DAMN STRAIGHT I KEPT MY PROMISE! Err... yeah. At least I kept my promise to Mocha to update by Monday. GO ME!

Anyway, sorry for the long wait, once again. Ya'll should know by now that I feel guilty for not writing in such a long time, but my procrastination out ways my guilt. For anybody that I talk to on yahoo, sorry I haven't been on in a while, For some reason whenever I connect to yahoo and turn on one of my video games, it crashes my internet connection. That and I've been using my four hours computer time (Parental limits suck) in the mornings a lot.

Erhm, anyway, I'll be addressing my immaturity and how much those apple videos sucked at the end of this chapter, feel free to bash me all you'd like for those suckish videos or for anything else you'd like really. They were fun to make though...

Disclaimer: I'm out of jokes so I'm going to act mature for these things from now on. I don't own Teen Titans, and after debating with my cousin, I realize the show probably isn't the property of the Turner Broadcasting Network, albeit Cartoon Network is. From what he says, they're property of The Warner Brothers (Don't ask me, ask him), DC Comics, or Cartoon Network. We can't seem to figure out which. Any help would be appreciated!

Oh, I also don't own Mario Kart: Double Dash, EB Games, Gamestop, Or Any other major franchises mentioned in this chapter or in any further chapters for that matter, unless I personally created that franchise, in which case I claim possession of that franchise. Albeit even if I create it, technically you guys can still steal it, since I don't have a copyright, but oh well.


Rachel wearily walked into the bookstore, breathing in the stale coffee and paper smelling air. Strangely enough, she loved that smell. Then again, she was pretty strange.

'Ugh, I definitely should not have had that tea.' Rachel thought. She hadn't gotten to sleep until one A.M. 'And I actually thought caffeine didn't have much of an effect on me.' She thought to herself as she walked over to the store's cafe. Thankfully for her, the cafe workers got there the same time as the book store employees. Without her tea, she'd be ripping the head off of the first poor person that asked where a certain section of books was. After all, they did have a labeling system for a reason right?

After getting a Tea, she walked in behind the checkout counter. Thankfully, today she didn't have stocking duty. She picked up one of the books behind her, which were reserved or there as extras, and started to read it, as she waited for the store to open.

After a half an hour of reading, and the occasional laugh at the poor soul who had to restock the dirty magazines, the manager finally flipped a sign on the front glass door, changing the visible word from 'Closed' to 'Open'. She sighed, putting the book she was reading back where she found it, waiting for the onslaught of people and questions. This was going to be a long day, just like every other.


"VIC!" Gar yelled, entering the cafe that he and Victor worked at.

"What's up?" Vic asked from behind the counter.

"You have off in five minutes. That's not a whole lot of time so you can jump the gun and come now." Gar said, completely oblivious to the fact that Victor was completely oblivious of what he was talking about.

"Uhh Gar, what're you talking about?" Victor asked.

"DUDE? Haven't you heard? They released Mini Monkeys: Dual Drag!" Gar yelled. (My version of combining Mega Monkeys with Mario Kart.)

"THEY WHAT! I thought that wasn't supposed to come out until next week!" Vic yelled, jumping over the counter and running out the door with Gar.

"Yeah, it wasn't, but some guy leaked the French version on to the internet and they didn't want anybody in America to download that and play the game without paying, so they released it. At $10 cheaper than what they were going to release it, too!" Gar said enthusiastically as they both hopped into his piece of junk car.

"I already bought the game, we just have to go to the bookstore and get the guide. Apparently EB Gamestop ran out of copies." Gar said, picking the game up and handing it to Victor.

"Cool." Vic said excitedly as he looked at the pictures on the back of the case. Gar nodded as he accelerated towards the direction of the bookstore.


Rachel sat behind the counter, bored, watching people walk through the store, using it as their personal library. It really annoyed her, people would come in here, find a book they might buy, stand there and read through all the interesting parts, then put it back after reading it. It wasn't a library, it was a bookstore. They could at least show some respect to the bookstore.

She sighed, as the bell rang, signifying another customer had entered the building. Curiosity won over and she looked over to see who it was. She saw the same green haired guy she had talked to last night in the cafe. What was his name? Err... Gar, yeah that was it. Gar looked over, his eyes meeting with hers. His eyes widened considerable as he tapped his large friend's shoulder.

"See Victor? I told you, that's Rachel, she was the one at the cafe last night." Gar shouted in his friend's ear, loud enough for everybody to hear and leaving Vic with a damaged eardrum.

Victor walked up to the counter, eyeing Rachel.

"Is the green bean telling the truth?" Vic asked. Rachel nodded.

"Well then Gar, I guess I owe you an apology." Vic said.

"Well thank you very--" Gar got cut off by Victor.

"Not that you're going to get one." Vic said, smirking triumphantly. Gar, scowled crossing his arms and letting out a 'humph'.

"Uhmm, Rae, where's the video game guide section?" Gar asked, looking around for some indication. Rachel's eye twitched as she walked around the counter, walked up to him and kicked him in the shin, hard.

"OWWW, WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" Gar asked, hopping around on one foot while holding his shin in the other. Raven grabbed him by the shoulder to stop him from hopping and kicked him in the other shin, preventing him from holding one without having the need to hold the other one.

"AAAGH! SOMEBODY HELP ME! I'M BEING ATTACKED!" Gar shouted, holding onto both of his shins as he rolled around on the ground holding both of his shins.

After receiving a, "Shut up, we're trying to read!" from somebody in the bookstore, he closed his mouth but was still rolling around on the ground.

"All right Rachel! I like your style." Victor said, smirking and letting out a chuckle. Rachel smirked as well.

"I think we went over this in last night's conversation, if you call me anything but Rachel, I will cut out your tongue and feed it to a cannibal. Got it?" Rachel said, leaning in over him, putting on a menacing glare. Gar nodded nervously just as he had done the night before as Rachel reached out a hand to help him up. He took it gratefully and felt her warm, soft hand help him up.

After helping him up, she walked back around the counter, sitting back down on the chair where she was.

"They're in the back left corner." Rachel said, pointing in the right direction. They both nodded and muttered a thanks before walking off in that direction, with two painful shins and one very scared green haired guy.


After searching through the racks of video game guides, they came across a good amount of Mini Monkeys: Dual Drag guides lying on top of each other. They picked one up and walked back to the counter, eager to get back to Gar's apartment and try the newly purchased video game.

After waiting in line for a good seven minutes, they finally got to the front, only to find out the only available cashier is the devil herself. Err... Rachel, Rather. Wouldn't want her to catch me calling her anything besides Rachel. Quivers in fear. (I like my shins the way they are!)

Vic pushed Gar in front of him, getting prepared to use him as a shield if need be. After getting a scowl from Gar, the both made their way to the counter and laid the book down on it. Rachel swiped the bar code on the back of the book with a scanner.

"Sixteen sixty-seven, please." Gar nodded and pulled a crumpled up twenty-dollar bill out of his pocket. Rachel took the bill and put it in the cash register, handing him the correct amount of change after that.

"Hey Rae--" Gar cut himself off as he saw her eye twitch again.

"...Chel. Hehe, Rachel." Gar said, emphasizing the last syllable.

"When do you get off?" Gar finished.

"Why?" Rachel asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, you could come over to my place with me and Victor. I've got food, video games, and if you don't like either of those things, which I have a hunch you don't, I picked up some tea from the cafe yesterday. Figured I'd give it a try... anyway, I have tea and a balcony, overlooking the park." Gar said.

"That actually sounds... nice." Rachel said, thinking about it.

"Where exactly do you live?" Rachel asked.

"At the big square building, just across the road from the east side of the park." Gar said.

"Ok, that shouldn't be too hard to find." Rachel replied.

"Booya, party at Gar's house!" Vic cheered. Rachel chuckled as Gar high fived Victor. Gar caught sight of her slight smile and his insides lit on fire. She had a nice smile...


Blech, I know. Cheesy ending. Hopefully that was long enough for you guys. If not, next chapter's going to be a long one. Oh, that was, I'm pretty sure, my last Gar/Vic/Rae only chapter.

Now, first thing's first, I know the apple videos sucked, for whoever watched them. They were fun to make, and that's why I made them.

I know Gar is not green, but Victor still calls him 'Green Bean' and the like. It's because he has green hair. I think green hair would account for name calling, right?

I know Gar had improper grammar in there. He's not a very bright light bulb, he's not going to use proper grammar :).

And, that's about it methinks. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and I assure you the next one will be better and longer and quicker updated, because I already have it planned out in my head.