
He waited until late.

Most of the expedition was asleep -- if they weren't on duty -- but he somehow knew Ronon would be awake.

Teyla, despite having a couple of cracked ribs and exposure to some unknown drug, had managed to sweet-talk Carson into letting her spend the night in her own room. Ronon, with two gunshot wounds and a knife wound, wasn't as lucky. Or he didn't quite have Carson wrapped around his finger like Teyla did.

Sheppard passed Carson's office, where the doctor was still hard at work, even in the late hour. He reminded himself to talk to Elizabeth about getting Carson to take some well-earned time off. He could mention it to Cadman as well, if he wanted to play dirty.

Sure enough, Ronon was sitting up in bed, frowning at a laptop computer.


Ronon looked up. "Sheppard."

"So ... whatcha doin'?" Yeah, that's right, John. Put off the apology until the last possible moment.

Ronon frowned again. "Dr. Weir loaned this to me." He turned the screen around, and John laughed as he saw solitaire on-screen. "I can't win it, but I can't stop playing."

"Yeah, it's like that," John agreed. "So, look. I don't like being lied to. I need to be able to trust the people I've got watching my back. But --"

"I --"

"Let me finish," John snapped. Damn, apologizing sucked. "I want ... I need you guys to trust me like I trust you. But I was too hard on you before, and I'm sorry. I hope ... I'd like it if you would stick around."

Ronon nodded. "I'd like it, too. And I'm sorry I lied." He stared intently at the screen as he mumbled the rest. "I was afraid you would make me leave if you knew."

"So, we're cool?"

The Satedan smiled faintly. "Well, I am, anyway."

John smirked. "You've been spending way too much time with McKay."

One apology down, one to go.


He spent an hour and a half the next morning looking for Teyla. She wasn't in her room, the gym or the cafeteria, and a check of the records confirmed that no Jumpers had left for the mainland all day.

Finally, he hit the jackpot with a random check of balconies. He stopped for a moment, scanning the sky with a slight smile. He never got used to having a view like this outside his door. Given the popularity of balconies around the city, he couldn't be the only one.


She jumped at the sound of his voice, and he winced. When had he ever been able to sneak up on her?

"Colonel. You startled me." She smiled faintly and turned her gaze back to the ocean. "I was ... deep in thought."

"I, ah, I've been looking for you all morning." he said. "I wanted to, you know, check on you."

"I am sorry," she said. "I was with Dr. Heightmeyer. And I spent some time with Ronon as well. I am ... fine. A bit sore, but I will heal."

"Good." He stood next to her and wrapped his fingers around the railing. There was something he wanted to ask, but he wasn't sure he wanted the answer. He'd nearly asked Carson, but he figured the doctor couldn't tell him anyway. Same with Dr. Heightmeyer. "Teyla ... that guy on Belsa. He ... did he hurt you?"

She didn't ask him which one. "A few cracked ribs," she said. "As I said, it will heal."

He cleared his throat and turned toward her. "But did he ... dammit, I don't know how to ask this. Your shirt was ripped, Teyla. I can't stop thinking that maybe --"

"No." She turned to face him, too. "He did not rape me, if that is what you are asking. He did threaten ..." her eyes dropped to his shirtfront.

"Bastard," he choked out. "I should've killed him."

"In cold blood?" she asked, throwing his words back at him.

"Look, I've already apologized to Ronon, and I owe you an apology, too. I haven't been through what he's been through, or you. I don't have a right to judge that. But you guys have got to be honest with me. To trust me."

"I do trust you, John," she said. "I would never have left my people if I did not."

He nodded. "You were right about one thing, though. I hate lying to Elizabeth."

She smiled. "I know the feeling."

"So ... there's something else I've been wondering about," he said, trying to sound casual. "It's probably just a rumor or something. But is there something, you know, going on with you and Ronon? I mean, he was just really worried about you. It seemed ..."

Teyla laughed and turned back to the view.


"He said the same thing about you."

Interesting. But still not a direct answer.

Teyla laughed again, then leaned closer, apparently taking pity on him. "No, John, I am not sharing a bed with Ronon."

"Good." At her raised eyebrow, he tried to cover. "Personal relationships can really complicate the team dynamic."

"Ah," she nodded. "Like yourself and Dr. McKay."


She smiled innocently. "I heard a rumor."

"About me and McKay? That's crazy! Where did you hear that?"

"Perhaps from the same person who told you I was sleeping with Ronon."

Right. Point taken.

He cleared his throat, "Uh, speaking of McKay -- who I'm not sleeping with, by the way -- he was going to bust Ronon out of the infirmary and meet us in the kitchen. He has a secret stash of ice cream he's decided to share."

Her eyes lit up. "Rocky road?"

"Double chocolate brownie. You'll love it," he promised. He took hold of her arm, steering her gently toward the door. "C'mon, we'd better get there before those guys eat it all."

"But ... I have not yet had lunch."

"Teyla, Teyla, Teyla. I think you're missing the point. Ice cream, then lunch."

She shook her head, but she didn't fight him on it. Suddenly she stopped, jerking him to a halt. "John."

His hand was still curved around her arm, and he was so close. Close enough to kiss, which was not what he needed to be thinking about at the moment.

"Thank you for saving me," she said.

He nudged her gently toward the door. "Hey, anytime," he said lightly. "If you're really grateful, you can let me have your share of the ice cream."

A raised eyebrow was all the answer he got.

The End

OK, folks, that's all she wrote. Thanks so much for reading, and those of you who took time to leave a review made my day. Thanks a bunch. :)