Chapter Eight – Journey

It was Sunday, a day where most shops closed in order to spend some quality time with their family and friends. Tifa woke up to find a pretty blue sky with a nice warm sun greeting her. She could hear in the distance the loud clanking of machinery driving into the streets of Midgar. She immediately knew that the men were working hard in rebuilding the still broken down Midgar. Familiar rattling downstairs could be heard and then a loud bang to the floor downstairs of something heavy echoed through the entire house.

The soft mumbling of curse words escaping the blonde spiky haired figure could be heard by Tifa as she stood discreetly on the stairs watching. Various utensils were found scattered all over the kitchen floor as he knelt down to retrieve them. To the bottom of the staircase, directly in her view was a basket she had put to use when going on picnics with the children. Descending the stairs softly on her tippy toes, she grasped the basket and stood in front of the kneeling Cloud. Kneeling down beside him, Tifa assisted in gathering the scattered utensils.

"Here let me help," she insisted as she grabbed the last spoon and walked over to the kitchen tabletop where Cloud was now standing. She set the basket and silverware down onto the table and observed him.

"Did I wake you?" He asked gently as he repacked spoons, knives and forks into the basket. He then glanced up to face her.

Tifa shook her head and grinned at him in a tenderly way. "What are you doing with all this?" She queried nodding her head to the basket and the napkins he was now packing inside.

On Sundays, Cloud worked. Ever since the children had gone, he chose to work on Sundays. But today, Tifa sensed it was going to be different as she studied him. He was now packing already made sandwiches inside and it made her even more curious.

He hesitated for a moment, and then as he saw her brown innocent eyes staring at him full of wonder, he sputtered, "Let's go."

Eyes now filled with curiosity, Tifa continued to gawk at him. "Go?" She repeated, arching an eyebrow.

Cloud nodded once, breaking eye contact with her, pretending he was too busy packing the basket, but in reality he was getting a little nervous. Clearing his throat which was now tightening out of nerves, he explained, "To Kalm." He stated then paused and added, "Together."

At that last word, he watched as Tifa's eyes widened and broke away from his stare. She had averted her gaze to the basket, appearing to be deep in thought for a few minutes. A smile tugged across her red lips as she gave a curt nod in reply, mirroring one of Cloud's answers in which he used often. Shocked at her sudden smile, Cloud took in a sharp breath and watched as she met his gaze again.

"Let's go together Cloud," She whispered just audible. "To bring back our family." She further added.

That last sentence caught his attention. How did she know that he was thinking the same?

At his pondering look, Tifa grinned. "Childhood friends. We've been friends for almost eternity Cloud, I know you well," she explained and wasn't prepared for the response he gave her.

Cloud's eyes were filled with thankfulness, his expression soft, "Thanks," He said solemnly, so gratefully. She was the closest person to him, and he loved her for being so caring.

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Fenrir roared to life as Cloud mounted and waited for Tifa. She locked the doors and approached him, holding the picnic blanket. A barely visible smile danced across his lips as he took it and placed it into one of the hidden compartments on his motorbike. It was always her finishing touches that added more joy to the day. Closing the compartment, Tifa mounted behind Cloud, just catching the smile that reached his lips for just a split second. That small grin was enough to make her feel even more content. Wrapping her arms securely around his waist, Cloud lifted his foot off the ground, and the two sped off into the distance.

Tifa felt the wind ruffle through her hair as she closed her eyes and savored the moment. It had been quite a while since she had ridden with Cloud that she missed it. Now as she was settled behind him, she couldn't resist the urge to grin a face-splitting grin. It appeared to be normal again. Life seemed to be normal again, and if it wasn't normal, it was far better than before. In fact, things had improved so much that it was crazy to believe that she and Cloud had been fighting.

Scanning Cloud's back, Tifa memorized every part of him. Now that everything was neutral, did this mean that he was still keeping his word? Did it mean that Cloud was still keeping their childhood promise? Tifa didn't want to ask. She supposed that if he didn't leave, then that meant he was still keeping his word. At that very thought, it made her ever more proud to have him.

Cloud slowed down a little as he felt Tifa's body lean into his back. He knew she was tired, but he had informed her that he was determined to get to Kalm by the end of the day. As usual, she never defied him but only threw him a supportive smile.

The sun was set, it was dark and he could see the small town a few kilometers away. It was a sight to behold as lights shimmered in the dark like diamonds.

Now Fenrir was at an even slower pace. Cloud knew that she wasn't really sleeping for her arms were still clasped around him quite tightly. He had missed her, and he was never going to stop protecting her because she was one of the few things he had left to protect.

Opening his mouth, Cloud felt his heart's rate increase a little. "Tifa?" He called, his soft voice filling the dark, night sky.

Tifa didn't lift her head from his back; instead her eyes had fluttered open gradually. "Hrmmm…?" She answered.

Cloud eventually stopped the motorcycle just on the outskirts of Kalm. She was half asleep, but he knew she would hear his next few words. "We're the same, you're my only support." He said to her and started driving again.

The loud thudding of Tifa's heart racing was pumping in her ears. She smiled to herself, but didn't move away from the security of Cloud's back. The only response she gave him to ensure that she had heard him was the gentle squeeze of her grip around his waist.

Leaning her head onto Cloud's back a little more; she listened for a while and found the rhythmic beat of his heart. The beat of his heart, mirrored the same rhythmic beat of hers and Tifa grinned again. She was never alone. Not now, nor ever.

As they entered the small town called Kalm, she rubbed her face into his back and stopped. Tifa knew that this wasn't the end, it was just the beginning. A new beginning.

The End.

A/N: This is the last chapter, which brings this fanfiction to an end! I hope you all enjoyed it and please review! Sorry for making you wait so long, but my computer's crashed on me, so had to use my trustworthy cousin's computer! So enjoy! I'll hopefully be back soon! Until then take care all!

To all the readers that gave this fanfiction a chance, and to all my supportive reviewers for your reviews. I savor each and every single word you type. Thank you all so very much for joining me, and allowing me to share this piece of writing! The joy in knowing I'm on a few 'favorites list' is absolutely overwhelming! So I thank you all so much for giving me this sense of accomplishment! I'll be back with another fanfiction. Arigato!

Just Mystical