Author's Note: the disclaimer is in my profile. There was a challenge to write a Harry/Cedric slash fic posted by Jessalyn-Laine. I decided to take it, so here it is.

The Hogwarts Champions

Harry knew that he didn't enter his name into the Goblet of Fire, yet there it was on the fourth piece of paper that emitted from it. He followed the other three who were called into the chamber expecting the worst. When Viktor and Fleur found out that he was also a champion they were enraged. Cedric, on the other hand, gave Harry a look of concern instead of anger. Later when Harry left he saw that Cedric was waiting for him by the door.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes," Harry replied. "Why wouldn't I be ok?"

"Well, it's just that you looked perplexed when you entered the room. And, when they were questioning you, you looked annoyed."

"Wouldn't you be annoyed if they accused you of doing something you didn't?"

"I guess I would be." Harry began to walk and Cedric strolled beside him. "I don't think that you entered your name in the goblet."

"Why?" Harry looked surprised.

"Because… everyone knows that the tournament is dangerous, and life-threatening. After all you've been through… why would you want more, you know?"

'That's true,' Harry thought. 'I don't want any more trouble.' Then they started to walk up a marble staircase towards the Gryffindor common room. "If it's that bad, why did you enter then?"

"I did it because my father wanted me to. When he heard that they were going to have the Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts he said it would make him proud if a Diggory competed. So I entered… but I didn't think that I'd actually get picked!"

"Why not? You're a prefect; you're captain of your Quidditch team; and you're smart." Harry looked at Cedric and saw him grin. 'And you're very handsome too. Wait… Why did I think that?'

"That's flattering… but really, I'm not all that perfect."

"You're being modest." As they ascended the stairs Harry could feel Cedric's hands brushing against his occasionally. He felt himself blush, so he looked away from Cedric. 'What's wrong with me? Why do I feel this way around him? Is he trying to hold my hand? Should I hold his?'

Soon they were in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, and Cedric was still there. They stood inches from one another and stared at each other for a long moment. Harry gazed in Cedric's grey eyes and almost got lost, but then he realized where they were.

"Why did you come here with me," Harry finally asked.

"I just wanted to talk to you. I'm in no hurry to get to my common room." Then there was a pause where Cedric noticed that Harry was ogling him a bit. "Well, I hope you'll be ok Harry… Harry?"

"Huh? Oh, I'll be ok. Thanks." Cedric smiled at him and then slowly descended the stairs. He glanced back once and saw that Harry had done the same.


Sometime later the champions were called to get their wands inspected. Cedric arrived in the room first and then waited for the others, hoping that Harry would come next. But, when the door opened Fleur walked in instead. Later Viktor showed, and then Harry. Cedric sat by him and asked again if he was alright. Harry replied yes, but Cedric knew by his eyes that he wasn't being truthful. Mr. Ollivander checked the champions' wands and then Rita Skeeter probed them for a while. Harry was questioned by her last and then he gladly left. Again Cedric had stayed behind to talk.

"What did Rita ask you?"

"What everyone else has been asking," replied Harry. "She wondered if I entered my name in the goblet to get more fame. I'm getting sick and tired of being asked that!"

"It's alright Harry. Don't get all worked up."

"I'm sorry Cedric. It's just that everything is… is… I don't know."


"Yes, overwhelming." Cedric smiled and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. 'Why are you doing this,' thought Harry. 'How come you can finish my sentences? Why…?'

"We should get back to class," Cedric interrupted, showing Harry his watch.

"Well, we already missed most of it. Want to just go outside until lunch?" Cedric nodded and then walked with Harry outside; his hand still rested on Harry's shoulder.

The two rested under the tree where Harry, Ron, and Hermione usually went. The sun was high overhead and the clouds drifted in and out of its path. Harry leaned against the trunk while Cedric lay on the soft, green grass close to Harry; looking at the lake where the Durmstrang ship floated. Harry stared down at Cedric and felt butterflies fluttering wildly in his stomach.

"Beautiful day isn't it," asked Cedric.

"Yes," Harry managed to utter. 'Why do I feel this way? Can it be that I love him?' After a few minutes Harry worked up the courage to ask Cedric something that lingered in his mind. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Because I want to be your friend." Cedric looked at him and Harry melted. "Do you consider me a friend?"

"I didn't know you wanted me as a friend. We're supposed to be enemies."

"Why? Because I'm in Hufflepuff and you're in Gryffindor? Because we're both on rival Quidditch teams? Because we're both supposed to compete against each other in the tournament?"

"Well, yeah." They laughed for awhile and than Harry continued to study Cedric.

"So, are you my friend?"

"Of course." Harry sighed. 'I would love to be more than that though.'


During lunch Harry couldn't take his eyes off of Cedric. Cedric was having a conversation with some friends so didn't notice Harry's stares. Ron observed Harry and wondered who he was eyeing.

In the afternoon classes Harry fantasized about Cedric. He thought about Cedric's wavy hair: that it wasn't too dark or too light, but just right. He wondered if Cedric ever kissed anyone and what it would be like to kiss him. He imagined them sitting together under the tree holding hands; Harry's head being on Cedric's shoulder and his thumb stroking the pretty-boy's smooth hand. When dinner came around Harry continued to gaze at him like before.

"Who're you staring at," Ron finally asked.

"Nobody… I'm just daydreaming." As he said that Cedric looked across the Hall at Harry and waved. Harry waved back and smiled. 'Oh Cedric, if only you knew. If only there were some way I can know if you feel the same.'……