Author's Notes:

This was inspired by a story my friend told me about, when she sold her virginity on E-Bay. xD Only she was thirteen... but yeah... this follows pretty much exactly what happened, with the exception that no one was in the house with her...

Whatever. Just read it. xD

There -could- be implied shounen-ai between Yuusuke/Kurama, if it floats your boat. However, it is not the main concept of the story, and like i said, it would only be implied.

Yusuke smirked widely as he uploaded the ad on the computer. He immediately began getting hits. Perfect. He deftly switched off the computer and changed to go to bed… One week later

"Damn it, Fox-boy! You beat me again! You cheated!"

"I did no such thing, Yusuke."

"It's chess! You are… you… You had to have cheated or something!"

"Or something, really. You're the one who got yourself into it. What do you expect? Chess is a game of wits… and intelligence… Two things of which you lack and don't seem to have much of."

Yusuke continued grumbling as he stood up to get a soda from the small refrigerator.

"If you'd like, I could give you lessons…" Kurama offered, laughing, knowing the punk would refuse.

"Shut. Up."

They were interrupted when they heard a knock at the door. Kurama looked at it questioningly.

"Where you expecting someone?"

Yusuke shook his head. "Not that I know of."

He walked over and looked out the peephole. A grubby looking man with an un-kept graying beard and uneven, yellow teeth, stood outside, waiting. Frowning, the raven hair boy opened the door.

"Yeah? What'dya want?"

"I won your auction." The man said, smiling seductively. "You're more beautiful in real life. Are you ready?"

Yusuke frowned for a moment, then it hit him.

"Oh yeah! I remember now. Give me a second to get ready. Oh, and d'ya got the money now?"

The man nodded and pulled out his wallet. He handed Yusuke a stack of green bills. Yusuke eagerly took the money and started closing the door.

"I'll be right back. Wait here."

The man nodded expectantly, smiling widely.

"Hey Kurama! Toss me that sheet of paper and a pen!"

Confused, the ex-thief complied, gently throwing the aforementioned items.

Yusuke scribbled something, and opened the door, and handed the paper to the waiting slob.

Confused, the old man looked at the paper, and he looked at Yusuke, who was busy counting the money.

"What the hell is this?" The man held up the sheet of paper. On it was one word, written in bold capital letters. 'VIRGINITY'

"Exactly what you paid for. Dammit, I lost count…." Yusuke snarled back as he started recounting the money. "I told you that I would sell you my virginity. I never said I would fuck you." With that, he laughed hysterically and closed the door on the reddening man.

Kurama stood in the doorway of the kitchen, looking at Yusuke with a look of undetermined emotion on his face.

"What was that about?"

Yusuke raised the wad of cash in his hands. "Three hundred bucks!" He shouted happily.

"Oh?" The fox's eyebrow raised.

"I sold the guy my virginity. Which was on that piece of paper. And he can't go to the cops, 'cuz we were within the terms of sale and even if he did, he'd have a lot of explainin' to do when asked why he was about to fuck a sixteen year old." Yusuke laughed at Kurama's expression.

"Yusuke, forget what I said earlier about you not being intelligent."



"Wanna play some chess?"

Author's EndNotes:

What do you think? xD Perverts. I bet you thought it would go into something else. xDD See? I think it's T rated, at the most. xDD
