Author's notes:

Final chapter. It gets back to the two of them having each other's backs. I was going to end with chapter 3's shower scene, but I guess I wasn't ready to stop having Lee & Kara do what I wanted them to do. So if you can review I would love your opinion on whether I went a chapter too far.( Especially if I decide to try another story.)

This chapter is a bit out there as it came out of much sleep deprivation & it is a bit "schmoopy." I came up with an idea for this chapter about 4 am with little sleep and as I tried to write it, it got a little complicated to pull the plot off, hopefully it reads okay. No matter what though, I so enjoyed taking Ellen from annoying skank to evil skank.

Chapter 4

"Always nice to see you Ellen," Tom greeted her as she sat at the barstool next to his. "What do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

"I have a little business proposal for you."

"Business?" he sounded disappointed, "I was hoping this meeting was for….."

"Business first Mr. Zarek." she teased . " You have a certain expertise and the resources I need for a project I'm working on."

"I'm intrigued, go on."


Lee and Kara had spent the past few nights sleeping on the sofa in his office. There wasn't much room, but neither seemed to mind it.

Lee was stirring. He had to get up. He could feel every curve of her body as it was pressed against his. The heat of her body was intoxicating. Lee wrapped his arms tighter around her and pulled her even closer to enjoy one last moment of being beside her. Holding her. Breathing her in. Feeling her skin next to his.

"Lee, where do you think you're going? Get back here. It's cold and you're warm."

"I pulled a watch in CIC, " he said softly.

"Who did you piss off to get that?"

"No one. We're just short staffed for the moment. Well, even shorter than usual. With me being grounded I was a logical choice."

" Logical? You've had maybe three hours sleep and you're back on duty?"

"Well if memory serves me right it was a lot less than three hours." Lee leaned down and softly kissed her cheek. " You kept me awake for quite awhile."

A wide grin crept over her face. "Yeah well, we have to work out the stress somehow."

"Speaking of stress, we have another pilot down in sickbay for exhaustion and fatigue. That makes four now. With me being grounded we're five pilots short."

"Why do I get the feeling that's bad for me?" she moaned.

"Because it is. You're on CAP duty in two more hours."

"Oohh, I would like to file a formal complaint with the CAG. By the way, have you noticed the schedule for the next few days?"

"Notice it? I wrote it."

"The frakking CAG has us working opposite shifts for a few days."

Amused Lee added, "Well , your frakking CAG doesn't have much choice. The Commander has mandated that all pilot personnel are to spend at least 24 hours off the Galactica every ten days. So not only are we short, our first round of pilots are enjoying a little R & R. I guess they want to try and keep us out of sickbay."

"Or pulling a Palladino," she added in a serious tone.

"Something like that. But while your griping about the schedule, did you notice that in two days you're up for mandatory R & R?"

"Really? Anyone I know on my rotation?" she asked playfully,

"One or two," he answered with a mischievous smile . "Besides with your penchant for getting in trouble, I thought it would be best if your CAG was on the same rotation. To help keep you in line."

"Smart ass. If I wasn't so tired I'd throw something at you."

He sat down beside her and brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Get some more rest. The next couple of days are going to be hectic."

"The payoff better be worth it."


"We're going to have to stop meeting like this," Ellen smiled at Tom as she motioned the bartender for a drink. "So, do you understand what I want from you?"

"Yes. You want one of my men to set her up. Make it look like an assault?"

"Yes. And it will have to take place outside of the Galactica. The charges need to come from civilian security, not the military."

"Or else it's just another convenient cover up," insinuated Tom. " Interesting, seeing as your husband enjoyed that privilege after the Gid…..."

"Are you up for this or not?" Ellen interrupted. " Also, I've noticed you and Captain Adama aren't exactly the best of friends either."

"No. Not exactly."

"I'm sure you are creative enough to throw him in the middle of this mess."

"You don't ask for much do you? You want to set up Lieutenant Thrace and involve Captain Adama. How do you propose that?"

"I'll leave those details to you," Ellen purred. "I just want to make sure these two get what's coming to them. They are both insubordinate and disrespectful. They have made a fool out of Saul one too many times, now it's time for a little payback."

"So, this is all about exacting revenge. Great for you, but why would I want to get involved."

"In a word, Valance."

"You're forgetting one thing Mrs. Tigh, I didn't kill Valance."

"Hmmm, really doesn't matter does it now Mr. Zarek. The elections are in a few months. Assuming you still have aspirations for political office, imagine the controversy I could stir by mentioning that you asked where to find him just moments before he was found dead."

"I hope your husband realizes the lengths you'll go for him."

"I'll be in contact. I'll let you know when they will be off the Galactica. Most of the pilots will probably spend their down time here on Cloud Nine."


Waiting in the hangar bay for a shuttle, Kara spotted Lee.

"Well Captain, looks like we finally get our turn at relaxing."

"Actually Kara, I can't go quite yet."

"What! I thought this was mandatory."

"It is. I'll be along soon enough. I just have one more item on my agenda that needs to be done."

"What is so important that can't wait?"

"Actually, I have to see Doc Cottle. I only have one more hurdle and I'll be cleared to fly."

Kara shuddered at the memory on Caprica when Lee was injured. "Are you sure you ready for that?" she protested.

"Kara it's been a few weeks now. I need to get back in the cockpit before I get stir crazy."

"All right," she resigned. "If it's that important to you I guess it won't hurt to wait a couple more hours."

"No" Lee insisted. "Get on that shuttle and I'll be there soon. Go have fun and relax. Run a table of triad. Get the card game out of your system before I get there." He put his arms around her waist and pulled her in closely. "Because when I get there I have other activities in mind to keep you busy."

Putting her arms around his neck she pulled him into a long, hard, sensual kiss.

"Those better not be empty promises Lee. Knowing how easily you get distracted you may not show up until tomorrow."

"Two hours tops. Trust me Kara, you are more than enough motivation to get me over there."

"All right, two hours. That's just enough time to win a few good hands."


Kara was looking for a triad game in the Starlight Lounge on Cloud Nine. She spotted Duck and Kingston and decided to join them. As she got closer she saw that Racetrack was there too.

Great, thought Kara. I have to put up with her attitude on duty, now I'm going to have to deal with her during R & R.

"Room for one more?" Kara asked.

"Starbuck, pull up a chair," Duck offered.

"So, where's Captain Apollo?" sneered Racetrack. "I thought the two of you might be , umm, too busy for the lounge here."

Kara knew that she was trying to get to her. She had been anticipating some fall out over her relationship with Lee. It was no surprise that Racetrack would be one of the first to confront her. But, she wasn't going to let her win, not in cards and not in a battle of wits.

"You have something you want to say to me Lieutenant?" Kara asked giving her a cold, hard stare. "Because I would rather get it out of the way before we start."

"I was just surprised to see you here alone. Haven't seen you or the Captain in your racks for a few days. Thought you might be otherwise engaged."

Duck and Kingston were amused at Racetrack's boldness. Quite frankly neither of them were willing to go toe to toe with Starbuck.

They had better sense than that.

"Would you like to know if I'm frakking the CAG Lieutenant? Because it's really none of your business. But since I have a feeling you're not going to shut up about this……yes, I am." Kara leaned in giving her adversary a wink, " And if you must know, he's fabulous."

Kara's brashness left Racetrack speechless.

"Now that we have that out of the way, who's dealing? I'll buy the first round of drinks, since I'm going to take what little money you have left."


"I'm ready Mr. Zarek," Foley said anxiously as Tom joined him at the bar.

"Do you have any questions? I need this to go as close to our plan as possible. You're going to have to wait for the right moment. Timing is of the essence."

"I know. I can pull this off, you'll see."

"You do and I'll secure you living quarters outside of the Astral Queen."

"Mr. Zarek, I'll do what you need me to do. What's the worst that could happen, it leaves a little scar? If it furthers your plight it will be worth it. Just don't forget me when you're commanding the fleet," he smiled.

"Stay here at the bar until the nice lady drops off your package. It will be the knife you need to use. Then you will send a round of drinks over to the pilots' table," instructed Tom.

Handing Foley a small pill Tom added, " Slip this into Starbuck's drink. Should be easy, she's the only one drinking ambrosia. It will leave her nice and disoriented. She won't be able to remember too much."

"Then I time it right when we have a minute alone, and make it look like she attacked me. Got it."

"Are you sure you're up to the task?" Tom inquired. "I'm counting on you, and making this look real is going to take a lot from you."

"I'm more than up for putting one of the Colonial Fleet where they belong," he replied eagerly. "They've taken over command of what's left of us without even considering us in the process. Let one of them feel what we do, powerless over our own destiny."


In usual fashion Kara was winning. It wasn't too long before she had a nice tidy sum of cubits sitting in front of her.

"Excuse me," the bartender interrupted. "The gentleman at the bar sent these drinks over. His way of saying thanks to you pilots for helping keep the fleet safe."

"Nice! Which guy?" Racetrack asked. "I would like to thank him."

The bartender turned to point him out. Puzzled he replied, "He's not there anymore, I guess he left already. Anyway, enjoy they're on him."

"Cheers! Might as well get something free tonight, since Starbuck here has most of my spoils," laughed Duck.

After a few more hands, Kara started feeling strange. Lightheaded. Confused.

"What's up with you Starbuck? I've seen you hold your booze better than that," asked Kingston.

"I…I don't know. Maybe I'm more tired than I thought."

She couldn't focus on her cards. She was getting dizzy. "I'll be right back. I think I better…I think I'm gonna get sick."

She stood and her equilibrium was thrown off. She barely kept on her feet, as she stumbled toward the head bumping into a couple patrons on her way there.


Lee walked into the lounge, scanning eagerly to catch sight of Kara.

"Captain, you finally made it," noticed Duck.

He was surprised that she wasn't at the table.

"Fabulous, hmm?" Racetrack said low, inciting a few chuckles from the rest of the table.

"What?" Lee was confused by their exchange. He continued to search the room for her.

"If you're looking for Starbuck, she went to the head," informed Kingston. "She's been gone awhile too."

"Maybe she passed out in there." Racetrack added snidely, "She was having trouble walking when she left."

He had seen Kara pretty drunk before, it just didn't make sense that she would have drank so much in such a short time. Concerned, he decided he better check on her.

The door was jammed. He shoved harder to force his way into the bathroom.

He found her. Slumped over. Next to a man he didn't recognize.

There was blood all over the floor.

"Oh gods, KARA!" he panicked.

He knelt next to her and he cradled her limp body in his arms.

"Kara, can you hear me? Kara?" .

She started to respond, "Uh.…..yeah……what…….happened?"

"I don't know. Are you hurt?"

She was groggy and surveying the situation. "What the…what happened?"

"Kara, are you okay?"

"I think so. head is pounding…where are we? How did I get here?"

" Just relax. I'm not sure what happened."

He helped her sit up gently, and moved to check on the man on the floor.

"Oh gods Kara? What happened? This guy is dead."

"Huh? What do you mean he's dead?"

"Kara…you need to try and remember what happened here. Who is this? Do you know him?"

"No. I've never seen him before."

"How did the two of you end up here?"

"I don't know."

"Did he hurt you?"

"No..I don't think so.." still confused.

"Are you sure?"

Kara was getting agitated with his questions. "What part of I don't know don't you understand Lee!"

"We need to get you checked out by a medic. And we're going to have to get fleet security."


The bathroom of the Starlight Lounge was cordoned off from the public. Apair of investigators from fleet security were surveying the scene as a medic checked on Kara.

"Other than my head hurting and feeling a little fuzzy I'm okay," Kara insisted as the medic continued to examine her.

It appeared to the security team that Foley had died of stab wounds.

"Lieutenant Thrace, you need to tell us what happened here," Kennedy, the lead investigator, insisted.

"I honestly don't remember. I wasn't feeling well, I left the card game and the next thing I remember is Lee hovering over me."

Lee stepped in. "You can continue the questions after she's been checked out on the Galactica."

"Sir, with all due respect we are conducting an investigation here and we need the Lieutenant's cooperation."

"She will gladly cooperate, after she receives medical attention on the Galactica," Lee demanded.

"Lee, I'm fine," Kara insisted. " I have nothing to hide and I can answer their questions."

"Lieutenant Thrace," Lee's voice was stern. "You have been complaining about dizziness and a headache. You can continue with security's questioning after a visit with Doc Cottle. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir," Kara responded rolling her eyes.

At that moment Kennedy's partner made a discovery. Holding up a blood stained knife, he announced, "I think we just found our weapon."


Ellen was incensed at her visitor. "What are you doing here on the Galactica?"

"You keep refusing my calls, so I thought I would catch up with you here," Tom spit out.

"Do you know how much you're risking coming here?"

"This was not part of the deal," Zarek fumed. "Foley, he..he was a good man. Not a disposable commodity."

Nervous, Ellen was looking over her shoulder hoping no one would witness their conversation. "We can't talk about this now, not here…."

"Yes we can," Tom insisted as he grabbed her arm. "What makes you think I'm going to stand for this. All I have to do is report…."

Pulling away from his grip Ellen spewed, "Report what Tom? That you were a co-conspirator in this little plan? All I have to do is deny it. Who do you think they'll believe, the XO's wife or the former terrorist masquerading as a member of the Quorom?"

Tom stood there silent. Disgusted with himself for letting this woman make him a pawn in her own game.

"Then there's the issue of Valance. If you value your political office and your freedom you keep this to yourself. You talk, you lose," Ellen threatened as she walked away, leaving Tom alone to contemplate the role he played in his friend's demise.


Lee was pacing outside of sickbay waiting to speak to Doc Cottle.

"Did you check her out completely?" Lee asked with an edge in his voice.

"Well Captain,I do happen to know my job. I don't need a pilot telling me how to treat a patient," growled Cottle. "There was no sign of trauma, no sign of a concussion. I released her because other than a headache she's in fine shape."

"That doesn't make sense Doc. If you….if you had seen her, she was disoriented. Not herself."

"Here's a news flash for you, she was drinking."

"It was something else," Lee insisted.

"So, how many classes in medicine did you take at flight school Captain? "

"I know Kara. Something was wrong."

Irritated Cottle snapped, "that something was too much ambrosia."


Kara was at her locker when Lee found her.

"How are you feeling?"

"A little more normal. Well, as normal as anyone can feel that just woke up beside a dead guy." Kara slammed her locker shut and leaned into it.

Lee walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. "We're going to figure out what happened."

She leaned back letting Lee support her body, "They think I did this."

"Kara, there's nothing that ties you to this. You probably walked in on something and you….."

Lee's words were interrupted by Kennedy, "I was told we could find you both here. Captain, Lieutenant, I need both of you to surrender your Colonial Fleet issued knives for inspection."

Lee agitated, "You're frakking kidding me right?"

"No sir. Your weapons please."

Lee removed his from his locker and presented it to the investigator.

Kara was stunned.

She stood there a moment, paralyzed.

She turned to Lee, confused.

"Lee," she started to feel panicked. "My knife…it's, it's missing."


"It's not here"

"Are you sure?"

"Lieutenant Thrace, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me," Kennedy pronounced.

"Lee!" Kara called out desperately


Lee's hands gripped the bars tightly. His concerned eyes stared at Kara as she stood in the middle of her cell, her arms crossed defensively in front of her. She looked defiant, but her eyes were frightened.

"Kara, this is the first they would let me see you."

"I know, I had to be processed first. And then they introduced me to a lawyer," Kara explained as she moved towards Lee. "Can you believe it? Apparently they feel I need some type of representation."

"Are you okay?"

"Dumb question, even for you Lee."


"Don't mind me. I'm just a little jumpy since being locked in here. Not like I haven't been her before. But then again I've never needed an attorney. Makes me think that someone believes I killed this guy."

"Well we're going to prove otherwise."

"Really? I sure hope so. But that lawyer, Dewhurst, or whatever his name is. He gave me a worse case scenario."

"What did he say?"

"If convicted….."

"That's not going to happen Kara."

"If convicted, I would spend my days not in the lovely confines of the brig, but making a new set of friends amongst the fine citizens of the Astral Queen."

"No way we're going to let that happen Kara."

"Easy for the guy on the other side of the bars to say."

"Kara, I'm going to figure out what happened. I did find out one thing interesting, Foley worked for Zarek. He is……he was a resident of the Astral Queen. My gut tells me Zarek's involved in this somehow. I just don't know how or why yet."

"Well you have 48 hours to prove your little theory. Apparently it's my right as a citizen of the colonies to have a speedy trial. And the dockets aren't full at the moment, so guess who moves to the head of the line?"

Lee reached out through her cell and held her face in his hand. "You know I will do everything I can."

"I just hope it's enough Lee."

"I'm not letting this happen to you Kara. I've got your back on this one."


After Lee's daily pilot briefing he was approached by Hotdog and Kat.

"Something wrong?" inquired Lee. "I know the schedule's tight, but with Starbuck down for a day or so I just don't have…"

"Sir," interrupted Hotdog. "The schedule isn't the problem."

"What is it?" Lee asked concerned.

"It's…it's just that both Kat and I have been approached by an investigator. We put him off telling him we weren't available until after CAP duty."

"You're not on the CAP rotation until," Lee checked the schedule. "Until tonight."

"We know," answered Kat. "It's just that he was asking questions about Starbuck."

"But neither of you were on Cloud Nine during…."

"He was asking questions about you and Starbuck," Hotdog stammered. "He was asking us if we had witnessed any, any …"

Kat interjected, "He wanted to know if we had noticed any interactions between you and Starbuck that were in violation of the Colonial Code of Military Conduct."

Lee drew a long, slow breath and dropped his head. "What was your response?"

"We didn't answer him. That's when we told him that we were unavailable."

"We wanted to talk to you first. To…. to get on the same page so to speak."

Lee sighed, "I appreciate what you are insinuating here. But I want to be very clear. You answer the questions, and you answer them truthfully. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir, but we got the impression that…that the information we would relay might be harmful to Starbuck."

"Kara and I, will deal with the repercussions of our decisions. What we can't do is have someone that wears this uniform lie under oath. Besides, the truth is that Kara is innocent. And it will be the truth that clears her. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"And both of you, thank you for letting me know, and for your concern. Now I need to spend some time piecing a few things together. What I need the two of you to do is let everyone know, that any inquiries are to be answered and answered truthfully. Make that very clear."

"Yes, sir."


Lee felt the pressure of time weighing down on him. He had precious little time to formulate a plan and come up with the evidence needed to clear Kara.

He knew he had to start on Cloud Nine. The pilots that had been on R & R had not been able to provide any useful information about last night. He was going to have to start questioning the staff at the lounge to see if they had seen anything unusual. He knew someone had to see something. He just had to find them.

He decided to start with the bartender. His back was to Lee as he approached the bar.

"Excuse me," Lee announced. "I need to ask you…"

As the bartender turned around Lee stopped short of his question, stunned to find Samuel T. Anders coolly staring back at him.

"Captain Adama," he responded coldly.


"What is it that you want Captain? Ambrosia? Whiskey? What is it I can get for you?"

It took Lee a few seconds to pull his thoughts back together.

"Sam, how long have you been on Cloud Nine?'

"Is that why you're here? To find out where I was relocated to after I left the Galactica? "

There was a tense silence between the two men.

Lee finally broke the tension. "I need to know if you were here last night."

"I don't see that it's any of your business."

"Last night there was an incident…."

"You mean the guy that died here yesterday. I heard something about that. But I wasn't working. All I know is that someone from the Colonial Fleet was on board and got into some trouble and a guy ended up dead. I wasn't here though. I just work here every couple of days. It's not as exciting as say flying a viper, but it helps cut down on the monotony and boredom that seeps into everyday life for those of us outside the military's elite."

Ignoring his sarcasm Lee announced , "Sam, it's Kara that's in trouble."

There was silence again as the Sam absorbed the information.

"Kara?" He sounded genuinely concerned. "What happened?"

"Someone is trying to make her look guilty. I need to find a way to prove that. I need to talk to anyone that may have seen something out of the ordinary last night."

"Sam," Lee was struggling with what he was about to ask. "I could use some help. There's just not much time to pull this together. Can I find out who was on staff last night?"

"Yeah, I'll get you a list of names."

"I have a theory about who may be involved and I need to know if anyone ran into him last night." Lee had scrounged up a photograph of Zarek. " I need you to find out if anyone saw this man here. His name is…"

"That's Tom Zarek," Sam interrupted.

"You know him?" Lee asked

"He's been in here a few times lately."

"Has he been in here with anyone else?"

"Yeah, she was on the Galactica. She greeted us when we first arrived. I think she was the Colonel's wife. Ellen I think is her name."

"That's it. I knew something was up. Now we need to know details of when and where they met. How soon can you get that list?"

"I'll do better than that. I'll get everyone together. But, without a lot of time we're going to need some help questioning all of them."

"I think I can take care of that. You get the staff here," Lee suggested. "I'll be back with help."

"And Sam, thank you. This will mean a lot to her.


"Captain Apollo, come in," welcomed Laura as she looked up from the stack of papers on her desk. "Have a seat."

"Madame President, thanks for seeing me."

"I always have time for you. You sounded urgent on the phone. What is it that I can do for you?"

"You might have heard that Lieutenant Thrace is in a little trouble."

"Yes, actually I have. Seems like a few reporters have decided to jump on the story."'

"Then you know, she's in a lot of trouble. And I need your help to try and prove she's innocent."

"I'm really not sure what I can do."

"Kara's being set up, and I think Zarek somehow has a hand in it. I'm just not sure exactly how to prove it."

"Zarek? What makes you think Zarek is involved?"

"I guess I'm following my instincts. The man who, who was killed, was one of Zarek's men from the Astral Queen. And I've questioned the bartender from Cloud Nine. Apparently Zarek and Ellen Tigh have had a couple recent meetings there. She hates Kara."

"That's a big jump Captain. Especially since Ellen may have been meeting Mr. Zarek for…well we know her reputation."

"I know he's involved Madame President. I know he set her up. They set her up. And I need to prove it…or else," he dropped his head. "Or else Kara could end up on the Astral Queen."

Laura moved from her desk and stood behind Lee. She gently placed her hands on his shoulders. "She has been known to fly off the handle, are you sure about this? Are you sure you're not letting your personal feelings for her cloud your judgment?"

"I'm positive." Lee stood and faced Laura. "There's not a doubt in my mind that she's innocent."

"You really believe that don't you? Okay then. I've learned to trust your instincts. Besides I owe you a favor or two. What is it that you need?"

"They are going to convene a tribunal the day after tomorrow. I have been talking to anyone who was there that night that's willing to talk, but I'm running out of time, and so is Kara. I'll never get to everyone. I could use any of your staff that you can spare to help me cover more ground. To try and find out if someone may have seen more than we know yet."

"That's easy enough."

"Thank you, Madame President."

"And Captain, I wish you luck. And if Zarek is involved I want to do whatever I can to help bring that to light."


Kara was lying on the cold, rigid cot in her cell, trying to keep her mind from wandering. Wandering to the prospect of what could happen.

She hadn't noticed that her attorney had entered.

"Lieutenant, how are you?"

Kara jumped up, "Gods, ever heard of knocking? And I'm just lovely, yourself?"

"I have a little good news for you."

"Well, you can barge in with good news anytime."

"One of the strongest pieces of evidence against you is that the weapon used was military issue, and yours happens to be unaccounted for. But, after an official inventory of all Galactica personnel's weapons, we found another twelve knives unaccounted for, along with three unaccounted for pistols."

"What does that mean exactly?"

"Other than your colleagues are pretty careless with their weapons, it brings in reasonable doubt. There's no way, without crime lab analysis, to prove that it was your knife. And there isn't a crime lab left, so reasonable doubt will lessen the impact of this evidence."

"Remind me to thank my fellow careless military personnel," Kara grinned.

"Well, nothing is guaranteed, we are dealing with circumstantial evidence. It's validity will be subjective to the tribunal. But we have a strong argument if it is presented."

"Good, right?"

"Yes, that part is good. But…"

"But what?" Kara's aggravation was beginning to show. " Will you just get to the point?"

"The most incriminating evidence against you will be Captain Adama's testimony."

"What do you mean, his testimony?'

"He is the one who found you and the victim. His eyewitness account is the basis of their case against you. The prosecution will construct their questioning to best support their case. He will be required to answer them, or…"

"Or what?"

"They intend to bring charges of conspiracy, or at least perjury, against him if he doesn't testify truthfully. They have had trouble pinning the Captain down for questioning, but I have seen the affidavits of several of your pilots." Dewhurst paused before firing a question directly at Kara.

"I need to know if you and Captain Adama are currently involved in a personal relationship against military regulations?"

"What does that matter? It's really no one's…"

"I'll take that as a yes, Lieutenant," he interrupted. "Here's our dilemma now. They will put him on the stand and ask him if he's involved with you. All the prosecution has to do is put the idea in the heads of the tribunal that he has a personal reason for not being forthcoming with his testimony. It will again be subjective to a three member panel of the tribunal. All the prosecution has to do is sway them into thinking he would possibly lie to protect you. Even if he conveys everything in his testimony, there could be a lingering doubt he's holding something back. That alone may possibly sway the tribunal into the prosecution's favor."

"What if he doesn't testify?"

"Without his testimony they don't really have a case, now that we have reasonable doubt on the weapon. But if he doesn't testify, he will be the one headed for the Astral Queen."

Kara slumped back down onto her cot.

"I can object to their line of questioning when they force the issue of your relationship. But it's a gray area. It will be up to the tribunal if the questioning will be allowed or not ."

The realization of her predicament finally hit her full force.

She felt trapped with no way of getting out.

Feeling helpless was not something Kara Thrace was used to.


Lee was in his office. He was scouring over transcripts of the interviews that Sam had arranged. He had used three of the President's staff to assist him earlier during questioning.

But he was getting nowhere fast.

All this time. All the questions. He didn't know how he was going to tell her.

How was he going to tell Kara that after all this, he was no closer to helping her than when he first started.

He had finally faced the investigator. After being questioned, he knew his relationship with Kara was going to hurt her if he was forced to testify. It made him sick to know that his love for her could ultimately cost her so much.

He was out of options and almost out of time. The tribunal was tomorrow. He knew if he didn't testify that he would be facing his own court case. It was quickly becoming the only option he had. He couldn't let this happen to her. He promised her.

His desperate thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Adama entered and noticed the somber mood of his son. "Not going well?"

"It's not going at all. I know who's behind this, but I, I just can't prove it."

"Lee, I need to talk to you. If you can't prove it, what do you intend to do?"

Lee looked at his father, desperation in his eyes. "I'm not sure, but I know I can't let her end up on the Astral Queen."

"Son, listen to me. I know what you're probably contemplating. But if you don't testify, or if you confess to something you weren't involved in, then you will be the one in that cage. I know it looks grim, but if Kara ends up…," he couldn't say it.

"Lee, Kara's fate may be out of our hands, but yours isn't. We can't afford to lose," Adama paused. "I can't afford to lose both of you off this ship. I know what will happen if you decide to protect her."

"If I just had more time. Tom Zarek and, " Lee paused before he added in disgust, "and your XO's wife are the root of this. I know it. And Kara has to pay…"

"The law is supposed to protect its citizens, not persecute them." Adama fought to control his anger, "The Articles that you are so quick to defend at all costs, are what will end up hurting Kara."

Lee matched his father's anger. "It's the people manipulating them that are going to hurt Kara."

Adama finally broke their tension. "I didn't come her to argue Lee. I just want you to think about what you might do. You need to use your head. Think about what the outcome will be. Besides, she'll never agree to it. She'll never sit back and watch you take this on for her."

Adama left Lee alone in his thoughts again.

His father was right. He knew if he decided to not testify Kara would never stand for it. She would never let him get away with it. Then they would both end up in trouble.

His father's words began to ring in his ear.

The purpose of the law is to protect its citizens.

There had to be a way to protect Kara.


"Madame President, I know it's a little late, but I have a call for you. It's Captain Adama. He says its urgent."

"Of course I'll take it, thank you Billy."

"Captain? Is everything okay?"

"Maybe. But, Madame President, I need your help. I haven't been able to prove Zarek's involvement yet. But I'm out of time. I think I came up with another way to help Kara."

"What can I do?"

"Can you come to the Galactica?"

"Right now?"

"Yes. It's imperative if my idea is going to work."


Lee escorted Laura and Billy to his office to insure some privacy.

"So, is that within the scope of your abilities?" asked Lee.

"Yes. It's an unusual request, but it is within her authority," replied Billy.

"Are you sure about this Captain?" Laura asked concerned.

"I hope it works. I ran out of time trying to tie Zarek and Ellen to this. But my father said something about the Articles that made me think. After a little research, I came up with this option. Now we just have to get Kara on board with it."


Alone in the brig, Kara was sitting at the edge of her cot. He noticed the strain beginning to show on her face.


"Well, look who decided to stop in." Kara moved to the front of her cell, relieved to finally see Lee.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'll let you know. What did you find out? Can you prove I was set up?"

Lee sighed. He couldn't look at her. He shook his head and closed his eyes. "No luck, yet."

"Yet? Oh gods," she had trouble breathing as she felt herself start to panic. "You do realize that in just a few hours I'll be referred to as the defendant."

"I can't prove it yet, but I've got another idea."

"Lee, I won't let you take the fall for me if that's what you're thinking. I won't….."

"Kara, listen to me for a minute. I have an idea. But it's way outside the box, even for you."

"What the frak are you talking about Lee?" her patience wearing thin. "Just tell me!"

"It's kind of crazy."

"What….are you going to break me out of the brig and whisk me off to some cylon infested planet? From what I've been told you have experience with it, but if that's your idea I'm coming through these bars and kick your ass."

"No,'' he couldn't help but chuckle, which made Kara a little crazier. "No break outs. No cylon infested planets. You might think it's actually worse. But I think it will keep us both off the Astral Queen. Besides, I got nothing else. It's this or …or I don't know what."

"Great," her sarcasm shining through. " Sounds like I don't have much of a choice. What's this plan of yours?"


After a long night of tossing and turning, morning finally came.

Kara was sick to her stomach. Lee's plan might work. It might not. But it was all she had right now.

She was used to flying by the seat of her pants. Lee was used to analyzing situations. She was more comfortable with the former. Lee's plan was a product of his habit of over thinking a situation.

It made her nervous.

She was escorted from her cell to a conference room set up as a tribunal chamber.

Lee had left instructions for her to tell Dewhurst not to object to the prosecution's line of questioning regarding their relationship. Her attorney fought her on it, but Kara insisted.

She hoped Lee knew what he was doing.

The prosecutor, Griffith, was delivering her opening arguments. Kara couldn't focus on what she was saying. Her head seemed to be spinning as she looked out at the audience. The familiar faces looking back didn't comfort her. All she knew was that she couldn't believe what had happened in the last few days.

Dewhurst said a few words too, but Kara didn't hear them either.

This was more terrifying than any dogfight she had experienced since the war began. When she was battling cylons she had the upper hand. She was in control.

Here, she had no way of really knowing who she was fighting. If Lee was right, why were Ellen Tigh and Tom Zarek making her their target? Everything was out of her hands.

Her attorney recommended she invoke her right to remain silent, as provided for under the 23rd Article of Colonization. She understood the strategy, but it was driving her crazy. All she could do was sit and watch the deliberations unfold.

She had to sit and watch her fate be determined by a panel of three people she didn't know. That didn't know her.

She felt like a spectator at her own trial.

This was frakked up.

She snapped out of her fog when she heard the prosecution call Lee as a witness.

As soon as she made eye contact with him she came back into focus.

She had to have faith that this was going to work out or she would never get through the proceedings.

Griffith was anxious to bring Lee to the stand. She knew that her case was built around Lee's testimony. It was the heart of her strategy. His eyewitness account of the crime scene could be enough to sway the panel in her favor.

Arguing a case was a game of strategies between the opposing counsel. Making the right maneuvers, in the right order, to manipulate the outcome.

The best player wins.

Her first goal was to establish that a relationship existed between the two pilots. From there she could lead the panel into believing that he might protect her, even withhold testimony. Then she would have him describe finding the defendant alone with the victim. Presented correctly, she had a winnable case.

"Captain Adama, is it true that you and Lieutenant Thrace are involved in a romantic and physical relationship, in violation of the Colonial Code of Military Conduct?"

His blue eyes were fastened to Kara, and he answered firmly and directly, "Yes."

Griffith paused waiting for an objection. It never came. This was going to be an easier match than she anticipated. Lieutenant Thrace's defense was only as strong as her attorney. And Dewhurst didn't appear to be a match for her.

"How long have you been involved with the defendant?"

Kara's attorney was getting antsy. He couldn't believe his hands were tied. He sat there quiet, at his client's request.

Lee answered, never breaking eye contact with Kara. "We've known each other for several years."

"How long have you shared a physical relationship with the Lieutenant ?"

"Just a few weeks."

"But, it was prior to the murder of Mr. Foley."


She couldn't believe how easy the defense counsel was making this. "Is this more than just a physical relationship?"


"How serious is this relationship?"

"Objection!" Kara's attorney couldn't take it any longer.

Myson, the lead on the tribunal panel, looked surprised. "Counselor, you've allowed this line of questioning to go without any objections so far."

"I need to request a brief recess to confer with my client."

"Very well, we'll reconvene in 30 minutes.'


Lee and Kara had agreed that for the plan to work that no one could know prior to the trial. The only way it would work was to use the element of surprise. They had not wanted to risk giving out the information and possibly giving the prosecution time to refocus it's strategy.

But she realized she had to bring her attorney up to speed on the details.

"So when did you decide this plan?"


"When were you going to frakking clue me in. I'm just your counsel. I looked like an idiot out there," Dewhurst fumed. "You hung me out to dry."

"That wasn't the intention. It was the consensus that we would benefit from having surprise on our side," Kara explained.

"I understand what you're saying, but I could have facilitated this process. The prosecutor thinks," he chuckled at the realization that he now had the upper hand in this case. "She thinks that she's leading this case right down her own path. But Captain Adama is leading her in his own direction isn't he? She won't be able to object, because she's establishing the proof with her own line of questioning. Clever."

"So do you think this might actually work?"

"I think it just might."


"After careful consideration, I wish to withdraw my objection to the previous question," Dewhurst announced to the surprise of both the panel and prosecution.

A little dumbfounded, Griffith continued questioning Lee. "How serious is this relationship?"

"Can you be more specific about your definition of serious?" Lee inquired.

"Let's cut to the chase Captain, are you in love with Lieutenant Thrace?"

Kara was feeling much more confident and relaxed since her conference. She couldn't keep from smiling at Lee's response. She knew how uncomfortable he was throwing their personal lives out for public scrutiny.

He squirmed a little, even blushed knowing he had an audience, "Yes."

"So, you have personal motivation to help the defendant cover up any evidence that could be presented in this case?" Still no objection. This was too easy.

Lee adamantly responded, "I will answer each question required of me under the Articles of Colonization, completely and truthfully."

"Good. Then Captain, on the night in question, describe the scene you witnessed on entering the restroom of the Starlight Lounge."

"I would like to invoke my right to remain silent, as provided for under the 23rd Article….. "

"Captain, I need to interrupt here," Myson interjected. "You have a misunderstanding of the law. The 23rd Article protects your right against self-incrimination. You are not on trial here. Lieutenant Thrace is within her rights to invoke the 23rd Article, you however are not. You need to answer the question."

"I will answer the questions that I am required to." Lee paused before adding, "At this time I would like to invoke my right as provided under the 23rd Article…"

"Captain Adama, you will be held in contempt if you do not answer, Do you understand that?" Myson restated.

" I am invoking my rights under Section 3c of Article 23."

"Captain, Section 3c is a privilege that covers a spouse's right to not testify," scoffed Griffith.

"Yes," Lee agreed. "That is my understanding of the law."

The prosecutor was caught off guard.

Kara couldn't help but sit back and enjoy what was unfolding.

"So, you are saying that you and Lieutenant Thrace are married."


The room fell silent except for the occasional murmur from the audience.

"When did this alleged union take place?" Griffith stammered.


"You are only protected from testimony if it is legally binding. Who had the authority to perform this alleged union?"

Lee's serious demeanor gave way to a sly smile, "President Laura Roslin. I do believe it's within the scope of her authority, and she is available to verify my testimony."

Frustrated, Griffith faced the panel, "It's obvious that this marriage was arranged in an effort to withhold testimony against Lieutenant Thrace. I move that the panel revoke Captain Adama's rights…."

"Objection!" Dewhurst was happy to finally interject into the proceedings. "With all due respect, the prosecutor has just spent half the day establishing that there is a valid relationship between Captain Adama and my client."

"Sustained. From the panel's perspective Captain Adama is within his rights." Myson continued, " I would like to reiterate to the panel that the courts have never held that invoking the right to remain silent can be used as evidence of guilt. You may call your next witness counselor."

She sank into her chair realizing she had been had. "I have no other witnesses."

"So, the evidence you have presented in this case is that a Colonial Fleet knife was used in the crime and the defendant's was missing, along with a dozen other personnel, is that correct?"

Griffith was silent for a few moments. "Yes, that's correct."

"I move to dismiss this case," Dewhurst declared.

Griffith looked at Myson. She knew she had nothing more to add.

Myson pronounced, "Case dismissed."


Adama made his way through the sea of well wishers congratulating Kara on winning her case.

He smiled at her warmly as he embraced her. "I was really concerned we may have to try and mange the fleet without you." He turned to Lee, "without both of you."

"Yeah well, it looks like Lee's skills in over thinking finally paid off," Kara added playfully.

"I can honestly say I didn't see that coming, son. I knew you would try something, I just didn't expect this."

"I guess congratulations are in order," Ellen interrupted "If I would have known I could have brought you two a wedding gift."

Lee was trying to mask his disdain for her, "that won't be necessary."

"Speak for yourself Lee," Kara jumped in. "I love gifts. I'm thinking….. private quarters would be nice."

"I hear there's private space left on the Astral Queen," Ellen hissed as she stormed off.

"Poor sport isn't she?" Kara beamed.

"I would like to see both of you in my quarters later," Adama ordered. "I have a few questions for the two of you in light of your….your recent announcement."

Before leaving Lee and Kara alone, Adama embraced her one more time and whispered to her, "I'll work on the private quarters."


Leaving the chambers of the tribunal Kara stopped, "Lee, the next time I harass you about being too much by the book, kindly remind me of this moment."

"Kara, I know your back was against the wall. You didn't have much choice. If you want to undo this, we can. You're not stuck with this."

"Trying to back out already, huh?"

"No, it's just…"

"I'm okay. For now anyway. But don't think for one minute I'm changing my name."

"Wouldn't dream of it. Besides, we really wouldn't want you tarnishing the family name."

"Yeah, right Lee. Protect the family name. Wouldn't want to damage the Adama reputation for what was it, Mutiny? Insurrection? Am I missing anything else?"

Kara laughed. The first real laugh in a few days. She finally felt free of the trap she had been in. Lee had her back again. She knew it wouldn't be the last time.

"I just want you to know that, that I really appreciate what you did. You're always there when I need you."

"That goes both ways. You've managed to pull me out of my fair share of scrapes."

Standing alone in the corridor they both realized just how deeply they were connected.

They always had been.

They always would be.

"Well, I've got an idea of how we can celebrate the events of the day," she suggested.

"Really, what do you have in mind?"

"Want a preview?" she asked mischievously.

Pushing him up against the wall she began kissing his neck. Reaching under his uniform jacket, she started moving her hands under his tees and enjoying his finely sculpted chest. His small moans were making it that much more fun for her. Then she started to tug at his pants.

"Kara…..," he was breathless. "I thought this was just a preview."

"Well isn't this picture perfect?" interrupted Zarek. "The admirable Captain Adama celebrating getting away with..what this time…murder?"

The sound of Zarek's voice grated on Lee. He could feel his rage reach a point the had only experienced a few times in his life.

"Kara, go on ahead, I'll catch up with you in a moment."

"Lee, don't. Don't bother with him."

"By the way you two, nice job manipulating the law to your advantage."

"Kara I want you to leave now!" Lee's voice was insistent.

"Lee he's not worth it."

"That's an order Lieutenant."


She knew he wasn't going to back down. "Okay, two minutes and that's all. If I don't see you in two minutes I'm coming back. We don't need any more trials."

"So, you have something you would like to say to me Captain?'

Lee waited until Kara was out of sight.

Lee lunged at Zarek, grabbing him by the throat and smashing his head into the cold, steel wall.

With blood streaming from his face Zarek let out a painful whimper.

"Well, I see you're not above violence."

"SHUT UP!" Lee grabbed him again and shoved him back against the wall.

Then he pulled his gun and rammed it into Tom's forehead.

"Nice greeting, Captain."

"I know you had your hands in this. I know your partner in crime too. And when I prove it, and make no mistakes about that, I WILL prove it. Your days in office are numbered. Your days of freedom are numbered. You will be back in the cage you deserve. Just because Kara's in the clear does not mean this is over with. It's far from it."

"Do you remember the first time I held a gun to your head?" Lee's fury was unbridled. "DO YOU!"


"Do you remember that I gave you an option to take a bullet or live? Next time…next time I won't give you an option. Are you clear on that?"

Zarek nodded. "It's interesting to see what you're capable of Captain Adama."

"You have NO idea what I'm capable of. Frak with Kara again, and you'll find out. Do you understand?"

"Yes Captain, you've made yourself perfectly clear."

"This isn't over Zarek."

As Lee walked off Zarek muttered, "You're right Captain, we're not done yet."

The End….(I think)