Review Section

S.O.N.luva: I'm glad that this one's just as awesome as the first.

Ariana: Mmm, thickening plot.

Daniela: Yay for Aiden and him being smart.

MistyRiver17: Ah, Ash and Spence time. It is good, isn't it? That's a freaking cute mouse, man.

His Keno Waitress: I'm not all that sure that I'm going to explore the Madison thing. It depends on my mood when the time comes.

Author's Notes

Okay, so this story is coming to a close. That's right, this is the last chapter. Not to worry, I've got a third story floating around in my head somewhere. Keep a watch out for that.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. They belong to Tom Lynch, the creator of South Of Nowhere.

Not Where We've Been

Chapter 8

By Persephone's Nautical Nun

As Ashley's car creeped closer to my house, I grew more panicked. I knew I was going to have to face my mother not only for my relationship with Ashley, but also for staying out all night.

Ashley seemed to read my thoughts as we pulled up into the driveway. "Hey, maybe she'll understand, you know? Maybe she'll realize that you couldn't come home right away."

I appreciated what she was trying to do for me, but the fact remained that I had done something that I shouldn't have, and I was going to get my ear twisted off for it.

"Hey, Spence, if you want me to stay, I mean, if you need an out or anything... I can stay."

God, she really was too good. But, I needed to do this on my own. "No, Ash. You were right. This, all of this, coming to terms with my feelings for you, telling my mom, I have to do it on my own."

She squeezed my hand and flashed me one of her shining smiles. I loved her smile. It could brighten any mood I was in. I studied her face for a long time, trying to memorize every line and curve of her face, just in case this was the last time I'd be able to freely be with her. Mom was sure to keep an even closer eye on me than ever before.

Before I realized what happened, Ashley's soft mouth was kissing mine. I don't know who closed the distance between us, and I kind of liked it that way. It meant that we were so comfortable with each other, that these transitions were seamless.

I didn't notice when we started to get a little more physical. I honestly don't know when she managed to climb onto my lap. I honestly don't know when my hands roamed to Ashley's sides, or when my fingers clutched at the fabric there. I honestly don't know when her fingertips hooked themselves under the hem of my pants. And I honestly don't know at what point in time our mouths agreed to open for each other's tongues. But, the thing is, I didn't care to know. Because I needed that. At that point in time, I needed it. I needed to feel close to Ashley.

What I didn't need, was my mom coming out of the house and seeing us like that. I also didn't need her tapping on the window in order to get us to stop. It must have been torture for Ashley. For the first time, I actually saw her blush. She was embarrassed, and not in a cute way. She was embarrassed in a way that I hoped I wouldn't see.

Ashley hastily crawled off of me and moved back to the driver's seat. She wouldn't meet my eyes, but I wasn't upset. I knew why she wouldn't.

"Ash..." I searched for words to make her feel better.

She glanced at me for a split second before turning away. It dawned on me that she felt dirty, because that's how my mother viewed it. "You'd better go, Spence, before your mom freaks out even more."

There was nothing I could do but listen to her. I got out of the car and immediately felt my mother's hand on my back, ushering me into the house. I quickly sped up, trying to get away from her hand.

When we got inside, she told me to sit down, and so I did. She seemed like she was trying to be calmer about this than she really was.

"Spencer, I spoke with a therapist today."

A therapist? Where was she going with this? "Okay..."

"And she said, that it wouldn't be a good idea to separate you and Ashley. She said it could do damage to your mental health."

Well, the therapist got that right. I'd probably go insane if I couldn't see Ashley.

"So, Spencer, I've come up with an ultimatum for you."

And ultimatum, huh? I was ready for whatever she had in store.

"You can continue seeing Ashley, on the condition that you start therapy... to maybe cure you of this... sickness."

Sickness? Now, I was sick. First, I was corrupted, now I was sick. Couldn't she just accept it and move on? Nothing could change how I felt about Ashley. That much I was sure of. Seeing a therapist wasn't going to change my feelings for her. And, if I went and saw this therapist, I would be allowed to see Ashley. My answer was easy. I'd have to work on Mom, later, to get her to see that I was happy. But, for now, I'd humor her. Anything to keep Ashley in my life.

"Okay, Mom. I'll start therapy."

The End