to have a good life in front of him. The question was, could he let go of the beautiful blond in his arms to ensure Sasuke and Daisuke's happiness?

His memories were just bits and pieces but he remembered his son's smile and the way Naruto's features softened. It was raw and true emotion that he had never felt in his life ever since the birth of Sasuke. It was like a soft candle light in eternal darkness.

Naruto knew. He could see it in those cerulean depths that the blond knew. He searched his gaze in a way no one would have dared. Naruto believed in him, but he did not love him. But Itachi was content with that. He didn't want something that he didn't deserve.

He frowned when Naruto pulled him in an embrace, pale delicate fingers traced his clothed spine where the set of seals burned ever so slightly. There was acceptance in that embrace and there was forgiveness. Naruto's capacity for forgiveness astounded him.

"Fight it." came a soft whisper, hot against his ear. "Fight the seal, fight Orochimaru. You are stronger than him and you know it. I want Daisuke to know you. I want Sasuke reconcile with you, I want all those things before this seal consumes you Itachi." Naruto's hand fisted in his hair and Itachi, for the first time in his life found himself in a protective embrace.

His arms hung loosely by his side and Naruto shivered slightly. The older Uchiha dug his painted nails into his palms to control himself. Naruto's breath was hot and soft against his neck, "It frightens me Itachi. You are capable to mending and destroying my world. Try as I might, I can't do anything against the seals. Will overpowers everything. Let your will overpower the blasted seal, teme! Do it for Sasuke."

Itachi chuckled. It was always Sasuke. However, Itachi could find the heart to be jealous or angry. His foolish little brother may not deserve this blond angel, but Naruto deserved to be loved.

AN: Don't worry. This will not turn into an Ita/Naru fic. I'll let you figure out on your own if Itachi can be trusted or not.

Sorry for being late in updates. Can't help it.