Okay, so this has been six years in the making and I have had the biggest blonde moment ever ( no true offense meant to actual blondes). I wrote this story when i was in high school and I posted it subsequently before I graduated. After graduation life came in quickly and I did not dwell on it anymore. I worked full time, I tried going to school and then I got married, had a son, got divorced, and now I am still working full time and managing raising said little boy, and now I am trying to get a house with my fiance after many tumultuous years of my life. In my youth, I thought that I had finally finished it and that I would need to just keep up with it and update the chapters over the years. Never did I realize that I had not yet posted the epilogue so everyone that liked my story never actually had any closure and I truly do apologize for that. I will not make excuses other than the fact that I forgot it and I am sorry. And even after all this time I hope that I do this story justice in its ending and that you guys will like the story for years to come. So, without further ado, the end of Choices.

Disclaimer: This is not my story. I would not be able to come up with such a wonderful story and character selection all on my own. Except for maybe in my dreams.

Chapter 14- Epilogue.

Eleven years and a few months later, everything was once again very hectic in the Snape family household. The small four bedroom house was cramped with its inhabitants running around like they had to be somewhere soon. In fact, two of the members did. Hermione was going through each room of the house and trying to make sure the twins had all the school books they would need for their first year at Hogwarts.

"Ron! Harry! Be sure to pack enough under garments in your trunk because otherwise I will owl each of you your forgotten items, and I need not remind you that owl is daily at breakfast, do I? Also, make sure you each have your wands on you and your familiars. I will not be looking after them along with your siblings and your father. Even if he will be at the school teaching you lot." She yelled through the house knowing all her children would hear.

"That was uncalled for, love," said a smooth voice from the doorway of the room that Hermione had been in.

"Oh, Sev, you know I was teasing about looking after you. After all, I do that already, because Merlin knows you won't look after yourself well enough." She smiled at her husband and walked over to kiss him, before leaving the room to find her other children.

She found all her children in the twins rooms and the youngest ones were looking rather put out that they had three and four more years before heading to Hogwarts themselves. Minerva was reading through Ron's schoolbooks and Hermione could already see that she was absorbing so much information just to be prepared for her first year of school. She is really just like I was at he, r age, she thought to herself. Her daughter would hopefully not have such a dangerous school career as her mum had though. Hermione had helped to make that happen.

"Minerva, you need to let your brother have his book so that he can get everything all packed. We do have to leave to head for Kings Cross within the next two hour," Hermione gently told her daughter.

"But mum," Minerva started to protest but Hermione cut her off.

"No buts, Min. Maybe we will go to Diagon Alley at some point and I'll buy you a book to add to your collection." That slightly mollified the young girl. She nodded and handed her brother his book and he threw it in his trunk.

"That should be everything, Mum," Ron said. Hermione looked at him, where did the time go?

"Alright, go find your father and let him know he can start getting the car ready to go." They had the best of both worlds with having magical and muggle influence in their lives. It helped to make them all better people and Hermione and Severus did not want to keep them away from all things muggle. That is how all the pureblooded nonsene was started in the first place.

"Yes, mum."

Hermione then turned to her other boys and said, "Alright, Harry, I hope you are almost done packing as well. Arthur, will you go find your sister and get her to help look for your shoes. I think one of the ferrets might have hid it on you. You know they love your shiny buckles."

"Ok, mum. I love you," he said as he passed her to go out the door.

"Now, Harry, I do not want you getting into trouble on your first day at Hogwarts, so please try to stay next to your brother and let your father know to owl me if there are any issues." Harry was just like his namesake sometimes, in the fact that he always seemed to be in trouble.

"Mum, you know I never actually look for trouble. It usually finds me," said Harry giving her a smirk that resembled his father uncannily.

"That is exactly what my best friend always said in school. And I know you will be wonderful and you know that your father will keep you in line." She smiled at him and ruffled his hair. "Alright, now get your stuff down to the car and let's be off so you wont be late and can get a good spot on the train. I love you, Harry."

"Love you too, mum."

After they arrived at Kings Cross, and the boys were safely ensconsed on the train and it was pulling off, Hermione gather her youngest children around her and hugged them both before standing to smile at their father.

"Well, Sev, I guess you will be off soon."

"Yes dear. I will need to be there for the sorting feast and I will owl you tonight and let you know the results. I will do this for the next two children as well." He slipped his arm around her shoulders and they started walking to the barrier.

"Hmm. Well, that is a very good idea, Sev. I must say though, that I will be requiring four owls instead of three." She looked at her husband as what she said took impact.

He gawked at her for a moment. Then he swallowed. "Really? How long?"

"We will have another daughter in about six months my love," she told him. "I am excited and after this I think we shall be done with children. Don't you think?"

"Well, I kind of felt like we were already done," he finally smiled at her and grabbed her hand and they continued walking. "But as we are blessed to have one more then I am a happy man, and I have the best gifts I could have ever recieved. I love you very much Hermione and you have changed my life and made it a thousand times better."

"I love you too, Severus Snape. Now, go to Hogwarts and take care of the twins. You know they will be in trouble before they even step through the door. Especially, once they catch up with Scorpius."

"Yes dear." Snape said rather sarcastically but with all the love he had for his family behind those two words. He swished his cloak rather dramatically and then apparated to Hogwarts where this whole adventure of life and love had started for him. He was a lucky man indeed.

The End.

I am sorry this took so long to post but I hope it wrapped up rather nicely. I love you guys and your reviews even after all these years they still make me smile.