Hayo! Welcome to my second attempt at a fanfic, or so you know...anyways!

The storyline might be inaccurate but whatever! In here our favorite character Sakura and group are fifteen, just to keep in mind, Naruto's been back for about a month or two, Tenten is dating lee, Hinata is still as shy as ever, and Ino quit being a ninja to become a florist, and of course Sakura still has short hair. FYI, Sakura, Hinata, Tenten and Ino, are bff's. Wahoo!

Now to begin...


"Tsunade-sensai, why are we putting up these cameras again?" Sakura asked, tugging on her teachers sleeve, both standing in the middle of a dark forest.

"Because," Sigh, "There have been murders Sakura." Tsunade said with a sigh, over looking a ninja placing a video camara well hidden in a large bush green tree.

"Oh. Neh, Sensai?" Sakura murmured, beaming up at the blonde legend.

"Yes Sakura?" Tsunade asked, looking up at the sunset.

"Why can't somebody just stack out?" Sakura asked curiously.

"Unfortunately, someone is." Tsunade groaned, smacking her hand on her forehead. ''Why did it have to be me?' she thought, heaving another sigh. she then looked down at her prized student. "Don't you have a slumber party to go to?"

Sakura giggled and nodded before snatching her black backpack that was on the ground next to her, waved good bye to her Sensai, and started running off in the opposite direction. She was going over to her friend Ino's house for a slumber party, both of the girls parents off on some mission. Her other friends Tenten and Hinata where to be there also. She stopped once she arrived at her blonde freinds house. 'Gawd I hope this party dosen't get out of control like last time...' she thought, remembering the last slumber party she had with her three freinds, it ended with the four running threw Suna in Gaara's spare clouthes.

"Welcome Sakura to my domain!" Ino chirped, throwing back her front door, slightly startling Sakura. Sakura smiled at her blond friend, also seeing behind Ino was Hinata listening to one of Tenten's stories about Lee. "Okay, now that sakura's here, we can begin." Ino said darkly, rubbing her hands together in an evil fashion.

This cought the attention of the other two girls.

"Begin, what?" Hinata questioned quietly, tilting her head to the side as Sakura flopped down next to her, the same confused expression on her peachy face.

"A game." Ino responded with a srug, taking out a bowl.

"What...game?" Tenten said slowly, knowing that Ino had a twisted taste for things. 'I hope its not like last time...I still have nightmares of Gaara.' she thought with a shiver, seeing Gaara run around in nother but boxers was highly appeling and all, but being nearly squashed by his wave of sand was no laughing manor.

Althoght Ino thought it was pretty funny.

"Truth or dare." Ino stated inoccently, the other girls sighing in relief, "But a little different."


"All right, what you have to do is everyone writes one dare that has to do with a boy, being eather Naruto, Shikamaru, Neji or Lee, on a peace of paper. We each have to write at least on." Ino said slowly, the other girls looking upon her in horror. "Oh grow backbone girls! You only have to do a dare if you want to, or if you simply don't tell the wanna do the truth. oh, and you have to take a picture to prove that you did the dare." Ino said slyly, looking from friend to friend.

"Ah all right, I'm in!" Tenten said, slamming her hand down.

"What could go wrong...right?" Hinata said quietly, looking at the empty bowl.

They then looked at Sakura. she shifted under the gaze, mostly Ino's 'DO IT!' look, she then sighed heavily. "Neh, fine." She mumbled, rubbing her temples.

"Ha! All right! Here ya go! Make them evil!" Ino cheered on, handing them each a pen and paper.

Sakura sighed. 'Evil, evil, what could be evil?' Sakura thought, she then jotted down something. She read over the simple short sentence. 'Maybe mine was a little...to evil?' Sakura thought as she watched her friends finish their papers and then fold them over. eyeing Ino as she manically jotted somthing down.

"Okay, now hand it to the person next to you." Ino said, handing hers to Sakura, who handed her to Hinata, who handed hers to Tenten, who handed hers to Ino. They wrote another dare below the previous one on the alien paper before handing it to the next girl. "Now put it into the bowl." Ino said, flicking hers into the empty bowl.

'My gosh! Mine was a freggin push over compared to the others!' Sakura cried in her head, praying the the puestions where easy.

"Now let us begin." Ino then turned to Tenten. "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth!" Tenten almost answered immediately.

"Okay, did you like Neji before you started to date Lee?" Ino asked, the other girls leaning in.

"Uh...well...a little." Tenten finished, blushing slightly as she looked away.

"Good enough." Ino sighed.

"Okay, um, Hinata! Truth or dare?" Tenten asked.


"Who do you like better, Kiba or Naruto?" Tenten asked, peering at the blushing girl next to her.

"A-ah, um, I-I don't know." Pause. "I guess N-naruto, a little." Hinata studered, she wasn't very good at saying her feelings. "Ino, Truth or dare?"

"Truth defiantly, those Dares are scary!" Ino said, slightly shivering at the thought of having to do one of her own dares.

"Um...why did you really quiet being a Ninja?" Hinata asked Ino quietly.

"Hm, well, once I remembered that the only reason I really wanted to become a ninja in the first place was to impress Sasuke, but, yah now, now that he's gone..." Pause. "Okay! Sakura! Who's your current crush?" Ino asked, beaming at her pink haired friend.

"I don't have one." Sakura said plainly, Ino gaping.

"Nuh-uh! That is sooo not true! You must have a crush! You always have a crush!" Ino exclaimed, pounding her fist on the ground.

"Nope, no crush." Sakura said slowly.

"You have one! I know it!"






"Yes, yes yes!"

"Damn it Ino! No, no, no!"

"Yuh huh!"

"Dare! I chose dare!" Sakura shouted, knowing that Ino whould never stop until she was satisfied.

The other girls gasped rather dramaticlly.

"Poor poor Sakura, okay, chose a Dare, no take backs." Ino sighed watching Sakura trusted her hand into the bowl and quickly pulled out a dare, she then unfolded it. "Read it aloud Sakura dear." Ino sighed, they then watched as Sakura paled.

"THIS DARE IS IMPOSSABLE!" Sakura screamed.

"They're all impossible, read it aloud." Tenten said, eager to know what her the flower ninja's dares were.

"First dare, Give...Hyuga...Neji a bloody nose..." Sakura cringed, the other girls giggled.

"Gee Sakura, I wonder what you'll have to do to make that possible." Ino snickered, only she could have made such a dare. she then said darkly, "Read the next one."

'These all have to do with Neji! Why oh why did I have to get my original dare back!' Sakura thought panicky. Gulp. "Trade Neji's headband with your own." Sakura cried, this was a nearly impossible thing to do unless he was asleep, and she needed him awake for the other dares.

"Poor Sakura-chan." Hinata said, giving Sakura a reassuring pat on the back.

"Get Neji onto top of me! What is wrong with you people!" Sakura cried, Tenten sighing, Ino laughing wickedly and Hinata looking at the evil piece of paper over Sakura's shoulders. 'Who did this!'

"Hahaha! Sakura! You're going to be out all night! You poor thing!" Ino laughed, holding her sides.

"Hm, Sakura, because you have to do those...tasks, I'll do a dare to." Hinata decide, Ino sitting up, a very perky look spreading across her face.

"All right! Now the parties heating up! Come on Tenten! Join us!" Ino geared as she and Hinata took a dare of their own.

Tenten sighed as she took the last one. "Omg! No way! This is pure luck! Yay for me!" Tenten yelled happily, all of her dares had to do with her boy friend.

"Yay for you." Ino and Sakura said in union while Hinata was crying from embarrassment.

"All right, we have two hours to complete all four dares." Sigh."Enjoy." Ino said as she walked over to the front door, dragging her feet.

Sakura whimpered before bolting towards the Hyuuga mansion.

'I have get Neji to, A) have a bloody nose, B) get on top of me, eww, C) to trade headbands with me, and mine own dare, D) Make him play tag with me... why couldn't of I chosen another one?' Sakura thought silently as she pasted houses after houses.



How's that for a first chapter!

I really wanted to write a SakuraNeji fic, where Ino's nice, so...here we are! But the pairings are SakuNeji, HinaNaru, TenLee, and InoLhika even thought I prefer ShikaTimari, but she's not in here.
