Summary: Harry Gets tired of Dumbledore's manipulations, lies, and secrets. Harry decides to hell with Dumbledore and to defeat Voldemort on his own terms, with some inspiration from Draco Malfoy. Set in year six.

Genre: Action/adventure/romance

Rated: M

Warnings: Slash, Language

Parings: DM x HP

Disclaimer: I Do not own Harry Potter Characters, Plot line, or any familiar ideas. However, I own anything unfamiliar.

Chapter: 5 Knockturn alley

Narcissa took him down the path into Knockturn alley, and took him into an old, dusty looking shop. The first thing Harry noticed when he entered was that the only one in the shop was an old wizard who looked like he would keel over at any moment.

" What do you want?" His tone was icy and cold.

" Err--" Harry was about to talk, when Narcissa spoke up, and said

" If you want our business, you can't be rude. You were talking that way to the Malfoys and the sole heir of the Potter-Black fortune. You'd do well to not be rude."

His eyes widened as he heard what was being said. He would have to be careful if he wanted their business. He tried again,

" May I help you?"

" I need to see your books, and items. Not the ones that are sitting out- i know there is more than that here. " He pointed at the shelves. " Show me, and i can make this worth your while. I want no names of who was here. Is that understood?"

" yes sir, right away."

He led him into a room in the back that looked blank. He pointed his wand at the wall, muttered an incoherent spell, and a torch appeared. He pulled on the torch, and a trapdoor appeared on the ground.. He pulled the trap door open, and it revealed a long spiraling staircase

Harry saw a large variety of books on the dark arts, and multiple different items. He started rummaging through the assortment of books, and started to create a pile of them. He noticed an old, dusty, book that was falling apart. He asked,

" What is this book?"

" Well, nobody knows, because no one has ever deciphered it. It is in a language that no one has ever seen. If you want it, i can throw it in for 30 galleons." he noticed the big stack of books Harry had, but didn't comment. He knew the boy had the money for it all.

Half of the books were on dark arts, some on the shadow arts, he had grabbed quite a few advanced defense books, an had grabbed the book of the unknown language. In all, Harry knew he couldn't carry it all. He had at least four-hundred books stacked up, waiting to be purchased.

" Do you have anything that can slow down time- a lot? I mean, stop most time around me, but I'll stay at normal speed."

" yes, but it depends. The largest one i have can only stop time for up to thirty days. But I'm warning you, you will still age, and it does cost a pretty penny."

" That's fine. I need to learn as much as I can, and this is the only way I can ever come close to Voldemort's knowledge"

The store clerk grabbed the time object, or as he called it, " time-continue". Harry noticed how small it was, and multiple jewels in it.

The clerk pointed his wand at the items.

" That will be 4 million galleons, and 4 sickles."

Harry handed him the card, and had him send everything to Malfoy manor.

" Next, were getting you proper muggle clothing." Mal-Draco Told him.

Harry realized it was going to be a very long day. If they spent as much time in the muggle clothes shop as they did in the robe shop, he wouldn't have much more time for anything else.

They left Knokturn Alley, and went back to Diagon Alley. Draco and Narcissa changed into muggle clothes, and they left for muggle London. Narcissa took them to a shop, that had a brightly lit window. They entered into the shop, and the store clerk walked up to them.

" Can I help you?" He asked them.

" We're looking for clothes for him" she said, as she pointed to Harry.

" We're looking at a fashion emergency! Look at the clothes he's wearing, they are baggy and loose! They look like they could fit a three-hundred pound man!" He exclaimed, and added, " You brought him to the right place, no one should go out looking like that!"

They took Harry through lots of clothes, and within half an hour, he was tired of trying clothes on. They looked through all different kinds of clothes, and harry thought they fit a bit tightly. No on else seemed to think it was inappropriate for clothes to fit that tightly, so he didn't say anything.

He ended up, leaving the shop hours later, with loads of bags full of brand-new clothes. Narcissa had made him leave the shop, wearing a black shirt, and khakis. She shrunk all of his purchases, and put them in a bag.

" I have a real treat for you, that will piss Dumbledore off even more." She told him, smiling.

" What? Where to next?" he sighed, knowing he couldn't argue his way out of it. He noticed everyone staring at him, as he walked down the road. They were staring at his chest.

" You'll see," she said quietly.

They followed her, and stopped at a shop called Hot Topic. Harry had heard of it once, he had heard his cousin's gang talking about it. They went in, and were greeted by a girl, with long, black hair. Her eyebrow was pierced, and she was wearing black pants, with red trim, and chains dangling down off them.

" Hi, welcome to hot topic. Do you need." She started, and noticed Harry's scar. " You're Harry Potter!" She nearly yelled, and caught herself.

" How do you know me?" He asked her quietly.

" I'm a witch, and going to be teaching defense against the dark arts this year. My name is

Mrs Shimei, But you can call me Kiara. Of course, during school, you have to call me Professor. " She greeted.

" Well, you already know me, obviously. This is Draco Malfoy, An Narcissa Malfoy." He told her, pointing each of them out individually

Kiara shook hands with them both eagerly.

" Well, you obviously here for clothes, so lets get you some!" She squealed in delight.

" Ok."

Once again, Harry found himself trying on pants, adding them to a stack, or discarding them. He ended up with fifty or sixty different pants, thirty some shirts, a necklace of a dragon, which opened to reveal a small, throwing dagger, and contacts that could change his eye color to a dark brown.

" Here's my floo address!" She wrote it down on a paper, and handed it to him.

" Thanks, I'll floo you some time.

They left the shop and headed to another shop. This had all different kinds of workout equipment.

" You need to become stronger, because you'll need every advantage you can get on Voldemort. " Narcissa told him quietly.

" Yeah, and with the way you look now, none of your clothes you bought won't fit because of your muscle." Draco told him, while snickering. He then blushed, hoping Harry didn't catch that he had been looking at him.

Narcissa, on the other hand, noticed, and smiled faintly to herself. She told Harry quietly, " Don't worry. All the wizarding clothes have charms on them to grow or shrink, according to your size. Before you ask, yes they will always fit that snugly. Also, I have added charms to all muggles clothes you bought, including you boxers, pants, all of it, that they grow or shrink too.

Harry let out a aggravated sigh. They looked around, and Narcissa pointed out to Harry what she thought he should get. They bought everything he would need, including vitamins. They were finally done shopping for the day. They headed back to The Dursleys, as the sun was staring to set. Harry was going to give the Dursleys a piece of his mind, and knew they wouldn't like it at all.


decided to give everyone who reads my story a little treat, a gift because I haven't updated in a while, so i am posting another update for you all. I thank you all for reading this, and to those of you who review, thanks. I'm glad you like it, and i hope people continue reading. As i have aid before, Kiara is my friend, and i couldn't think of a good teacher, so she is the new DADA teacher. Thank you all for some support, please tell whether you like this chapter or not. Lance

This chapter has been changed somewhat, spellings fixed, among other things thanks to the helpful criticism of sbkar ( ) thank you for the advice, and I'm hoping that i may receive more in the future. As for him spending so much money, he has it to spend, and don't worry, he's not going to be making so many more purchases in the future. And if he does make a ourchase, it won't be nearly as expensivr.