A/n Ok FYI here people. Talen is totally air headed and full of herself, kinda like Zim (lol jk) She came to earth totally by acident. her sir, (which was kinda stupid because it's head was dented in), had totally misdirectioned their corse which would have sent them reeling forever through space (Zim story here).

In the cold near darkness, Dib shivered. Not from the nervousness pent up from the first day of high skool, it was just really cold. Soon, as usual, the earth boy's large imagination goes wild. Was that a rustle in the bush? Was that a rasping breath? Were those claws raking across his back? Was that a foot fall?

"Hello Dib worm" Hissed a familiar voice behind him.

Dib rolled his eyes. "Hello Zim" Great. His day was already ruined.

"Why didn't you wait for me Dib?" called Gaz, his sister. "Dad's really mad at you."

Dib sighed. "I told him I wouldn't wait for you anymore Gaz. And why do you care?"

Gaz's eyes darkened. "I don't. I'm just telling you that dad is mad."

The bus that pulled up just then gave Dib a reprieve from his sister's hateful glare.

"ZIM! ZIM SIT OVER HERE!" called Talen, another alien from Zim's planet.

"Hey Gaz!" called Peter. Gaz smiled and walked down the bus isle to her boyfriend.

There were several cries of, "move over! It's the freak!" and the most heard, "Hey did you hear? Dib's latest prediction about the aliens?" also there were a few snickers, a couple of whispers, and one or two points. Dib had long ago learned to ignore him. But every time he was laughed at, he died a little inside. Taking a deep breath, he walked down the isle only to find a seat completely empty. Sighing again, he flopped down onto it and everyone moved away a bit.

By the time he got to skool, Dib was in his usual sour mood. He had Mrs. Jitters this year...and boy did she make you jittery. Every word she said she twitched her fingers and jerked around. The door opened suddenly, making everyone jump. A tall man jumped into the classroom and began to dart his head side to side. A girl walked in behind the man, her auburn hair flowing down her back. Rolling her eyes, she said, "Dad can you try your hardest to have a personality?" Everyone laughed.

"Oh..." Her dad hung his head shame faced "Ok pumpkin" and he slouched out of the room.

"TAKE A SEAT YOUNG LADY" screeched the teacher. the girl just threw a cough drop at her. For a few seconds, Mrs. Jitters just stood there, mouth opening and closing like a fish. It was the girl who broke the surprised silence.

"Take a hint lady. Gawd." She threw herself into a desk beside Dib and smiled. Holding out her hand, which had a studded bracelet on it, she said, "Hi I'm Damali"

"Hi I'm Dib" he said holding out his own hand.

"PSYKE!" she yelled and pulled her hand away last second. Dib smiled.

"hey Dib... do you believe in aliens?" she whispered.

"Yes, yes and... oh let's see yes" He replied then sorely wished he hadn't. He closed his eyes painfully, expecting Damali's bark of laughter. when he opened them again Damali was leaned toward him with intrest, her eyebrow cocked. Dib brightened and whispered,"as a matter of fact... we have two in our class right now. I tried telling this class of numbskulls and no one will listen... so I just gave up."

Damali looked over at Zim and Talen, looking very snuggly, and mumbled, "what other proof do they need? a flashing sign over their heads that says, 'This is an alien. Stupid' Gawd these people are dumb". Dib smiled.

"want to run up to the front of the class and scream, "ALIEN!"?" he asked

Damali grinned, "ok ya sure! On the count of three... One...Two...THREE!"

Dib leapt up with his newfound friend at his side, ran up to Mrs. Jitter's desk and screamed, "ALIEN!"

A/n Damali's kinda sassy huh? lol she through a cough drop at the teacher I wish I could do that (jk cait)