That dog. The unbearable Cheeseface. Farid wanted Dustfinger back more than ever, but Orpheus was taking his sweet old time to find the "right words", and enjoying every second of watching Farid do all his chores for him. Mo had threatened him, and Meggie had tried to read something, but nothing worked.

So, instead, everyone just tried to bear him, the Cheeseface.

One night, when the stars were shining bright, and the moon looked twice as large, Meggie woke up inside the cave and found a note next to her. It read:


Meet me outside tonight at the edge of the cliff, li want to spend some time together. I'll be waiting.

She dropped the note, and started walking toward the cliff. There, was Farid, and Cheeseface had just walked away back to the cave.

She went over to Farid and asked,

"What was Cheeseface doing here, Farid?"

"Dropping off his clothes for me to wash. I don't think he expects me to rest when he's in need of something," he replied.

"Farid, tell me, do u think that I could find these "right words" to bring Dustfinger back?" Said Meggie, changing the subject, and seeing if Farid would give in. "You're the only one stopping me."

"Don't try Meggie, it'll just give old Cheeseface a temper. Besides we can't mess this up, you might bring Dustfinger back with one arm missing or something." Farid replied, showing his mind was concentrating on something else.

"You really miss him, don't you?" Meggie asked.

Farid couldn't answer. He just wanted all the waiting and loneliness to end. Without Dustfinger, it was like he was the one missing an arm. He looked into Meggie's eyes, and instantly all his worries were gone. He wanted to hold Meggie and never let her go, because that's was the way things were supposed to be.

"You remember the day when I saved Dustfinger from Basta at the windmill?" Farid asked, the wonderful feeling of that day returning to him.

"Yes, I remember Farid," she replied, sitting down with him at the edge of the cliff. She leaned her head on his chest, looking up into his eyes, with their long curled eyelashes. Meggie felt the same Farid did.

"Well I'm remembering when I said we have to break that news to your father," he said happily.

"What news was that?" Meggie asked confused.

"Oh, you don't remember do you? You don't remember that we have to tell your father you belong to me? You see, once Dustfinger is back, we'll all say good-bye to your father, and leave to spend the rest of our lives together," Farid said chuckling.

"Oh yes, that. It's too bad your heart is set to finding Dustfinger, then we'd be really alone," she said teasing him, moving in a little closer to him.

"Are you teasing me Meggie? I'm offended!" he said sarcastically, playing along.

"I don't know, maybe I am teasing you." she said laughing cheerfully. They had not been this happy in a long time.

"Then what do you say to this," Farid said, leaning into Meggie and kissing her.

He broke apart, leaving Meggie overwhelmed. So, she returned the kiss, putting her arms around his neck, and holding him tight. They kept kissing, feeling they didn't have the power to stop. But then-

Of course, someone interrupted them, the wrong someones if you ask me. Mo and Resa walked up to them, each sitting down on either side of them.

"OK, break it up you two, a father doesn't get used to seeing his daughter kissing that easily," Mo said joking.

"Oh Mo, leave them be," Resa said, "I thought we were the only ones that thought a moonlit walk was romantic," she added teasingly.

"Well, it was 'till you came," Farid said disappointed.

"Farid," Meggie said, "My parents did interrupt, but maybe if we keep cool and shut-up, the lion and lioness wont attack," she said, sitting as still to add to the joke.

"Well these lions have to keep their beautiful baby cub from being swept off her feet by a boy," Mo said. He didn't look like he was joking this time. So, Farid tried:

"Well, the girls in this world get married at her age, so be prepared I might propose some time soon." He was keeping a straight face, and Meggie was surprised. But then, as if on cue, all of them started laughing, though they all knew it would happen sometime, and all were ready for it.

"But just imagine Resa," Meggie said dreamily, "what a wedding would be like here," and Resa and Meggie both sighed as if in a dream.

The boys just stuck out their tongues and said, "ew"

"Just like men," Resa said, and Meggie laughed with her.

"Yes, our men-like qualities are the part of the natural circle of life," Mo said sarcastically, jutting his chin out as if he were very proud.

They all laughed and looked out the beautiful sea, with the moon's reflection shining on it, making their faces glow.

"Dad, when are we leaving this dump? Can't we find a boat, and sail out to sea to explore? I'm sure Farid could make great performances on the water with his fire!" Meggie said, holding Farid's hand lovingly.

"We have dreamed of that, your mom and I, every time we come out here," replied Mo, "and it does sound like a good idea, doesen't it?" he added looking around the group.

"Yes, it does, doesn't it?" Farid agreed.

"Why don't we tell everyone else down at the cave? I'm sure the Black Prince will agree. And besides, everyone will listen to the legendary Bluejay," Resa said.

"Yes, they better, or I might have to take out my sword," Mo replied sarcastically.

"Well then it's settled, were going to build a boat, and go out to sea!" Farid said excitedly.

"It's not as simple as that Farid, remember, we have enemies," Meggie said disappointed.

"Oh, right, I forgot how cruel all worlds can be," said Farid.

"Chin up though children, we'll find a way to make our dream come true," Resa said encouragingly.

Then there was some silence. The group was thinking of a way to make everything possible. But how? They didn't have all the high-tech things they had in their own world. But...

"There's always words and my voice," Meggie said with a new hope.

"Who's to write them? Fenoglio barely speaks, and he said he wouldn't ever write a magical word again. And Cheeseface is just... Cheeseface." Farid said.

"That's true, but we can try or find another way," Meggie replied.

"Until then, I think it's time we got some rest," Mo said, and he and Resa started walking back to the cave.

"We're staying here dad," Meggie said, laying down with Farid. They were quite comfortable, even though the ground was hard.

After a little convincing from Resa, Mo left, just warning them to sleep away from the edge of the cliff.

It was now morning and the two lovebirds were soaked with the morning dew. She woke up, lifting her head off Farid's chest. The dew made her feet cold, since she had left the cave barefoot last night. Farid woke a little after her and said,

"Morning Meggie. Great night, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was," she replied.

"Why don't we go see if they've cooked breakfast yet," he said getting up.

"I'm in, I'm starved," she said getting up.

Then, Meggie slipped on the morning dew and fell on the ground, rolling and rolling uncontrolably. It all happened so quick, the next thing she knew, she was hanging onto the edge of the cliff, her life depending on it.

"Farid, help me!" she squeaked. Her heart was beating so hard and loud she didn't think she needed to scream since Farid probably heard her heartbeat already.

"Meggie, where are you? Stop playing games and let's go eat!" he replied, not knowing how serious the situation is.

"Farid, I'm not joking," Meggie said on the verge of tears, "help me, I'm at the edge of the cliff!"

Thankfully, Farid gave in and came over. When he carefully looked over the edge of the cliff, his heart started beating as loud as Meggie's.

"Oh no! Meggie, I'll try all I can to help!" Farid said, and he kneeled down and started to pul on her arm. It was no use though, since his arms were a little sore from last night's camp-out.

"Meggie, don't let go of my hand!" he muttered under his breath.

Then, the worst possible thing happened. The piece of rock that Farid was kneeling on broke, and they both fell. It wasn't much use, but Meggie scrambled onto the tiny piece of rock, and hugged Farid.

And then, nothing. They had been suspecting the world to go black but instead... they were floating in midair. Then, suddenly, a great mass of fire popped up in front of them. Farid was overwhelmed, and was thinking there was only one person who could control this...

Suddenly, a shape was slowly appearing inside the mass of fire. It eventually turned into... Dustfinger's face! In a loud voice (more like a roar) he said,

"Ah! Farid, my boy! Oh, and Meggie too! Just the people I needed to see!"

"Dustfinger? Is it really you?" Farid asked, his eyes swelling in joy and amazement.

"Yes, Farid. But I don't have much time, so I have to get on with the subject which I have to tell you. The White Women only granted me a few moments."

"Farid, I know how much you would want me back, and if Roxanne is near by tell her I send her my love, and send her this message. Firstly, get everyone you can to help you. To get me out of the land of the White Women, you have a big task ahead of you. You need to sail all the way to the end of this world of words, until your boat can sail no longer."

"Our dream, Farid!" Meggie said happily ready for action.

"No interruptions Meggie! Once you have reached this point, Farid is to form fire over water, until it amazingly reaches the height of the sun. The White Women will be overwhelmed, and let me go," Dustfinger said pleased.

"But wouldn't that mean they would want to take me too?" Farid asked frightened. Meggie then hugged him tightly as him the White Women were behind them.

"No, they won't. You have already died, (strangely enough) so out of the little mercy they have they will let you be. One warning though, Farid. On your way to the end of the world, the farther you go on, the more white women there are. Make sure everyone going on the trip is in perfect health, or risk losing your crew. My time is up, I'll see you sooner or later..." And Dustfinger vanished, along with the mass of fire.

They found themselves on the top of the cliff again, breathless with amazement and excitement. Then Farid said,

"So, shouldn't we go and tell everyone back at the cave?"

"Yes, I guess we should, but who are we to bring? Almost everyone back at the cave is ill or injured!" Meggie replied.

"Well then we have a lot to do, don't we?" he said.

"The first thing on my mind to get through is breakfast!" Meggie hadn't noticed her hunger with all the drama.

"I agree." Farid replied with his stomach growling.

So they walked back to camp, amazed at the wondrous night their moonlit walk had caused.