Self-Control (5 minute challenge) use the following in a story "The last time I saw my father he.."

not mine, don't sue

spoilers for conversion

"The last time I saw my father he told me to go to hell and that he never wanted to see me again." John's voice quivered and he inhaled sharply while drawing his knees up to his chest. Teyla had to strain to hear as he whispered, " He told me I was a failure and a disgrace. He never even called me before I went on this mission."

His words had the same effect on her as an elbow to the stomach. She felt sick and found she couldn't find the right words as she stared at his rumpled form. Swallowing, "John," she reached out and stroked his knuckles that were white with tension from the death grip he had on his pants.

"I am so sorry, I would not have asked if I had known," she scooted across the cold floor until she could lean against his side. His silence scared her more than anything. A quiet Colonel was a hurting one.

"He was wrong," she breathed.

His head lifted to meet her sincere brown eyes. He looked so tired, the battle with the Wraith, and losing Aiden had really taken it's tol. "How do you know that?"

"Because, I know you."

His head shook wearily in disagreement, "Then you should know how I constantly disobey orders, challenge my superiors, and really suck at self control," he practically growled the last part.

"That is not what I see. Not at all. I think anyone who knows you would tell you otherwise. We all have things we are not proud of Colonel, it does not mean we are a disgrace. Your father is a fool to not have you in his life, he has the problem, not you," she said her voice full of passion.

As she took a break from her tirade she noticed John staring at her with both eyebrows almost reaching his hairline. "And you can tell him I said that," she finished with a nod.

Some of the tension had melted from his weary face. His shoulders relaxed as he stretched one leg out, his thigh brushing up against hers. She found herself suddenly very aware of how close he was, and how nice he felt, then he went and laid his head on her shoulder. And he thinks he is the one with self control issues. She could feel her pulse quicken, and with each breath he seemed to smell better and better. Damn that kiss. But she couldn't help but snuggle closer to him, she buried her face into his freshly washed hair.

"Thanks Teyla, maybe next time we go to Earth you can tell him yourself."

"I would."

"I know," he sighed sounding much more like himself.

She sat with him on his bedroom floor for what could have been hours, content listening to him breath. Her eyes flu open.The kiss, of course. " John, what did you mean when you said you had no self control?"

She felt him tense again. I thought so. He had had enough soul searching for the night, so she decided to make it easy for him. "Were you talking about what happened between us, you know the thing we make sure never to discuss."

Maybe it was the casual tone to her voice, but he seemed to become more at ease. He smiled a little, "Yeah, that may have been on my mind."

"I know I said not to mention it again but…" she let the question hang.

She felt warm fingers tickle the back of her neck, while his other hand cupped her cheek, then much to her delight, those amazing lips were caressing hers again. This time she wasn't surprised, this time she kissed him back.Hard.

They pulled away breathless, his mouth was red and seemed to be inching towards hers again. She smiled, "I take it back.You are seriously lacking self control."

Then she found his mouth again before he could argue. But then again, apparently so am I.

Feedback is loved and appreciated.