Review Section

sammy17: Yeah, still not understanding.

Whisperedrainbow: No need to thank me. It was my pleasure. Thank you for reviewing.

This-charming-man: Wow, I've pulled somebody out of hiding. That makes me giddy.

S.O.N luva: Even the cutting thing was necessary. I don't tend to throw in unnecessary things. I'm not one of those authors who just tries to make chapters longer by putting in stupid stuff.

Joan: Wal Mart and pajamas is awesome. I do that on a regular basis. It makes me happy. I also like to play with the Barbie dolls while they're still in their boxes. That's fun to do, too.

MistyRiver17: I'm sorry to say that this is the last chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

Author's Notes

Alright, it's done. I know I've been promising a Paige / Alex fic, but I've been inspired to write another Spashley. No, it's not a part of this series. It will be it's own entity. So there's another Spashley story coming from me pretty soon.

Disclaimer: I do not own the South Of Nowhere characters. They belong to Tom Lynch.

We're Finally Here

Chapter 10

By Persephone's Nautical Nun

"That was about a year ago."

My eyes scanned across the room, taking in the faces of the other teens in Courtney's group. Ashley was sitting to my left, gently massaging the back of my hand with her thumb. We had been together about a year now, and it was new every time she touched me. Even the simplest of gestures still managed to get me excited.

My eyes came to rest on Courtney. She was smiling and her unassuming eyes were sparkling. I got the strangest feeling that she was proud of me.

"How are you and your mom, now?" Will asked. He was going through some coming out issues of his own.

"We're okay, now. Things were tense between us for a while, but eventually, we eased up on each other. I needed to understand that I wasn't the one with the problem, and once I did, I stopped being so hard on her. She still doesn't talk about our relationship much, but she's accepted Ashley as some one important in my life. And she realizes that she's not going to change that."

Will nodded, seemingly satisfied with my answer.

"Where were you in all of this, Ashley?" I heard Elaine's voice off to the side. It was actually a really good question. I often wondered how Ashley had dealt with everything. I turned my head to look at her, patiently waiting for her answer.

"I was busy trying to be the rock. I was deeply effected by everything that Spencer was put through, but I was afraid to let it show at the time. In those months, I forced myself to be more stable than I've ever been in my life, so that Spencer could have something to hold onto."

I felt my lips stretch into a smile, and I wrapped my arms around her neck, hugging her tightly. She was so good to me. I felt her bring her hand up, brushing her fingertips along my arm. "The thing is, Spencer changed me. Before, Spencer, I would hook up with people for no reason, not caring about who I hurt in the process. I never expected to fall in love. Especially not with little, naive Spencer Carlin over here. But, I did. And my wild, rebellious antics just kind of disappeared."

"I'd like to ask a question," Courtney said, leaning forward. "Do you still cut, Spencer?"

I shrugged, removing my arms from Ashley's neck. "There's no reason to. I don't feel guilty about anything. I don't feel dirty. I don't feel like every thing's just outside of my control anymore."

"That's good to hear."

There were a few more questions, but nothing substantial. Finally, Courtney called the session to a close and everyone started to stand up, saying goodbye to each other, and heading off in their own directions.

Ashley and I stayed behind, waiting to walk out with Courtney. We always talked a little as we made our way to our cars. She loved Ashley. She had expressed that on several occasions.

Today was a little bit different than normal. Today was the day that I was going to tell Courtney that I wouldn't be coming back. I felt stronger than I ever had before, and I needed to try to test that strength.

Ashley went ahead to her car, leaving Courtney and I alone. We walked a few steps in silence before i realized that I should probably go ahead and say it before it was too late. "So, um, I have to tell you..."

"You won't be coming back," she finished for me, a knowing smile plastered on her lips.

It was official. I had become an open book. "Yeah. It's just that..."

"Hey, don't try to explain. This is actually the part I like best."

My head shot up. "What do you mean?"

"I like it when people stop coming, when they don't need me anymore. It means I've done my job."

I felt a huge grin crawl onto my face and I found myself hugging the woman before me. She meant so much to me, and I just didn't know how to express that.

After saying my final goodbye to Courtney, I hopped into Ashley's car, greeting her with a kiss. I started to pull away, but she pulled me closer, pressing our lips together more firmly. Though I wasn't expecting it, I can't say that I minded. It was one of those moments where we knew what each other was going to do without speaking. I know that my tongue found its way into her mouth, gently stroking her own. I know that I felt goosebumps rise on my skin when she moaned into my mouth. It wasn't long before I found myself looking at the ceiling of her car, my head thrown back and her lips hungrily nipping at my neck.

"Ash," I managed to mumble.

"Hmm?" she questioned, not pausing the attention she was giving my neck.

"I don't think..." I paused to let out a moan as she grazed her teeth along my pulse point. "I don't think that this is the best place to be doing this."

She stopped what she was doing and groaned audibly, obviously upset over the interruption. "You're right," she said as she kissed my lips again.

"Oh, hey, before i forget, I have something for you," she said, as if what had just happened, didn't. She was always good at changing her mood in a heartbeat.

"Really?" There was no reason I could think of that she'd have something for me.

She reached across me, opening the glove box, pulling out a burnt CD. "Happy Anniversary," she said, smiling widely, handing me the CD.


"yeah. One year ago today was your first day at King High. The day I decided that I was taken, no longer single."

"Wow," was all I could muster. I couldn't believe she remembered the exact date. I opened up the case and noticed that the CD said simply 'I Love You.' Turning the case over, I read the tracklisting.

I Don't Want To Know by The Donnas
Ready And Waiting To Fall by Mae
Something In Me by Katelyn Tarver
Tension by Nural
Glow by Katy Rose
In The Sun by Joseph Arthur
If You Could Only See by Tonic
Right Here by Staind
You Had Time by Ani DiFranco
Buried Myself Alive by The Used
I Love You by Sarah McLachlan
Of All The Gin Joints In All The World by Fall Out Boy
Drive by Incubus
The Sun And The Moon by Mae
Teachin' Myself To Dream by Katy Rose

These songs were perfect. They totally fit everything we had gone through.

"I love you, Ashley," I said, looking up at her.


"No. In fact, I totally hate spending time with you," I joked, giving her a playful shove in the shoulder.

"Shut up," she grinned pulling me in for yet another kiss.

We pulled away and I moved my hand to her face. The sleeve of my hoodie slid down my arm, and I felt her finger trace the spot where I had cut myself. The scar had completely faded, but we still knew exactly where it had been.

"Of course I love you," I whispered.

She smiled and kissed my cheek. "I love you, too."

The End