Disclaimer: All characters are the property of the wonderful Tamora Pierce. I'm merely playing with them.

This begins at the end of EM. Chapter 1 starts after the prologue in ROtG.



Carthak, shortly before Daine's departure.

"Here, laddybuck," Alanna told Numair. "You come with me."

The tall mage sighed but didn't argue. The champion led him back into the house.

Alanna took him into a small sitting room. She sat down on a comfortable looking padded chair and watched the mage walk slowly around the room.

"Kaddar is not going to drag Daine into bed!" she informed him dryly. "For one, you have well and truly warned him off. Two, I don't think those were his intentions anyway and three, I very much doubt that Daine would let him!"

Numair's face remained with the same stony expression although his eyes reflected the confusion taking place in his mind.

"How can you say that Kaddar doesn't have any intentions to seduce Daine?" Numair's voice rose, "Have you noticed how beautiful she looks?" he stuttered and sat down on the nearest chair.

Alanna looked at him. She hadn't seen Numair quite like this before; it was usually the ladies who were crossed in love with him and not the other way round. However, Alanna knew better than to suggest that he was in love with his student. He would simply become indignant that she thought his intentions towards Daine were less than pure. She paused before speaking, considering her words carefully, which was quite a rare thing for Alanna to do.

"It seems, Numair," she began, "That you have noticed how pretty Daine is, even if Kaddar has not."

Numair turned slightly red and looked away from Alanna.

"I've heard you tell her several times how beautiful she looked; and those comments weren't made to just be kind. There's nothing wrong with what you're feeling, just admit it to yourself!" Alanna finally lost her patience.

Numair looked at his old friend and sighed. He didn't quite know what to say. He knew that what he felt for Daine was changing, she wasn't just his student anymore and he saw her as being more than just a friend.

"This trip to Carthak," he began quietly, "Has highlighted certain things."

Alanna waited to hear what he said next. After a couple of minutes of silence she realised he would need more prompting.

"And did Varice also help to highlight certain things?" she inquired in a pointed tone. She had not like Varice Kingsford at all.

"I have no feelings left for Varice," Numair replied, "She came to my room to try and resurrect something that I now doubt was there in the first place. It didn't go very far Alanna. She didn't stay the night." Numair spoke slowly and somewhat wearily. Alanna decided to put him out of his misery.

"Daine found Varice's handkerchief in you room. I don't think she liked it very much."

Numair looked up at her suddenly. "Varice isn't Daine's sort of person, she would have been disappointed in me, that I'd been taken by someone like that."

Alanna shook her head, "No, Numair. Daine often looked cross when Varice tried to monopolize you. I think Daine was jealous."

Numair looked half-hopeful, "I'm sure Daine was too occupied with Kaddar to notice Varice trying to segregate me from everyone else."

Alannasighed, "When I looked at Daine she was quite often looking towards you. She did look irritated at Varice though," Alanna chuckled. Numair smiled, still managing to look worried.

"Is it wrong, though, Alanna?" he began to ask, "To think of her as more than my student?"

"I don't think so," Alanna shook her head, "Give her time, Numair, and don't go rushing her."

Numair looked Alanna straight in the eye. "I won't rush her into anything. I don't want to make her believe that she feels something that she doesn't. Besides, its probably just a crush I have," he laughed, mocking himself.

Alanna didn't join in the laugh. "Numair," she said quietly, "She's just destroyed half of Carthak's capital because she though you were dead! When you touch her, however innocently, she practically purrs like a cat. I don't think you would have to make her feel things for you."

Numair looked slightly happier. "Has anyone else noticed?"

"Well, Ozorne certainly did!" Alanna laughed. "He knew you would remain here to look for her. Why did you have to react when he accused you of sleeping with Daine? You usually just laugh it off."

Numair looked guilty. "Probably because it was Ozorne. He touched a nerve. I had begun to think of her that way." He was now completely scarlet with embarrassment. "He knew I warned off Kaddar as well."

Alanna sighed, looking at her old friend. She had a good idea of the name to give his feelings but she doubted he was ready for it.

"I would assume that other people might have come to the same conclusion as Ozorne, but Numair, don't let that change the way you are with Daine. You may have something good together one day soon."

Numair smiled at her, standing up. "Thanks, Alanna. I think the charming Emperor had had long enough alone now with Daine."

Alanna grinned, "Go and find her then. Its time for dinner anyhow."

Numair walked out of the room, an air of confusion still hanging around him. Alanna watched the tall mage curiously. It would be nice, she thought, if they did get together.

Daine stayed close to Numair for most of the boat ride home. She wasn't quite sure yet that she was ready to let him out of her sight after believing that he had been executed at the hands of Ozorne. She found that the mage was more than happy to stay around her, checking that she wasn't too tired or over-exerting herself and helping to look after Kitten and Zek.

One evening, the first on the voyage that it had not rained, Daine found Numair on the deck of the boat, looking up at the stars. She joined him, briefly touching his arm to let him know she was there. Numair looked at her and put his arm impetuously around her waist, pulling her to him.

"What's that for?" she asked him softly; still not used to the new feelings he was creating in her when he touched her.

"I didn't do anything with Varice Kingsford," he told her.

"What?" exclaimed Daine, had he realized how she felt when she had found Varice's handkerchief.

"I just wanted to tell you so you didn't think I was cavorting with the enemy. She did come to my room, but I stopped it before too much happened," he said quietly, looking at her with a deep intensity.

"Why?" Daine inquired.

"Because I had no feelings left for her," his gaze remained on her, the faint light from the ship highlighting his features and his silky black hair.

"Absolutely nothing happened between Kaddar an' me either," Daine whispered, "You got very protective for nothing."

Numair smiled to himself, he didn't think protective was the right word.

"So am I your weak spot?" Daine asked him, looking at him with a glint in her eye.

Numair moved his arm away to create some distance. He looked at the wooden decking, not meeting her eyes. "I suppose you are, magelet," he responded. "Let's go and get some supper and check on Kitten," Numair decided that this conversation needed to come to an end before anything came of it.