Title: Nocturne

Author: Lilya

Genre: Romance/Angst

Summary: Renji/Tatsuki drabblish piece. Their love can find no place in the sunlight.

Main Characters: Arisawa Tatsuki, Abarai Renji.

Rating: G

Pairing: Renji/Tatsuki

Disclaimer: nor Bleach nor its characters belong to me.

Author's notes:

1) English is not my native tongue – please forgive my mistakes. If some sentences don't make sense, please tell me and I'll try to fix them.

2) This fic is a standalone – it has no connection to my other Renji/Tatsuki story, "Something about you." Only the same pairing – and the dedication.

Dedicated to those readers of "Something About you" who feel that one update per week is not enough…


Their love can find no place in the sunlight. It belongs to the realm of dreams, of multi-shaded shadows, of foggy visions and silence.

Their love is made of moonbeams and clear winds.

Others would call it an illusion – except that no one knows, no one has to know.

It's a secret whispered to the stars alone.

Renji lies on his futon, his head turned toward the open window.

A gentle breeze blows in.

A quiet thought tiptoes into his mind – he never thinks about Tatsuki during the day.

And how could he?

Soul Society is at war – there are a thousand things that most be done flawlessly and quickly, often at the same time. Every single detail must be perfect for nobody can tell what the future will bring; nothing can be procrastinated.

There's no time for being idle, no time for joking, no time to concentrate on anything but the orders that must be carried out.

Renji never thinks about Tatsuki by day – he barely has time to breathe. All the thoughts of her come with the soothing darkness of night.

He goes to see her whenever he can – an indefinite time both wish could come more often.

Tatsuki has never walked by his side in a sunny street. Once he knew how she looked in broad daylight, but this memory is starting to fade, replaced by the image of her under the moonlight. Renji knows for sure that this is a sight he will never forget, no matter what.

He assumes that, after all, it's quite fitting for them only to come out at night – for their love is forbidden, illicit, unlawful.

But Renji wouldn't give it up for the whole world and he knows that Tatsuki feels just the same.

Lying on his futon, he gazes at the moonlight that shines through his window and counts down the days that must pass before he can see her again.

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