Author's Note: there is a little more foul language in this piece. Also, Adam Audrain is owned by me; I created him.


Harry returned to Number 4 Private Drive the summer before his fifth year. The Dursleys remained cold and his room was as he left it, but Harry felt strange. It seemed like a Dementor constantly lurked behind him day and night sucking his joy. He curled into a ball each night and envisioned Cedric, and then his dreams would send him back to the graveyard. The pillow absorbed his tears and the blanket muffled his cries. On the table by Harry's bed stood a framed photo of him and Cedric that Mrs. Diggory gave him after the funeral. In the picture they were at the World Cup; talking, laughing, and smiling at the camera. It was taken before he started falling for Cedric, but as he looked at the dead young man Harry realized: 'I've always loved him; I just didn't know it at the time'.


In mid June the Dursleys went on a two week vacation to Scotland. Vernon locked every door and window leading outside, knowing that Harry couldn't magically open them to escape. It didn't matter though, because the teen wizard had no will to leave his lonely room; unless he was hungry or needed to use the lavatory.

The evening they left an owl came to Harry's window, and after an hour of waiting it flew down the chimney. Harry ran downstairs to see who had sent him a letter, but he didn't recognize the bird; it was reddish-brown, and grey from the soot. He untied the parchment from its left leg and read the message.

Harry Potter,
You don't know me, or maybe you do, but I'm Adam Audrain. I attended Hogwarts, Slytherin house, and I was a seventh year when you were a first. You might think it's weird to be hearing from me, but I desperately need to talk with you about someone… someone who was dear to me and probably you too. Please reply immediately with my owl, Fireball.
Adam A.
P.S. Could you send a description, or picture, of the place so I can Apparate there. And, don't ask me how I got your Muggle family's address, that's not important right now.

Harry reread the note a couple of times before writing a response; he illustrated his bedroom in words and requested that Adam arrive at noon the next day. With doubt he strapped the paper on Fireball, and then he trudged back to bed and brooded.


Harry sat at his desk and nervously waited for Adam to appear. Many thoughts swam through his mind; like 'will he want to talk about our relationship?' Harry closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, and before long a loud crack filled his ears. Then a tall blond man with blue-grey eyes, wearing a dark-green suit and a black cloak, stood before him. The two studied each other for a moment, until Harry motioned him to the bed. Adam plopped down without taking his pupils off the shaggy-haired boy.

"So…," Adam started. "You're Harry Potter…"

"And you're Cedric's first boyfriend." Adam raised an eyebrow while Harry crossed his arms.

"He told you? …Huh, I didn't think he would. We never communicated after I left him."

""Why did you leave him?"

"I had to, but I didn't want to. He was still in Hogwarts; so I could only see him on Hogsmeade weekends, and there weren't many of those.… I felt that we had to move on. He cried when I told him."

"Wait, he told me that you just left and never spoke to him again."

"Well, that's half true. We were to meet one weekend at the Three Broomsticks, but I didn't show. So he sent me an owl asking why, and I told him we were through in my reply. Afterwards he sent me many letters with tear stains on them."

"Did you still love him? …Did you?"

"Yes," Adam answered, looking at the ground. "I loved him. But, a long distance relationship just wasn't working for me. Also, I got a job at the Ministry and met this handsome man." Harry glared at him, but the blonde didn't notice. "I needed someone to be with me, but Cedric wanted to stay at Hogwarts. So, I went my separate way."

"Were you going to reunite with Cedric after he left Hogwarts?"

"Well, not at first. …I was in love with Basil; the man I met at the Ministry. We were together for two years, and then he decided to go live in Ireland with another man." Then there was a piercing silence that lasted for a minute.

"Is this why you came," asked Harry, "to confess that you had loved Cedric?"

"No, you started that whole conversation!"

"So what if I did? You would've told me anyway! …Right?"

"Look, I just came here to talk about Cedric, not me! …About your relationship."

"I don't want to talk about it. It's none of your business!" A tear ran down his cheek, and Adam wiped it away. Harry stared at him, perplexed.

"It's ok Harry; I know how you're feeling…. Yes, I do. I loved him, so his death struck me hard too." Then Harry buried his head in his hands and started sobbing. Abruptly Adam rose, pulled Harry out of the chair, and held him. The younger boy wrapped his arms around the taller one and cried on his shoulder. Adam rubbed Harry's back and whispered in his ear; "It's ok Harry, let it all out."

The two hugged in the middle of Harry's room; watched by the window, the desk, and Hedwig. Soon Harry calmed down, and then he suddenly felt a set of lips on his. In Harry's mind it was his lost lover's kiss; but, when he was shoved to the wall and felt nails digging in the flesh of his back, he knew it was Adam. So Harry opened his eyes and pushed the blonde away.

"What the hell are you doing," yelled Harry. "You have no right to kiss me!"

"I could tell you needed that. …Come on, we both did."

"Speak for yourself." Harry continued to stand as Adam sat on the bed again.

"I know Cedric is gone," Adam continued, "but we both loved him. So, I thought, maybe we could get together and help each other cope…."

"Not like that! I'm not ready for another relationship yet, and especially not with you!"

"Ok, I'm sorry I kissed you."

"…I don't know what Cedric ever saw in you, except good looks maybe. You're wishy-washy." Silence filled the air again as they eyed one another. "You're not even crying over Cedric. …You don't have anyone now because you don't know the meaning of love."

"I don't know the meaning of love because I never fucked Cedric." Before Adam could blink Harry had clenched his fists and punched him in the jaw, knocking him down.

"You- fucking- asshole," Harry shouted between strikes. "Don't- ever- fucking- say- anything- about- Cedric- ever- again, you- mother- fucker!" After a minute Adam managed to slip away, and he Apparated without another word. Harry lay wailing on the ground, hitting the floor. "That- fucking- bitch!"


Half an hour later Harry went downstairs to the kitchen and made toast. He hunched over the table holding a goblet filled with orange juice and nibbling the buttered bread. His eyes were still red from crying and his fists began to show signs of bruising.

"That bitch," he said aloud. "He just wanted to take advantage of me. I could tell he didn't love Cedric anymore; he didn't cry or looked sad or anything…. 'I don't know the meaning of love because I never fucked Cedric.' …Cedric probably didn't want to do it with him; Adam's not that sexy!" Harry chuckled as he took a sip of sweet OJ.

"…I do want to find love again, someday. Cedric wants me too, but not with that asshole…. I have to stop thinking about that and concentrate on Voldemort…. One day I'm going to get him, and not just to help the magical world or break free from his thoughts, but to avenge my love." Then Harry raised the Goblet of Desire. "Here's to you Cedric."……