Like I promised a new story. This one is something I came up with because of a music video and an episode of Inuyasha. I'm not sure if it's going to be a long or short story, depends on how things go with it. Well, hope you like it everyone! This story is OOC! Just to let you know.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Inuyasha or any of the other characters, Rumiko Takahashi does.

Age: Kagome- 17 Inuyasha-18

The Black haired man screamed in pain as he was pinned hard to a near by tree by the large bear demon. 'Dammit…of all the time's….' The man thought as he struggled to get free. The demon laughed as he watched the human try to free himself. "It's no use trying to escape. Just give up." The demon snarled out as he slammed his paw into the guys shoulder until it popped. The demon then took him by the neck and started to choke him.

He kicked wildly but the demon's grip was like steel, it didn't loosen. It smirked as he reared his left hand and pierced it through the black haired human's chest. He screamed as the pain was unbearable. It smirked even more as he let go of the humans neck, but the man stayed propped up because if the arm through his chest. She then moved his fingers around inside him, which only made the pain worse.

"I am, Shuji, ruler of the bear clan and this is your end human." Shuji smirked as he pulled his hand out of the guy's chest. He screamed even more and fell splat onto the ground. Shuji held out his bloody hand and shrugged, and walked towards him again.

As Shuji was only a foot away, an arrow stopped him in his place. He looked over to the area where the arrow came from and saw a woman with long flowing black hair aiming another arrow at him.

"Let the man go now" She said as she pulled the string back further on her bow. The demon glared at her as he turned towards the new mysterious human, forgetting his other pray.

"And what are you going to do about it if I don't? You're just a little girl, you can't do shit!" Shuji said as he chuckled. The girl glared and shot an arrow at him with a strange power that made him dissolve.

The injured man looked up at her, but couldn't see too much with his eyes so blurry. 'W-who is she? Is he going to kill me?' He thought as she walked towards him. He closed his eyes tightly as her hand came near him, but there was no pain. He opened his eyes to find her hand glowing over his wound. After a minute, the wound was completely gone.

"W-who are you? And how the hell did you do that?" He asked as he sat up and faced her. This was the first time he actually got a good look at her, and his breath stopped in his throat. She was beautiful.

She had long raven black hair, beautiful hazel eyes, tan skin, was around 15 or 16, had nice curves, her teeth were white, she was human, but all in all, she was plain breathtaking.

Upon hearing his voice, she turned towards him and smiled sweetly. "My name is Kagome. And I'm a Miko (Priestess in Japanese if you don't know). Now who are you and why were you being attacked by that demon?" She asked as she set her bow down.

"My name…is Inuyasha. I don't know why that bastard attacked me, but thanks for saving me Kagome." He said as he blushed lightly.

She smiles and nodded her head. "It's No problem Inuyasha, just doing my job." Kagome explained as she stood up. Afraid she might leave and he'd never see her again, he stood up as well.

"Um…Do you want me to walk you to your village? You know, as a way of saying my thanks and to make sure you make it back safely?" Inuyasha asked, blushing lightly. 'Why am I acting like this over a stupid mortal girl?'

Kagome looked over at him for a moment before smiling sweetly. "I'd love that. Thank you." She said as she grabbed her bow. Inuyasha gave out a sigh of relief and started walking towards her village.

As they walked, Inuyasha kept glancing over at her, looking and thinking about how beautiful she was. When Kagome looked at him with a confused look on her face, he quickly turned his head and kept quiet, though his face was bright red.

When they finally reached the village and Kagome hut, they started to say there goodbyes. She laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you…" she whispered.

He blushed. "It's no problem. It's the least I could do for you…" He looked into her face, and without knowing it, he started to lean in towards her.

Kagome blushed when their faces mere inches apart, she could feel his hot breath on her skin. Suddenly he leaned down, capturing her lips in a kiss. He couldn't believe he was doing this. After a moment and he noticed she wasn't pushing him away, he slipped his tongue between her lips before she could pull back and tangled it with hers. She gave in and explored his mouth, running her tongue over his teeth and back to his tongue.

Finally, they pulled apart, catching breath. "Kagome…", he half whispered against her lips.


"I want to see you again…Can I meet you under the Goshinboku on the next new moon?" Inuyasha asked as he kissed her neck lightly. Kagome gasped lightly but nodded.

"Ok, but why so long?" Kagome asked.

"Um…I have to go on a trip and I won't be back until then." Inuyasha lied. He couldn't tell her the truth, not now, not yet. Kagome nodded in understanding and started to walk inside.

"Goodnight and Goodbye Inuyasha."

"Goodnight Kagome…"Inuyasha whispered as he ran back into the forest, as the sun began to rise.

Well that's the end of the first Chapter. Hope you guys liked it. No this isn't a one shot, just something I can write for while it won't let me update for "The Stray". Please tell me if you liked it or not. Let's just call this a Christmas (or holiday if you don't celebrate Christmas) present. Well please review. Bye!
