
Series 4;

Flash Aid

A/n: If I did own BeyBlades (which I don't) this would be the fourth series. There are a few OC's and some magic. Plua mention's of ye olde characters. The only things I own in the story are Himinco, Maddy, Tai, Sovereign and Himinco's alter ego's. Sadly enough that is it. This is story number six. I will up dtae eventually.

The three-forty plane from New York arrived at Tokyo Airport. An azure haired man walked out of the gate. "Geez, it sure good to be back in Japan. I guess I will go to the BBA building. Tyson will probably be there" the man thought to himself as he went outside and hailed for a taxi.

At the same time and place a woman reached for her cell-phone. "Hello, is this the Kinomiya residence?" she spoke clearly as to not jumble her words. "Yes this is. May I ask who is speaking?" The boy didn't sound like Tyson so it must be one of Tyson's friends. "I am Himinco Oniishi. I am looking for Hiro". The boy gave an exasperated "oh" and then said "Hiro hasn't come back to Japan yet. Um… so I will get Tyson to tell him you called".

"Thanks anyways" Himinco hung up with a click and said "I have better go and see my grandpa. Oh crud, it is nearly four. He would have expected me by now. To the BBA building it is". And with that the girl set off on foot. What? She didn't like to mess up the environment.

Hiro arrived at the BBA building just as the G Revolution team arrived for a meeting. Hiro went to the office and was attacked by lots of looks that said "your back" and "where did you go" and "why didn't you tell us you were back?" Hiro laughed and began to tell them where he had been.

"I went to Russia, China, Australia, Africa and I just arrived back today from America" (short and sweet; Hiro doesn't like to ramble). Then Tyson remembered the message he was supposed to give Hiro. "Um… a girl named Him…Himi…..Himinc?..." he trailed off. Then a voice said "Himinco called but you are too late". Everyone looked around and then an overly hyper girl jumped from the stands and landed on Hiro's back. "I am already here!" she yelled. She got off and hugged Hiro. Then she turned to everyone else. "Looks like Hiro's gotta girlfriend!" Ray and Max said together.

"It's not like that" Hiro blushed. "This is my best friend, Himinco Oniishi. She used to baby sit you, Tyson. Where is Maddy and Tai?"

"Um… I just arrived from America one hour ago y'know? They don't know I am coming back. But yeah, knowing Tai, he will be here in an hour" Himinco stated nonchalantly.

"Wait. I just got off of the America-Japan flight. I could've seen you earlier" Hiro said looking disappointed.

"Oh stop your whining Hi-Chan. I am here now. Oh and Mr. D, should I tell them about what you told me?" Himinco turned from Hiro to Mr. Dickinson.

"Oh, alright" Mr. D smiled.

"Cool. Well, the BBA is having celebrity concert to raise money for the tournament this year," Himinco began. "So you guys and some other bladders are invited to attend. The guest will include, Hikari, Ming squared and the Tigress Dance studio".

"Who are they?" Tyson said, everyone stared.

"Um, Tyson? Hikari is only the best female singer out now. She sings that song called White Destiny" Hilary answered for Himinco.

"Yes, that's her alright" Himinco chuckled. Hiro glanced at Himinco. She was on edge about something. And she had always wanted to use the name Hikari if she became a singer. Hiro shook his head. She would tell me if she was, he thought. But Himinco could sing, dance and act, and she really wanted to be a singer. He couldn't shake the thought, so he let it go on. Then Himinco said that Tai and Maddisyn-Maddilyn-Maddigan had arrived. "Hello, Hiro!" Maddy squealed (it sounded like the blonde was meeting her boyfriend after ten years) and Tai just waved.

"So Tyson, remember me?"

"Um….no?" was Tyson's reply.

"Oh, you're nice!" Maddy huffed and then she went to sulk in a corner. Himinco just laughed. "So, well then, I guess I will see you at the concert cause I got tickets!" Himinco added as she, Maddy and Tai took their leave.

Himinco sat in her room as soon as she got home. "He looked at me as if he knew something was up. Maybe I shouldn't be using these fake identities? What am I saying? I can only find out what Grandpa wants me to do with next years tournament if I use these identities. Miss Kaoru, Miss Kaori, Himeno, Himinco and Hikari. Good standard. Oh, crud. A news report. What the Biovolt is back up and running? Oh my! If they find me and find out what I am doing they will sabotage me. Best if I keep a low profile and have each of my identities in a different attitude. Miss Kaoru should be shy. Miss Kaori is going to be outgoing. Himeno, angry. Himinco, the same as Hiro remembers her. And Hikari? A goody-two-shoes? She will be fun, hyper, happy, cool, calm and collected. That works! Now to un-pack. Damn jet-lag! Time to take a nap" Himinco thought and she calmly set herself down to sleep. What deep dark hidden things does this girl have in common with Biovolt? What is she using these identities for? Who on earth is her Grandpa? And what does Hiro have to do with this?

Hiro was up early next day. He decided to take a walk. But he also saw that Ray was there and he was up as well as Kai. So they tagged along too. As they were jogging past the mall they saw a small dancing studio called Tigress. Hiro figured it was the dance studio that Himinco had mentioned. Then he saw a lady and two girls in the window. They were dancing ballet. Then he realized that the lady was Himinco. What would she doing up at this hour? It is only six in morning, Hiro thought.

A/n: stay tuned for the next chapter where I may actually be having Tala doind the diclaimer. R&R please. And tell me if I should write my extremely random story or not! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!