Epilogue time!

Thyme opened the door to the tower; since things had calmed down Robin had added her handprint to the genetic lock. She made her way to the elevator, and once she was there she began running her fingers through her hair.

It had been two years since Slade's death. Ty had moved out and was living in an apartment downtown with Logan. Logan was rapidly growing into a mixture of all of his parents. Soon, his many powers were evident, and Ty was constantly repairing or replacing furniture.

Ty had known that life wouldn't be easy. She had known that all her life. When she found out that she was pregnant, she also discovered that life has a way of getting harder. She had known then that she would have to teach this child everything she knew, and she discovered that that was so little.

The elevator reached the floor with the common room. She opened the door onto a scene that warmed her heart every time she saw it. Everyone was piled on the couch, which now had a very large hole in the back of it from Logan's first use of starbolts. Robin and Starfire sat together, his arm wrapped around her tight, Raven hovered behind the couch, and Cyborg was sitting on the opposite end from Starfire and Robin.

But what really touched her, was the picture of Beast Boy, (Now seventeen and much less scrawny) laid out asleep in the middle with Logan asleep on his chest. Beast Boy made an excellent father for the little guy.

Thyme had gotten a job working in a flower shop in town, and so when she worked, the Titans babysat. They all had a special love of the boy, since he was theirs after all. But Beast Boy was closest to Logan. In the past year he had become Daddy.

Ty walked over and sat down near his head, which she picked up and put in her lap while he slept. She reached down to Logan and began playing with his hair.

Beast Boy woke up not long after and looked up at her. "Hey." She said softly.

"Hey." He sleepily said back. He looked down at Logan and smiled. The two year old stretched in his sleep and snuggled harder into his Daddy's chest.

Cyborg and Raven both crept quietly out of the room; soon followed by Robin and Starfire. Ty paid no attention, looking only at Beast Boy. The two knew that they loved each other, and they knew that the others knew as well.

Ty stood and picked up Logan, quickly taking him to her old room where he could continue sleeping. When she returned she sat down next to Beast Boy and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"My offer still stands." He said, kissing her forehead lightly.

"I know." She looked up at him. "But I still think we should wait."

"I cleared it with Robin and the gang, I can still be a Titan from your apartment."

"But I don't want a Titan." She leaned her head back down. "I want you."

Not long ago, Beast Boy had proposed to Thyme. He had offered to live in the city with her and help raise Logan. He had offered her everything she had always wanted.

But she had learned that life is hard. She knew that he would never be there for her unless he quit the team, and she would never ask him to do that. She had learned that even the stuff you dream of, if it is handed to you, isn't always the best thing.

"When Jump City doesn't need the Titans anymore, then we can get married." She looked up into his eyes and he knew that she meant it.


This story is dedicated to the Reiter family, who's wonderful home is filled with enough creativity and love to inspire a thousand stories, I am in their debt for without them, this story would never have existed.

And also to the single mothers and battered women of the world who have to go through life alone, I have met several of you, and you are the strongest women I could ever imagine, I commend you on your astounding ability to survive.