Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. It belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.

How was it that he could never find the words?

Of course, he would always find the words to insult her, aggravate her or simply question her, but never the ones that would show how he felt.

Maybe there were no words, he pondered, that would be able to describe how he felt. In fact, sometimes it felt as the entirety of his vocabulary would only serve to scratch the surface of his feelings, then again, as a hanyou he wasn't exactly supposed to feel this much. Sometimes it scared him. Not that he would ever admit it. Ever.
Still, the prospect of telling Kagome how he felt and seeing her reaction was something that he could only imagine so he closed his eyes, and relaxed.

Her wonderful scent was permeating everything around him, and gently luring him to sleep. He felt a small hand gently brushing the bangs out of his eyes, but for once he felt to weak to do anything. Damn! That last fight had taken a lot out of him. He was hurt, he knew that, but how badly, he could only guess; though, judging by the drip-drop of Kagome's tears on the floor boards, it was pretty serious. He wanted to stand up and wipe her tears away, and hold her tightly taking in the feel and scent of her, but he couldn't. Cursing his weakness he did the only thing he could.

"Kagome" he whispered shakily and knew by the movement of the air around his head that she had bent closer to his face. Summoning all his strength he lifted his head and pressed his lips against hers, opening his eyes in the process. Kagome was smiling. Laying his head back in her lap, he felt a little less drowsy, and smiled back at her. Her hands were still gently caressing his head. She bent forward again, kissed him gently on the cheek.

"I love you Inuyasha." she whispered in his ear.
He smiled and kissed her again. Maybe words weren't needed to describe what he felt, and maybe just maybe, a hanyou could admit he had feelings...sometimes.

Note: All right people. You know the routine. R+R.