DISCLAIMER: Sadly I do not own Naruto or anything that would help me rake in millions!

(AN)Author's note- Hello all my readers, thanks for taking the time to read my story. Its actually my first Naruto fic, and its an unusual pairing but one I like. I'll just let the story talk. Enjoy!


Chapter One


Sakura had always known this day would come, but now that it had arrived didn't make it any easier to bare. Sasuke and Naruto had progressed on to jounin without her. It wasn't that she wasn't happy for them, she just wished she wouln't be celebrating for them, but with them.

She sighed and pushed herself up from the wall outside the Hokage's building. Tsuande-sama wanted to personally speak and congratulate this exam's new jounin. Among them were Sasuke, Naruto, Shikamaru, Shino, Kiba, Lee Rock, Hanata, Tenten, and Neji.

Ino was happy being a regular ninja, she didn't want to bear the extra responsibility that came with being a jounin, and had wisely declined on the chance to enter the competition. Sakura though was determined to be a medic-nin at a jounin level, and had entered the exams. Only to be eliminated at the beginning of the 2nd part. She had not even lasted half of the 6 part jounin exam.

'I'm a failure,' she thought miserably, 'I should never have entered that exam and humiliated myself that way.' She walked aimlessly back and forth wondering what was taking them so long. She kicked at a loose stone, it was probably something only classified for jounins, and 'you will never know what Sakura,' she taunted herself, "Because you're too weak for anything other than med work," she grumbled to herself angrily.

"Talking to yourself," a voice asked breaking throgh her reverie. Sakura looked up and nearly fainted in shock upon staring into the pale eyes of Neji Hyuuga.

"U-uh, I-I was," she stammered uncomfortably at a loss for words. In all the years she'd known him, Neji was not one who often spoke to her to her, much less initiate a conversation. In the few times he had even addressed her it was to inquire about someone or something whereabouts, and even then he seemed to look right through her without even aknowledging who she was.

Her face flushed pink when she realized he was staring at her waiting for a response. "I was just thinking out loud. You see I'm wating for my teammates Sasuke and Naruto, I mean my former teammates since I didn't pass the exam. The Hokage wanted to speak with all the new Jounin and of course I couldn't go in so I'm waiting out here," she took a pause from her endless rambling. "I'm sorry I just start babbling when I'm nervous." 'Oh, no why did I say that to him? He must think I'm stupid along with weak, which I'm starting to believe.'

He merely gave a slight shrugg of the shoulders by way of response. When he forthcame with nothing Sakura begin to feel uneasy and asked, "Did you need anything Neji-san?"

He stuffed his hands in his pants pockets. He waited a beat before speaking, "The Hokage finished her speech over 5 minutes ago. I came right out and heard you talking to yourself."

Sakura's temper flared, "I was not talking to myself, I was thinking outloud!"

He cocked his head to the side and studied her. At nineteen Sakura had grown into a very beautiful young woman. With her luminous pale green eyes sparkling, and her strawberry smoothie colored tresses falling down her back. She was wearing a short red dress with a series of intricate designs, something he thought inappropiate for a ninja. At the moment though her green eyes were flashing a violent green.

"My mistake then," he responded. "It must not have been a very pleasant thought though," he conceded.

Her eyes clouded over, "No, it wasn't."

He started to just walk off, but thought better of it. Instead he asked, "Did you plan on entering the next jounin exam?"

She looked surprised at the question and then her expression turned weary, "Are you here to warn me off? If you are don't bother, I learned my lesson 3 weeks ago at the start of the exam."

"I came to tell you that I was impressed. You entered against the odds," he paused, "And that is something to be admired."

Sakura blinked at him in amazement. "I can't believe I'm hearing those words from a genius who looks down on others who're not. Besides I didn't even finish half the exam, so I really don't need your pity, false flattery or whatever you want to call it," she finished bitterly.

Neji couldn't prevent a smirk from covering his face. "Do I seem like someone who would do that," he asked.

Sakura blushed and evaded his gaze, "I'm sorry. You...wouldn't have-," she broke off and looked up at him, "Do you really think that it was admirable," she asked with hope in her eyes.

"Yes, now you know where you need to improve to advance to the next level...Unless you're giving up, which is not a good quality," he said pointedly, his transparent eyes boring into hers.

Sakura shifted uncomfortably and mumbled, "I don't know what to do."

A silence settled between them, Sakura thought he was done with this conversation untill he said, "You're Tsuande-sama's personal student aren't you," she nodded, "I'm sure the Hokage wouldn't take on someone thats not suited for that position. With direct training from the Hokage its almost a guarantee you'll advance if you have the abilities to. And a good way to view the outcome of the exam is that if you went forward too soon there's a possiblity you could be put in a situation you aren't prepared or skilled for and the result could be fatal."

She gave a tremelous smile, "Thank you Neji," her face furrowed in concentration and she really looked at him. "Thats the most you've ever spoken to me or anyone I know. You're not as mean and cold-hearted as everyone thinks you are, are you Neji?"

It was his turn to evade his gaze, "I don't know or care what anyone thinks." He looked up surprised when he heard a soft laugh.

Sakura was grinning widely, "Don't worry your secrets safe with me." She rubbed a hand through her hair to smooth it back. "I know Sasuke and Naruto would have said something to make me not feel like a failure, but they're my friends and they'll hold back with me. Well maybe not Sasuke all the time," she said on an afterthought. "But hearing just those few words is more than enough, so thank you."

He shrugged, "I was just giving my opinion."

"No one would believe I talked to you even if I told them," she giggled, "I'm going to go catch up with Naruto and Sasuke now. I feel so much better," she exclaimed. "Bye," she called waving as she trotted towards the door.

Neji looked after her perplexed. "That was weird. I barely said anything." In the seven years he'd known her he never felt the inclination to speak to her, why now? He pushed the thought away from his mind and walked off.

I hope you liked the story. And don't worry it will not go too fast, with this type of pairing it can't just speed like a SasukeSakura or NarutoHanata, it takes time. But luckily with my careful plotting and planning I have found a way for them to be together soon and it will be believable! ha ha

I'm working on Ch 2 now, but expect an udpate 2-3 times a month. In 2 weeks I have finals so there will be a temporary laspe. Thanks again!