A/n: Next chappie of Flash Aid! Hoorah! Anyway, on with it!

A Date to Remember

Himinco had to leave halfway through their "lunch-date", much to Hiro's disappointment, who also left soon after Himinco.

"If she was at Uni, then why did I see her dancing?" Hiro thought, confused. He walked into the BBA building and saw that young woman again. Miss Kaoru.

"Good afternoon," Hiro said politely as he siddled past her desk.

"Good afternoon to you too, Mr. Kinomiya" Miss Kaoru chirped.

"Gee, she's happy," Hiro thought as he walked into Mr. Dickenson's office.

The old man was looking a papers, astounded.

"Oh, Hiro, come in," the old man looked up and saw the young man standing there. "I was just arranging for my grandchildren to come over! Two of them are about your age!" Mr. Dickenson said happily.

Hiro nearly fell over. "I didn't know you had grandkids, sir."

"Oh yes I do! And besides that I was arranging with Himeno, a dance teacher and Hikari and Miss Kaoru to help out with the concert thing."

Hiro nodded.

"Anyway, my boy, why did you come?"

"Just to say hi and ask if there is anything I could help out with," Hiro lied.

Mr. Dickenson smiled brightly. "You can help Miss Kaoru today, she's just started her work experience, after all!"

And with that, Hiro was pushed out the office, and Miss Kaoru was nowhere to be seen…

Himinco laid down on her bed, it was eight o'clock at night. She had flung work, cancelled her classes, scratched her singing lessons and missed her Uni classes… She was too tired from all this pretending… And the hiding. That was hard too…

When would BioVolt just leave her be?

A/n: I know that was short, but I'm running on empty for this story. Any ideas are much appreciated, thank you!