A Future Shaped by the Past
By: TruSuprise

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and all affiliated characters belong to Takeuchi Naoko. The views expressed herein are solely those of TruSuprise.
Yuri disclaimer: This fanfic involves love between two women. If you disapprove such a relationship, do not read further.

Summary: Through the memories of the outer senshi, it is discovered what happened at the end of one era and how it shaped each of them in the future to come.

'It's been centuries since I last used my voice. I'm afraid I might forget about you. Then again, I'd likely forget my own name and identity before I forget that of my only lover's.

But it's been so long sinceā€¦ since then.

You said we'd be together for all eternity. You were wrong, Michiru.

So wrong.'

-Sailor Uranus, Silver Millennium