The Naruto Dojinshi; "I Love You, Four Seasons" inspired this Fic, Well mostly its cover inspired me buts still, Credit where credit is due

Credit also to the creator of Naruto. I don't own Naruto. So there…

Warning: Shonen-ai, possible Yaoi if I decide to venture into the land of the Lemon.

I Love you, Four Seasons will have five parts: The prolog, and a drabble concerning the paring SasuNaru for each season

Also This is my first Fic so If you roast with the might power of the flame, at least show a little tact (Authors have feelings too, Yo!)

I thank you all who review, for those who don't know about the review incentive check the bottom of "summer"!

Yes its late, yes it was rushed but I like this chapter all the same

for all those interested in the Dojinshi this Fic was inspired from, it can be downloaded at Z-h . net I think.

Please enjoy Bow Bow

Little by little things change.

Even Stubborn ninja's.

Like the coming and going of the seasons, gradually we become a little different.

But some things will always stay the same.

Sasuke stared forlornly at his bathroom pipes. It had only taken the first frost of fall for them to burst open again. But then again the Uchiha manor was never made for indoor plumbing. Even a dobe would know that.

Sasuke vaguely wondered why he had not gotten them replaced.

In the back of his mind, he already knows what kept him so busy.

Love was supposed to be easier that this, wasn't it? Naruto… How did we end up like this, when had the lines between lover and rival become so blurred? When did the thought of not being by his side become so unbearable?

Sasuke shivered, knowing that he was into deep to turn back now.

Little by little.

"Sasuke! Has the cold addled your brain? Stop staring at the bloody pipes already, Lets go home."

"Alright already dobe, I'm coming" Sasuke replied resting his head on the warmth of Naruto's shoulder.



"You better not hog the covers tonight."


Like the coming and going of the seasons.