Title: Now or Never (I'm not sure if I like this title, but it will do for now).
Sasuke confesses his love for Naruto. Naruto tells him that he isn't interested in guys. However, Sasuke has a back-up plan.
Ummm high?
Sasuke and Naruto all the way. And some mention of Sakura and Lee.
Yes please.
Only me and my word processor.
Author Notes:
This is in response to Anna Belle's challenge. I know the challenge was posted on the 7/12 on AFF but at least I finally started it. Here's the link if you want to check out the guidelines: http/ I can't help the fact that I am lazy. I was going to just do a oneshot but I have got a plot summary that is like 4 - 5 chapters long. I am hopeless. This is my first multi-chapter fic; let's pray that I don't fuck it up tragically. By the way, I tried to interject some humor but it is not solely a humor fic.
I don't own Naruto and make no money off this.


A loud knocking reverberated throughout Naruto's apartment. This did not please the once sleeping young man in the slightest. Slothfully he removed the covers off himself and ran a hand through his unruly blonde hair, even worse, unruly blonde bed hair. Another knock. Naruto wiped the sleep away from his eyes and began to focus on his surroundings. He looked at the clock at his bed-side: 12:44pm. A yawn escaped his mouth as he eventually made his way to let the person at his door in. The closer he got the more forceful the knocks became. Naruto was jolted out of his thoughts, surprisingly, when the incessant knocking stopped. Silence….then the sound of a voice, a voice he knew all too well, and this voice spelt doom.

"NARUTO! I know you're in there so open the damn door!" the voice chastised.

The blonde rubbed his eyes once again. He glared at the door hoping that it would make the person on the other side disappear….it didn't. Just before he opened the aforementioned door he converted his face into his trademark grin. Naruto yawned through said grin, "Ah, Sakura-chan, what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I came to invite you to lunch." She smiled.

"Ramen?" He asked skeptically, with an upturned eyebrow.

"But of course." She continued to smile.

"What do you want?" he sighed.

"Do I need a reason to come and invite one of my ex-teammates, wait, one of my best friends, to lunch?" Sakura responded, sounding offended.

"Sasuke's isn't home is he?"



"Yes, he got it a day after you left for yours. But that is beside the point. I actually wanted to see you. We need to talk….seriously."

"Seriously?...Fine, just let me shower and get dressed."

Sakura suddenly blushed as she noticed the fact that Naruto was wearing nothing but sweatpants, "Ah….okay."

"Make yourself at home. I won't be long." Naruto started making his way to his room, leaving Sakura with a perfect view of his tanned back….and perfect arse.

She suddenly smirked, "You know Naruto….I hate to see you go, but I loooove to watch you leave." She said while making approving noises.

It was Naruto's turn to blush.

I wonder what Sakura wants to talk to me about. Probably Sasuke, it's ALWAYS about Sasuke. She definitely has a one track mind. I wish she would just shut up already, if he hasn't proclaimed his love for her in the circa eight years she's been obsessing over him, then its not going to happen anytime soon. I feel kinda sorry for her. Being rejected continuously is not good for your self-esteem. Sometimes that teme is such an arse. Would it kill him to go on ONE date with the girl! She's gorgeous, smart and has a killer rack. Maybe then she'll shut up!

"You know exactly why he hasn't gone for the pink-haired wench."

She is NOT a wench and yes, 'Mr. I've always got to put my 2 cents in', I've got a pretty good idea why he isn't jumping at the chance to be with Sakura. I swear if you weren't sealed inside me I'd have you neutered.

"Lucky for me then," The fox smirked "And what is your hypothesis?"

That Sasuke has a thing for me. How far it goes, I'm not sure. He just has to make my life more insane then it already is, doesn't he?

"He will probably confess to you soon. How are you going to handle it?"

Sorry Sasuke but the thought of a guys cock up my arse sounds terribly painful, oh, and did I mention unappealing?

"You might have to be a little more….charismatic with your response."

I know. I don't want to loose his friendship or rivalry even. It doesn't really bother me that he checks me out and stuff. That's got to say something right? At least I'm willing to live with the situation. I guess I just don't want to inadvertently lead him on. That's my biggest concern.

"I see. Just for the record, I think he would make an excellent 'mate' for us. He is strong, handsome and intelligent."

There is just way too much wrong with what you just said. Aren't you a male? Don't you find anything wrong with that situation?

"No I don't. And demons generally don't make a distinction between genders. We go for what takes our fancy you could say."

Alriiiight then. You don't by any chance have ANY effect on my libido or anything like that, do you? I would like to think that I was the ONLY one making those kinds of life-altering decisions. Plus, I doubt that whoever I end up with is going to be happy knowing that a demon within me was the reason for my choice and not a genuine love that I would have for the person.

"No, all I can do is provide you with my opinion. It is up to you whether you choose to listen or not."

Nice to know.

Naruto was suddenly broken out of his internal conversation with everybody's favorite fox demon by, yet again, a knocking at the bathroom door.

"Hurry up Naruto! Ichiraku's will shut before we even leave your damn apartment!" Sakura yelled, a little irate.

He turned off the water, "Sorry Sakura-chan! I'll be out in a sec."

"You better, I hate to break it to you Naruto, but your place isn't very entertaining."

The blonde chuckled, "Try living here."

Naruto quickly dried himself and threw on a pair of signature orange pants and a black tee-shirt, one that complemented the body that the blonde had worked hard for: lithe and well-toned. Over the years of vigorous training, the boy had finally grown into himself. Starling cerulean eyes peered back at him as he traced the whisker birthmarks that marred his face. The now 20 year old man was undeniably hot, it's a shame that he never really noticed.

Making his way back out to meet Sakura, Naruto violently towel dried his hair. Running fingers through blonde locks, in a vain attempt to 'style' it, he gave up with a sigh and sat on the couch next to Sakura.

"You ready now?" She questioned.

"I suppose so. I gotta get gama-chan."

"Don't bother my treat."

Sakura just spoke the magic words, earning her a bear hug, from a now overactive blonde, "I love you Sakura-chan!" He chirped.

The two teammates leisurely walked to Ichiraku's in a comfortable silence, just absorbing the scenery of the Konoha markets. Naruto was deep in thought about various things, most notably, the conversation with the Fox earlier. Naruto currently had a feeling of foreboding; like something was going to happen….very soon and that he wasn't going to like it. When they, at long last, entered the ramen stand they took their usual seats made an order and waited. Hoping that the other would start a conversation, the silence permeated, until Sakura gave in and began to talk.

"Why were you still asleep when I got to your place?" Sakura questioned, blushing slightly as she remember his state of undress.

"Oh, I just got back from my mission early this morning. I crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow. It's amazing how great a pillow can feel when you have been deprived of one for the better portion of a month." Naruto sighed.

"What was the mission? How did it go?"

"Mission was a success, YOSH!" the blonde emphasized his words with a fist in the air, "As far as the mission details….I was sooooo bored Sakura-chan!" he whined.

"Sounds like you had fun." She chuckled.

"I had to scour a section of forest on the border of Fire Country for some rare herb that some old bat needed so she could make some special tea….TEA! I'll tell you what! It wasn't very nice either! I wasted a month traveling and searching for tea that was mediocre at best. Baa-chan is going to get an ear full when I hand in my mission report. I'm a ninja! I should be you know….ninja-ing, not searching for some herb in a forest."

Sakura was having a hard time keeping in her laughter. Naruto was just so cute when he was angry like that; it wasn't real anger, more like irritability. She knew what he was thinking….'I'll never become Hokage that way!' Sure enough she was right.

"Geez, I'll never become Hokage that way. TEA!" for effect, he grabbed his hair in mock frustration, "I swear Sakura-chan, I will do unsavory things to the next person who so much as even mentions tea in my presence."

"Naruto, dear Naruto, you are priceless." And with that she could no longer contain her laughter, so she broke out into a full out fit almost falling off her stool.

There was only one thing that Naruto could do: he laughed as well. After several minutes of hysterical laughter they were served their ramen. They both shared an 'itadakimasu' and Naruto began to shovel the noodles into his mouth like there was no tomorrow. Sakura did not 'shovel'; she is a lady now isn't she.

"So what did you want to talk to me about Sakura-chan?"

"It's about Sasuke-kun…."

"I knew that was coming." he sighed.

"….and you." She finished nervously.

"What do you mean? There is no 'Sasuke and me'."

"Naruto," Sakura stated dangerously, "I refuse to believe that you are that dense."

"Maybe not but that still doesn't change the fact that there is still no 'Sasuke and me', however I do think he wishes there was." Naruto sighed once again.

"How do you feel about the situation, and Sasuke-kun?"

"Too much. I love him but not in the way he wants me too. He is my rival and best friend. That's it. I don't want to hurt him. He means too much to me." Naruto said with a hint of melancholy.

Sakura leaned over and brought Naruto into a hug. "I understand. I have loved Sasuke-kun for most of my life but deep down I knew that I would never get his love in return. I believe he has reserved that part of himself for you. I feel bad for him because this will break his heart. And I don't know if he will be able to handle it." the beginning of tears welling in her eyes.

"I know. I wish things could have been different."

"Heh, that's the first time I have admitted that to anyone, including myself. I feel kinda….relieved in a way. The truth hurts but it can also set you free." Sakura offered Naruto a small smile.

"No offense Sakura-chan but it's about bloody time. There is someone out there for you who will give you the devotion and love you need. Sasuke-teme was a crush that got out of hand."

"I don't think it was a crush Naruto. But I shouldn't have let it manipulate so much of my life. It's a shame I didn't come to my senses while you still had a thing for me."

"Yeh," he giggled and rubbed the back of his head, "Just remember Sakura-chan, you're beautiful and intelligent and ANYONE in this village will be lucky to have you….plus you have a killer rack."

After getting over the initial shock at Naruto's bluntness, she gave him a mighty smack to the head, and started to blush violently, "You're becoming as perverted as Jiraiya-sama." After a few seconds of silence, "Arigatou Naruto."

"Anytime sexy," He winked "Hey ojii-san! Another miso ramen!"

Sasuke was miffed, and that was putting it mildly. Firstly: he didn't appreciate having to deal with missing-nins on his way home from a supposed "simple retrieval mission from Suna" as the Godaime had said. Secondly: Sasuke ESPECIALLY hated going to Suna at all. It was hot, sticky and sand got absolutely EVERYWHERE! The raven haired boy still finds sand in unlikely places at his house, from a mission he did over a year ago.

Tsunade should have sent the usuratonkachi. He likes going to Suna. Plus he actually likes Gaara. Kazekage or not I still think he's creepy. Oh that's right! They ALWAYS have to have an epic battle to see who has gotten stronger. And that usually equals the destruction of property….public property. He is such an idiot; he astounds me with his idiocy some times.

And thirdly: he had the pleasure of seeing HIS dobe eating lunch with their ex-teammate upon his arrival back in Konoha. That's right folks, HIS dobe. Sasuke finally came to his senses and admitted his love for the blonde baka. Problem was that he had only admitted it to himself. Naruto was still supposedly unaware of this. Sasuke was going to invite his oblivious blonde to lunch when he got back but his plan had just been foiled by none other than the girl, now woman, who had been the bane of his existence since he before he was twelve. Although they have assembled a relationship of sorts it still wasn't one like the girl wanted. She was his friend. She was a girl he could stand to be around for extended periods of time. She was his ex-teammate. They had history. But most of all, she was his rival for the blonde's affection and love. It's a shame that Sasuke hasn't quite realized that their relationship evolved from one of unrequited love, on Naruto's part, to more of a brother/sister love.

He decided not to intrude on their lunch, opting to hand in his mission report and the scroll he had to retrieve. Then he could go home and sleep.

Sasuke entered his home and headed straight to his room. After peeling off his clothes he immediately collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. It did not matter that he was sweaty. And at the moment, it sure as hell did not matter that he was getting sand everywhere. He was dead to the world. It seems like fatigue finally caught up with the young man.

Naruto was halfway through his fifth bowl of ramen when he sniffed the air and picked up on an all too familiar scent. Sasuke. Sasuke was back in Konoha. Naruto wouldn't tell very many people but when Sasuke was on a solo mission he feared that the boy wouldn't come back. It wasn't that he didn't trust him; it was more that he didn't trust the people around him. It was for this precise reason that whenever Naruto found out that Sasuke wasn't around that he would heighten his senses, which the Kyuubi was oh so willing to evolve. Note the sarcasm. When the blonde had suddenly stopped eating it alerted Sakura. She looked up from her second bowl of ramen to see a happy, and almost serene, expression on the boys face

"Why did you stop eating Naruto?" She inquired.

"Sasuke's back."

"How do you know?" she asked skeptically.

"I just….do." He muttered. Everybody was still oblivious to the demon that resided in the blonde and he wanted to keep it that way a little longer. So it wasn't as if he could tell her it was because he had smelt his scent.

"For someone who has no romantic feelings for Sasuke, you sure know a lot about him. Including when he is close by or not. Don't you think that that is a little odd? Hmmmm…."

"No. Sasuke and I are just friends. Really good ones at that. We have been through a lot together. More than most friends and because of that we have a special kind of bond. Not all bonds have to be romantic, do they?"

"I suppose not. But now that I have come to the conclusion that Sasuke-kun will never be mine, I'd much rather he be yours."

"Sakura-chan, you only admitted that your love will be nothing more only about an hour ago. How can you say that you want to set him up? With a boy no less. A boy who is practically like a brother to you."

"I think it is because of that, that I can accept it all the more easier." She stated flatly.

"Give yourself some time to grieve for your lost love. I don't want you to be a bitter old maid. Plus….SASUKE AND I AREN'T LIKE THAT!" The boy began to yell.

"Okay Naruto." She smiled with a hint of sadness.

"Arigatou Sakura-chan." He hugged her gently, "Now let's talk about happier things….You know Lee still has his eye on you?" he stated slyly.

"NARUTO!" Sakura squealed and smacked the boy on the head.

Sakura had finally done it. She had admitted to herself that her love for one Uchiha Sasuke was forever going to be one-sided. But that didn't stop it from hurting. After she left Naruto at Ichiraku's she didn't feel like going home to her empty apartment just yet. She needed to think. She needed to grieve, just like Naruto told her to. And that's what she intended on doing.

The pink haired girl walked aimlessly for at least an hour, thinking of nothing in particular, until she came across the bench that she sat with Sasuke just after their graduation from the academy, although at the time she wasn't aware that it was Naruto for most of the meeting. Sitting on the familiar seat she decided that the quiet atmosphere was perfect for her to brood upon her situation.

He is never going to love me beyond that of a friend. I thought that after all these years of adoration and utter devotion; he would finally come to his senses and realize that I would be the perfect girl for him. That I could make him happy. That I could be the mother of his children. That I could be Uchiha Sakura. I should have seen it sooner. He has loved Naruto for such a long time. They have shared a bond that I could never have imagined. A bond that wasn't even broken by Sasuke leaving the village.

Maybe I was always aware of this but I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to have to face the fact that he loved someone else and that someone else was our teammate, and a boy. But now that I think about it I really don't care. Love is love. Maybe my love for Sasuke was so strong in my mind that I wasn't willing to see that it had changed from one of romanticism to one of family. It was all that I had known for some many years that I was blinded by it.

I still love Sasuke with all of my being but just not in the way that I thought, I guess. How much time have I wasted on a love that would never be fulfilled? And I am supposed to be intelligent. If I was so intelligent then I would have seen through my own feelings a lot sooner. It's like I had cast a genjutsu on myself. An illusion of love that would one day been returned. It won't ever. I have lost to Naruto. Now all I can really be sad about is that I know how Sasuke feels. He has been suffering like me.

It is time for me to evolve. I can no longer linger in this fantasy. I am 20 years old. According to Naruto I am beautiful, intelligent and 'have a killer rack'. He can be so…. But it is sweet in a Naruto kinda way. He did mention that Lee still liked me; maybe I should give him a chance. I have to move on. I will move on. Today is a new day for Haruno Sakura!

At the completion of Sakura's inner dialogue she decided to make her way back to her apartment. During the walk she continued to think of ways to change her life around her to concur with her new attitude. And as if the gods were playing with fate, Sakura ran into none other that Lee….literally.


"Ah, Sakura-chan! Gomen! I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking." An over apologetic Lee spluttered while offering assistance to the love of his life.

"It's okay. Hey Lee-kun…." Sakura began to blush and refuse to look into the others eyes "….would you like to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?" she said a little too quickly.

Lee grabbed Sakura's face and lifted it to meet his own "I would be delighted."

They both smiled as they went their separate ways.

Uchiha Sasuke was extremely frustrated and in more ways than one. His day sucked before he crashed out and now that he was awake it didn't prove to be much better. When he woke up he was confronted by several problems. One was the state of his bed, which was now filthy and covered in sand. And the second was the problem that he had just taken care of during his shower. Although he has gotten some relief by his own hands, he still didn't like having to wake-up to an obvious restriction in his pants curtsey of a very erotic dream that featured everyone's favorite demon vessel. He just couldn't help but feel perverted as he touched himself sinfully while imagining that they were the hands of his best friend. Maybe Kakashi was having too much of an influence on him, being the pervert that he is. Deciding that he needed to relax and think the boy made himself some tea and settled on the couch. It was now that he began to talk to the overbearing silence that permeated throughout his apartment. Isn't that the first sign of madness?

"Okay Sasuke," he began to mutter to himself, "You love your best friend and have so for years. How are you going to confess to him without destroying your friendship? While also avoiding an arse-kicking by said friend."

The Uchiha got up and started pacing around the place, "Fuck, when did I become such a girl. This must have been how Sakura and Ino felt before they pestered me for dates."

He paced some more, "A part of me can't help but think that there is something wrong with me. I am talking to myself about my love for my best friend and ex-teammate who is a boy. It's all Kakashi-sensei's fault. That overly perceptive bastard. Did he HAVE to mention that I might loose the dobe if I didn't tell him soon?"

Sasuke retired back to the couch and slowly sipped some more of his tea, "So what am I going to do? If I confess to him in public there is a better chance of avoiding any damage to public property. However, that has never stopped the baka before. It also isn't very personal. It isn't as if I am asking him to spar, I am asking him to accept my love and hopefully return it."

Confusion was etched upon the boys pale face, "So in public or in private?"

After a couple of minutes of silence the Uchiha was hit with an epiphany, "I've got it." He didn't even notice anyone else's presence in his apartment.

"Got what Sasuke-teme?" a voice chided.

"Dobe? What are you doing here? And that is none of your business." Sasuke responded with a mixture of shock and anger to his tone.

"You don't have to be such a bastard. I was just curious as to why you didn't come and join Sakura-chan and me for lunch."

"I just got back from a mission."

"I know." He winked.

"How?" Sasuke asked skeptically.

"That's my little secret now isn't it?"

"Usuratonkachi." He smirked.

"So how was your mission?"

"Hell." He stated flatly.

"Mine too." Naruto chuckled.

Sasuke blushed.

Both boys talked for hours about everything that the other had missed and their separate missions. That's right! Sasuke was talking….in complete sentences for longer than five minutes. It was approaching midnight when they began to wrap up their 'gossip' session.

"I better be off Sasuke-teme!" The blonde jumped up.


"…." Naruto glared. A glare that rivaled Sasuke's own.

"Naruto," Sasuke's voice began to soften, "Are you busy tomorrow night?"

"No. Why?" cerulean eyes stared bemusedly.

"Can you meet me at Ichiraku's at around six o'clock?"

"Sure." Naruto responded just a softly. A knowing look on his face.

Naruto disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Looks like it's now or never." Sasuke whispered.

TBC….enjoy, please R&R!

I hope to have the next chapter written soon.