Author: Well… this is the last chapter and prologue… enjoy!

"Kirana's telepathy"

"Hiei's telepathy"

Hiei's thoughts

"Hiei's Jagan"

Kurama's thoughts

Youko's thoughts

'People talking telepathically with Hiei'

'People talking telepathically with Kirana'

(Author's note)

---------Time and/or location change---------


Chapter 45

---------Ten Years Later---------

"Kirana!" Youko's voice rang throughout the house.

Laughter could be heard ringing through his head, and he immediately searched out his sister's energy signal. For the last seven years they had all been living together in the now enlarged temple, and the entire group worked not only for Koenma, but helped to establish friendly demons into the Ningenkai.

"You will never find me Youko… you never can!"

"Kirana, stop pulling pranks on your brother… you're gonna go too far one of these days!" Botan chided in the next room.

Youko smirked, he knew where she was now. Quickly and quietly he made his way to the door and threw it open, but much to his surprise he found a pail of syrup dumped all over him from above, and then looked just in time to see a smirking Kirana take off running.

"KIRANA!" Youko roared.

"Koibito… what did you do this time?" Hiei asked just arriving in the room Kirana had hid herself in.

"Go see for yourself… this is the best prank I have pulled thus far!" she said excitedly.

Hiei made his way to the room where Youko was and could barely contain his laughter. The poor fox was drenched in syrup, and it was dripping down his used to be white clothes and sticking in his long hair.

"Yo- Youko… what happened?" Hiei asked feigning innocence.

"You're mate that is what happened!" Youko said.

"Youko… Koibito, it will wash out… besides… it gives me ideas," Botan said smirking at her mate.

"That gives me some as well," Youko said a gleam in his eyes, and without warning he pulled Botan into his arms rubbing his syrup covered hair all over Botan and she squealed.

"Youko you are getting it all over me!" she exclaimed.

"I thought it would wash out Koibito!" Youko said grinning.

Hiei quickly made his way to his mate. He grinned when he saw her deep in concentration, and decided that it was her turn to be pranked! Hiei grabbed the water hose, and without warning drenched his mate.

"HIEI!" Kirana screamed, and tackled her mate.

She quickly pinned him to the ground, and Hiei smirked. He hoped this was his punishment, and if it was he would have to pull pranks on her more often.

"So, Koibito, is this my punishment! I think if it is I need to be punished more often!" Hiei said smirking.

"Hn, I did have some good news for you, but now I am not sure I am gonna tell you!" Kirana said moving off her mate to sit with her back to him.

"Hmmm… maybe I could convince you to tell me?" Hiei said sitting up and wrapping his arms around his mate's waist. "I think I could with enough persuasion."

Kirana tried not to groan as Hiei's lips grazed the mark on her neck, "I will tell you, but you have to stop that so I can concentrate!"

Hiei chuckled and stopped kissing her neck, but pulled her firmly into his arms. He would never tire of having her with him wrapped up in his arms him inhaling her scent.

"Hiei… while you were in Makai dealing with things… I found out something. And I wanted to tell you the second I found out, but I wanted you to be here with me when I told you. But you have to promise not to freak out!" Kirana warned turning to look back at her mate.

Hiei looked down at her suspiciously, "I promise Koi."

"Good, Hiei, I'm pregnant!" Kirana said happily.

"You… you're… gonna… we're gonna have… I'm gonna be a Daddy?" Hiei stuttered out red eyes blinking.

Kirana giggled, "Yup!"

Suddenly Hiei whooped for joy standing up and pulling his mate into his arms swinging her around in the air. Then just as suddenly he set her down on the ground, and she looked up at him puzzled.

"I have to be careful with you now," Hiei said softly gazing down at his mate love radiating in his eyes.

Kirana laughed, "Not that careful… I won't break you know!"

Hiei laughed again and picked her back up swinging her around again before pulling her into a deep kiss.

"What is all the commotion out here?" a calm soft voice inquired.

"Kurama!" Kirana exclaimed.

"Fox, get your onna, we have some celebrating to do!" Hiei said.

Kirana giggled, "Hiei, Koi they don't know I was waiting to tell you, so let's tell Kurama and Botan and Yukina separately."

"Okay, Fox get your Onna!" Hiei exclaimed.

"YUKINA! Come here I have great news to tell you!"

After only a few minutes the five of them were all together Botan, sitting on Kurama's lap and Yukina sitting next to them all three waiting anxiously for the news.

"Do you want to tell them Koi, or me?" Hiei asked.

"Well, I got to tell you so you tell them," Kirana said happily.

"We are going to have a baby!" Hiei exclaimed.

"Oh my god!" Botan screamed jumping out of Kurama's lap and pulling Kirana into a hug. Yukina quickly followed suit, and Kurama stood calmly a smile gracing his features, and hugged Hiei congratulating him.

Then they switched. Kurama pulled Kirana into a tight hug, and held her close to him.

"Are you happy for me Onii-san?" Kirana whispered.

"Yes, I am happy for you Onee-chan. I am so happy for you," Kurama whispered.

The group threw Kirana and Hiei a huge party, and they all celebrated the new baby.

---------undisclosed number of years later---------

"And that is the story of how I met your grandmother," Hiei said softly to the child who had fallen asleep in bed a long time ago.

Hiei walked out of the child's room and into his mates waiting arms. She smiled up at him her dark hair now had streaks of grey and her eyes were surrounded by wrinkles, but Hiei thought that they only made her even more beautiful.

"Why do you always tell them that story, Koibito?" Kirana asked.

"Because they love it, and it helps them realize that they too have fears and hopefully they will know the power those fears have over themselves and those around them," Hiei said softly.

"I almost can't remember a time when we weren't together, and I wouldn't remember this story near as well if you didn't tell it to every new generation that comes along," Kirana said chuckling.

"Well, for the rest of our lives I will be here to remind you," Hiei said and the two walked slowly into their room to sleep just like the night before, and they would continue to do this until the day they died.


Author: Well… that is the end! (sniffles)

Hiei: (wraps arms around author)

Hilu: Yeah!!! I am so happy (does happy dance)

Author: But… now I am done with Kirana… forever!

Kirana: WHAT!?!?!?

Author: I am sorry Kirana… but your story is done, and therefore I have nothing else for you to do… I will miss you though, and I am sure the readers will too. Well please review, since I am now officially finished. I hope you enjoyed reading it, I know I enjoyed writing it and I enjoyed your reviews throughout the story. I have several other stories out, several one shots and several longer fics don't worry none of them will be as long as this one. I hope to hear from all of you out there so please review. Sayunara!