The evening was positively flawless.
Hailey Sanders wished to fashion an exceptional Valentine's Day for herself and her spouse, Greg. Their primary son, Connor, who had now survived a total of four V-Days with the couple, was embarking on a campaign for another sibling.
"Well, we'll just have to work on that, won't we, honey?" Greg would voice, tossing a subtle wink towards his wife.
Tonight, ignited wicks of scented candles, silk sheets and crimson rose petals would provide a passionate aura. Hailey adored their boudoir. It was the closest thing she and Greg possessed to a private sanctuary, and together they would elude the memories of a trying workday. They would permit the stress and chaos packaged with fast-paced occupations and parenting a rambunctious toddler to dissipate.
The only task left before them was getting Connor to bed. Following the routine bedtime fairytale, Connor's lids grew heavy and he gradually drifted off. Greg and Hailey were then free to squander the evening, wordlessly professing their love. They both kissed Connor goodnight, Hailey's caress leaving a faint trace of pink gloss on his forehead, and Greg entwined his fingers in hers, leading her to the bedroom.
"Happy Valentine's Day, baby," she breathed, snaking her arms around him as they kissed. He smirked, returning the action passionately as they ventured blindly towards the mattress, depositing a jumble of clothes in their wake.
Greg was elatedly and momentarily stunned when he discovered the result of Hailey's impromptu voyage to Victoria's Secret, but he only yearned to rid her of the sheer negligee. Hastily, they both succumbed to ecstasy, a sensation they brought one another. All other matters seemed to dissipate as their forms united amidst petals and silk.
With every inhale, Hailey sensed that she was slipping away, each exhale prompting her to drown in the sensations of their glorious lovemaking. Greg battled for air as he crept precariously close to the edge, the ultimate fulfillment that his wife bestowed upon him with her body, as well as her intoxicating touch.