Okay, okay I know EXACTLY what you're thinking; something along the lines of "what the frick! It took this girl an entire year to update this bloody story!" and I also know that you're probably giving the screen a very blank look because you can't remember a single word of this fanfic because it's been so long, and you know what?

I'm sorry!!!

No really I am!! But now the chapter is here, and you read my final instalment of what was supposed to be a quick extension of a one-shot. I guess I can at least say that it took so long because I wanted to get all over 7,000 words perfect :3 Sound reasonable? Well I should hope that it does!


So a final thanks to my beta DarkTigeress, a huge thanks to all of those wonderful people that reviewed and made an authoress happy!

And with that, I hope you enjoy the last chapter…get ready kids!

Lights, Cameras…SCAM!

Game, Set and Match...

Draco groaned feebly as he began to regain consciousness. His head throbbed dangerously when he attempted to remember anything from the night before and he let out another pitiful sound of despair.

What had happened?

The Malfoy heir summoned every fibre of strength that existed in his aching body and cracked open a sore eye. He was greeted by a bleary vision of acres of cream and so he moved his head slightly. Feeling the rough tickle of linen on his sensitive cheeks, he deduced that he was lying face down upon a table of sorts. Draco nestled his nose into the tablecloth and gave a delicate sniff, the lingering aromas of rich food and candle wax replied and helpfully aided in the quest to locate his sleeping place;

The grand dining table.

A gurgled moan erupted from somewhere behind Draco and he shut his grey eye again to transfer his pitiful amount of energy from his throbbing orbs to his mouth; "whozah?" He croaked, feeling the words grate painfully though his throat in manner similar to sandpaper.

The moan echoed again; "I think that my name is Blaise…" a voice as rough sounding as his own miserably replied.

"What happened?" Draco asked whilst twitching his right pinkie finger in a useless attempt to reanimate his limbs.

Blaise was silent for a moment, "huge party, we all got insanely drunk, and you wouldn't stop talking about Harry."

Finally able to drag himself into a sitting position, the blond unfocusedly eyed the pitiful figure draped in what was blatantly an uncomfortable manner across the chair at the head of the table. "Was I convincing?" He questioned stifling a yawn with a not so elegant hand.

"Yes, in my opinion -and also Pans'- you were a little too convincing," the figure teased.

Draco scowled as he gingerly rubbed his head and considered getting off of the table, "it's too early for that so don't even bother."

Pansy suddenly burst in, humming slightly, "good morning!" She trilled loudly, beaming as her two best friends grabbed their fragile heads. She ignored their weak noises of protest, simply humming louder, and shoved two glasses of a 'potion' of sorts to cure hangovers, into their limp fingers.

"Drink up my darlings; we have another big day ahead of us!" She all but danced back and forth in her attempt to rouse them from the land of the living dead.

Draco grimaced, eyeing the concoction suspiciously as Blaise gave another gurgled groan in the background. "What exactly is in this?" He asked.

However, his meek voice was overshadowed by Blaise's sudden outburst; "and what pray tell, does this 'big day' involve? Because I rather like the idea of simply lying in a dark room and nursing myself back to health…this picturesque fantasy also coming complete with the notion of Reynaldo and a nurse's outfit." He fell blessedly quiet, forgetting about his anger in light of his pre-planned daydream. Pansy shook her head at Draco and he rolled his eyes back, both of them knew not to ask about where this 'Reynaldo' figure had come from and what exactly had happened to Daniel.

"Pans, have I tried modelling?" The Malfoy heir asked in a preoccupied manner, taking a cautious sip of his hangover cure and grimacing in disgust.

She nodded, "look roughly ten, maybe eleven pages back in your notebook."

Draco sighed, "I'm running out of ideas…"

"Maybe you should stop," Pansy tried but he simply shot her a disbelieving look.

"Stop giving the press stories? Stop making my father angry?" He paused to finish off his drink, "that would just be madness!"

Pansy snatched his glass away in one swift movement and scowled deeply, "it was only a suggestion, and in my opinion, a rather rational one at that! You're not actually getting anywhere with this, you know…in fact, you're just starting to look plain ridiculous." She stormed over to Blaise and grabbed his half empty glass as well, ignoring his indignant cry and slamming the door as she left the room.

Draco sighed and clutched his head as a sharp, alcohol induced pain shot through it. She was right; this was getting a little silly. Maybe he should think about calming down a little. He let out another loud sigh and climbed off of the table, intending to find Pansy and apologise to her.

"You know," Blaise unhelpfully piped up from his chair, "as much as I hate to admit it, you are starting to look a bit desperate…I mean, one day, you're going to push it too far and get into serious trouble…your father could even disown you, then where would you be?" The blond shook his head and shut the door behind him, they both had a point, but he still enjoyed what he did… you could almost call it his profession!

Steam rose in dreamy coils, deliriously extracting itself in a smoothly twirling chain from the black mug (bearing the words 'chataholic') that sat primly beside Lavender Brown. She smiled hungrily as she turned a page of her latest glossy magazine; the 'Which Weekly'. It was a constantly reliable source of material for the excitable gossip sessions between Parvati and herself.

'Oh yes, Rita Skeeter, you've never let me down.' Lavender beamed, thinking briefly about their close friendship and casually flicked over another page filled with unauthorised photos. 'Problem page' she gleefully thought, 'satisfying, yet not exactly what I'm looking for.' Regardless of this, she scanned through all of the issues laid out before her in the curiosity-peaking manner that had other women greedily snapping them up and smugly revelling in their own "perfect" lives.

Not bothering with the solutions, she then moved on, skipping past the 'Real Life' articles and crossing swiftly through the quiz section with a vow to later return- this was sealed by her delicate folding of the page corner. Eventually she reached her destination with a hiss of anticipation and an unnecessary flick of her shiny hair, and she took a sip of lukewarm coffee -neglected in light of her freshly bought magazine- and prepared for her mission; to read the 'Celebrity Lives' page.

To the common man, the 'Celebrity Lives' page was one of great unimportance, to the common woman, it was simply a way to keep up with the girly banter at work. But to those with a mindset similar to Lavender and Parvati, it was a way of life. Rather like a religion in a manner of speaking; the glossy magazine was God, the 'Celebrity Lives' page was the messenger, reporters were saints, gossip was considered as prayer and reading was a sign of faith and worship.

If you fell behind in the world of 'who's who', then you simply had to beg forgiveness and mercy from the almighty G.M and hope with every fibre of your being that it would bestow upon you Last Weeks Edition. Of course, you could never be caught reading an L.W.E; that was a scandalous affair and not something that you'd want fellow worshipers to know about. No, it was best to read it in the privacy of your own home, curled up with a burning beverage of shame.

Naturally, Lavender was never behind when it came to matters such as the rumour mill, since working as the P.A. of an international star meant that she had to keep up to date with the latest articles that were printed about him, and lately, that had become a rather hard-pressing job.

'Lavender Brown; P.A. of THE Harry Potter', she took a moment to relish –for the nth time- the sound of it before delving excitedly back into the magazine where she found, spread delectably across two pages, The Article.

A large, almost moving picture of Harry and Draco Malfoy sharing an obviously intimate moment jumped out at her, armed with the big letters that scrawled in a romantically elegant script along the top and purred enticingly at Lavender; 'For Real or For Show?' She itched to answer this question but found that she couldn't and instead felt rather put out. She took a moment to muse over how secretive Harry always was; so used to girls that liked to kiss and tell and distant family and friends who tended to spill whatever they knew, simply to get their small moment of fame. Harry mostly neglected to tell his family and close friends (such as Lavender) some of the important facts of his love life. This resulted in a lot of confusion when articles such as this came out, spreading rumours that no one could identify as fake, or the real thing.

Lavender pushed a swift barrier down in front of that train of thought to let the words of the article drift past, unharmed and free to take their time in settling down. She took another sip of her now stone cold coffee, grimaced, and read on;

For Real or for Show?

Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy; true love or simply a bid for attention?

By Rita Skeeter

Many of you will have already found yourselves asking this very same question; are they or aren't they? Well we; the 'Which Weekly', are in the exact same situation as yourselves, but we've decided to let you know the facts that we do know and let you decide for yourselves as all good reporters should.

Well, we'll start off with what we know about the pair shall we? Firstly, Draco Malfoy, the son of Lord Lucius Malfoy and the ever well dressed Lady Narcissa Malfoy. Certainly you will have already heard of this handsome young man who has quite a reputation for scandalous events, his most recent being the over-friendly kiss shared with his sister only six days ago. His renowned antics are the main cause of our scepticism; as we doubt that even his own family (who have, most unfortunately, been unavailable for comments) can never tell when he is being sincere.

On the other hand is Harry Potter, international acting hero and a favourite among the ladies, there's no denying it girls; we've all been through our Harry Potter phase! This golden skinned idol is the reason for our uncertainty that this is all just a hoax; as all of his relationships have been sensible and genuine so far. Could he have been led astray by the rebellious Malfoy heir? We aren't so sure. When briefly interviewed, Draco admitted that he had been changed by Harry, "in a good way!" he had immediately hastened to add, his eyes bright and his hands loosely clasped with those of a dreamy Harry.

The rumoured couple have been sighted in several places, including out on what appeared to be a romantic day in Paris, and give every impression of a truly loved up duo. All in all, the general opinion is that the two should be for real; simply due to how they look incredibly good together. And if they aren't? Well that's their loss isn't it?

Lavender frowned at the general confused impression that the short, slightly unsatisfactory article radiated, it seemed that even the saints of gossip, who normally had rather strong opinions, were also baffled. She sighed and turned to the next article with an air of disappointment; she was hoping to at least get some idea of what to think about the 'couple'. Sure, Harry had told her that they were honestly together, but if the G.M. had reason to doubt, then so did Lavender!

With that thought in mind, she settled down to read about the latest star to go into rehab with another sip on her still cold coffee. Grimacing she put the mug down and pushed it as far away as possible so as not to make the same mistake again, desperately wishing that she could cast some kind of magical spell to keep it warm.

Sunlight streamed enticingly into the warm room through a slit in the thick curtains. Dancing over rich, wooden floorboards and thick quilting it skittered across Ron Weasley's face and lured him into a state of consciousness. He yawned loudly and woke his soon-to-be-wife from her peaceful slumber and she tutted sleepily, opening a bleary eye to check the time; ten minutes before her alarm was due to go off.

Just her luck.

She lifted a heavy arm and clumsily threw it to her left with every intention of hitting her fiancé, but Ron gleefully evaded it; already being awake and able to see the attack coming. He yawned again, pausing to smirk at Hermione's infuriated expression, then rolled out of bed and plodded in the direction of their kitchen, one hand scratching absently at the back of his head.

After a reviving mug of steamy Columbia roast and a trip to the shower, Ron was awake enough to prepare a pot of tea to bring into Hermione, along with the book that she was currently reading and a sweet kiss to make her smile. It worked, and soon enough she was sitting upright in bed, amidst a sea of quilting, sipping her tea and grinning cheerfully at him over the top her book.

He took a moment to study her and wonder in amazement how lucky he was as she smiled in a lazily, grateful manner and thanked him in a soft voice. He had always had high expectations for the future, but how far they had come was simply incredible.

Especially Harry, the shy, small boy that had sat quietly on his own on the train that had taken them to their first year at boarding school. He had stared vacantly out of the window with fresh apple green eyes that practically shined with anxiety from underneath his scruffy raven black hair. Ron had sat opposite this unusual creature and cheerfully introduced himself, hoping desperately that the possible friend wouldn't take one look at his worn out clothes, sneer and turn down his offer of friendship simply due to his family's lack of money. But fortune had, for once, taken his side, and the change had been instantaneous; the boy had grinned widely, thrust out a small hand and confidently introduced himself as; 'Harry Potter, aged eleven and a bit.' He had given Ron a couple of his sweets and completely overlooked his appearance, so in return Ron hadn't left his side ever since, not even during the debacle with Tom Riddle; the boy who had lived to make Harry's life a misery.

Their comfortable journey had only been halfway through when a bossy girl had bustled in, demanding attention and bragging about her intellectual skills, the two boys had been highly affronted, yet intrigued by her knowledge about life at the boarding school and had peppered her with questions before she eventually left them to talk the ears off of another carriage of children. If Ron had been told at the time that he would become engaged to this irritating female, he would had simply replied; 'err, yuk!' If you'd have told him during their fourth year he'd have scoffed and glared resentfully. In their seventh year, however, Ron would have grinned hopefully and rubbed the back of his neck in an embarrassed manner, stuttering about how it would never happen because he wasn't that lucky.

How wrong he would have been.

"Ron," Hermione began softly and he jumped slightly, shaking his head as if to wake himself up once again, "what do you think about this situation with Harry and Draco Malfoy?" Her warm eyes rose to meet his, radiating encouragement as he thought deeply about it.

True, he hated the idea of Harry being so ridiculous, but his best friend had appeared cheerful about the entire debacle last night, and the thing that Ron wished most for Harry was happiness. When he had spoken of the Lord's son, his eyes had lit up spectacularly and a smile that seemed almost wistful had instantly made it's way onto his features. If Ron didn't know any better, he'd say that Harry was attracted to the other man.

Frowning deeply, he squashed that thought and focused upon his fiancé instead, "I don't really know whatto think to be honest, it seems to be doing Harry some good, but I still feel that it's a bad idea…" he trailed off and sighed, it was all so confusing!

Hermione nodded thoughtfully and looked down at her book for a few seconds before admitting; "well, I think that this event has been prosperous for Harry, he's a lot more…energized, and it's as if this has boosted his spirit. Also…" she added, a small smile creeping onto her lips, "I think he has taken a liking to Draco…it is sweet really, don't you agree, love?"

"You think so?" Ron let this sink in for a few moments as Hermione returned to reading, before checking his watch and cursing, "Christ! Unless I've set my watch wrong, I'm ten minutes late!" He took a moment to softly kiss his fiancé goodbye before dashing about getting ready and shouting that he'd pick up Hermione's book order on the way home, he ran out to his car.

Hermione simply smiled in a contented manner and settled further into her romance novel, subconsciously replacing the main characters with Harry and Draco as she read on, enjoying it a lot more than she previously had.

Harry gasped and jolted upright, the traces of his dream scuttling away in shock and leaving no reminders except his flushed appearance, wild thoughts, and a rather -ahem- large problem downstairs.

'What was that about?' His mind raced furiously as he wiped sweat from his brow and eyed his crotch irritably. 'I haven't had a dream as graphic as that in a long while!" A vision of hands sliding over glistening skin pounced upon him and he shook his head erratically; no, in no way was he going to relive it! It wasn't as if he didn't enjoy the dream, quite the contrary, it had simply confused him and caused stirrings of discomfort.

See the problem was that the dream had featured Draco, and that was the odd part; Harry hadn't originally been so sure about his attraction to the other man…but certain parts of his anatomy were currently very eager to prove him correct. He had assumed that it was simply being swept up by the emotions that the scam was creating, not hints of lust that had created his odd feelings. He tugged at his hair; mentally screaming at the thought that he had had such a dream…it was…it was weird!

Wasn't it?

Now that he thought about it, the first memory of any romantic emotion that he had felt for Draco had featured the moment that they had first kissed, in front of the café. He recalled his strong sense of horror that had appeared as the Malfoy heir deepened the originally intended peck, and realised with a jolt of shock that he had responded, not just physically but emotionally too, however, he had been too distracted by the cameras going off to notice. Surely, it was way too soon for Harry to be developing any feelings like that.


Harry though about the conversation he had had with Ron and Hermione the night before, then shook his head absently and hopped out of bed, deciding in a most disgruntled manner that a cold shower was in order. He undressed and stepped under the stream of bitterly icy water with an irritated sigh and leant his buzzing head against the shower wall. Three days; that was how long Harry had known Draco Malfoy for, three! It just wasn't natural to feel the way that he did. He rubbed his face with cold wet hands in a bid to further wake himself up and then turned the temperature of the water up slightly.

He would just ignore how he felt, that was the answer! He would push his emotions aside until they withered from lack of attention and simply forget about the entire ordeal. He also needed to tell Malfoy that this 'scam' thing was over and walk away from it all, simply pick up where he left off from. Harry grinned to himself, certain that he plan would work, and turned the shower dial further, sighing in satisfaction as hot water rained upon his shoulders.

Who said that ignorance wasn't a blessing?

Draco inhaled deeply, taking in the air of his past ancestors as small lights darted over his overly pampered skin and expensive clothing, making his eyes glitter and his features glow oddly. Around him lay the remains of several centuries of his proud bloodline; priceless jewels, invaluable books and other such important artefacts that were worth millions. However, the Malfoy heir was not interested in any of those objects; rather, his attention was focussed solely upon just one thing. One treasured possession that he had added to the Malfoy vault situated within Gringots bank. The only object that he valued more than his several walk in closets full of designer clothing.

His S.A. tin.

Correction; the S.A. tin.

Wondering what S.A. stands for? Why, Scam Achievements of course!

The blond smiled madly and prized the lid open in a most delicate and loving manner. To be honest, it wasn't all that impressive to look at, in fact, it wasn't really impressive at all. But it was deemed highly important in Draco opinion, and that was all that mattered. He gazed upon the countless newspaper articles that had been cut out and stowed away, there were also clippings from gossip magazines and printouts from online sources.

Yes, this was Draco's profession, and he took it very seriously, too seriously.

He scanned through headline after headline, allowing the memories to wash over him as he reminisced, recalling both his favourite scams and those that had simply caused him grief. When he had streaked through Hyde Park, the April fools prank upon several other celebrities including his father, luring several celebrity wives into affairs and then getting Pansy to leek it to the media (that hadn't gone down well), the many nights when he had gotten so incredibly drunk that he couldn't remember what he did, but soon learned from the headlines the next morning, when he had gone into a strip club and attempted to perform, his failed modelling career (as earlier confirmed by Pansy), his failed acting career, his futile attempt at a musical career…

There were so many, and the sad thing was that Draco was running out of ideas, and fast. He pulled a couple of articles from his Armani blazer pocket and placed them carefully at the top of the pile; the memories of his 'thing' with Harry Potter. Grinning, he reread through a few lines, and allowed a small laugh before replacing the tin lid and rising to his feet. It had been a lot of fun, but he had to admit, it was time to call it a day and arrange to 'break up' with Harry.

'Of course he didn't really have to break up with Harry...'

Draco blinked and glanced oddly about himself. Where had that thought come from? He scowled; Blaise and Pansy were right, he was starting to react a little oddly to this scam. A little confusion misted over his mind; he didn't understand why he was feeling the way that he did as they had only known each other for three days. It didn't seem natural, as like someone had cast a spell upon him. Casting another cautious look around as if to spot any lurking witches, he backed out of the safe and nodded to the guard waiting outside to close and secure it.

He would have to contact Potter and plan this break up as soon as possible, that was the only way to stop these strange emotions he concluded and pulled out his mobile in a most determined manner, it had been great whilst it had lasted, but already the amusement factor had run out and it a sense of finality was descending.

Harry hurried into the grand entrance of Star Rising for the third time that week; it was beginning to feel like a meeting place of sorts if his familiarity with the building was any indication. He smiled at the receptionist who beamed and nodded back, indicating that Harry should continue on his journey, so Harry crossed through several of the building's restaurant/conference rooms before eventually reaching his destination; the back room where he had first met Draco Malfoy.

Grinning in a reminiscent manner, he gazed fondly at the two wonderful pictures of Marilyn Monroe and Fred Astair, glancing briefly at the picture of Ginger Rogers accompanying Fred, and then grinning broadly at Charlie Chaplin. Turning his gaze upon the room's occupants, he was pleased to see Blaise, Draco and Pansy sitting in a corner, conversing loudly.

Draco looked up as Harry approached, a casual yet eager grin lighting up his pale face, Harry tried to ignore the butterflies that had decided to dance about in his stomach and smiled back in a manner that hopefully didn't appear as shy as he suddenly felt. Blaise and Pansy were completely unaware of the tension growing beside them, as engrossed as they were in their little argument about whether blondes truly did have more fun.

"Hi Harry," Draco cheerfully greeted.

Harry finally reached their table and beamed at the heir, "hi Draco…" he replied in an unusually small voice, 'wow, those butterflies sure know how to rave' Harry weakly grinned and attempted to discreetly massage his stomach. Both men were struggling to come to terms with seeing each other after the revelations that morning had brought them. The acting star sat down opposite his pretend boyfriend and they both once again shared a minute of small smiles and shy glances.

Eventually Harry had the sense to pull himself together and break the odd silence that had fallen between the pair, "So, you called a meeting, what's wrong?" He asked, hoping the he sounded normal.

Draco raised an eyebrow, "straight to the point aren't we?" The other man mentally cringed at the word 'straight' then reprimanded himself for being so ridiculous; he was an adult, surely he was able to handle this situation in a mature manner! Draco remained apparently unaware of this inner turmoil and thought deeply about how to word his next sentence. "Well…" he began, "I'm just going to come right out with it; I think we should break up." He grimaced at how odd it sounded, vaguely noticing that the other two occupants of their table had fallen silent and were no doubt staring openly at the 'couple'.

Harry nodded, "yes, I've been thinking the same thing."

"It was just starting to get a bit- " Draco paused.

"Yeah," Harry helpfully replied, they both fell silent again.

"Oh, isn't this just so awkward Pans?" Blaise stage whispered and his female counterpart nodded distantly, still staring as she slowly helped herself to the bread basket. Draco shot them both a glare that made Blaise squeak loudly (later he would claim it was a nearby waiter) and grab Pansy's hand –making her drop the bread- as he leapt from the table. They both made a speedy departure, throwing absurd excuses over their shoulders and giggling slightly.

Draco sighed loudly at their retreating backs, causing Harry to laugh openly, and just like that; the tension was gone.

After two light drinks, a few bread rolls and only one awkward moment (when they had both reached for the same bread roll), the 'couple' decided on a refreshing walk around Hyde park, Harry because it had been a while since his last trip there and Draco because he'd never taken an outside stroll without publicity purposes.

'It's quite nice really', Draco thought vaguely as they sat side-by-side on a worn, yet oddly comfortable bench, their hands were clasped and their bodies connecting at the sides…it was all an act of course.

Well sort of anyway.

They remained in silence, only breaking it to make small talk that usually involved the actions of the people passing by. The sun had decided that now was as good a time as any to set, and was shooting vibrant rays of red and gold to mix with the purple tinge that the sky had created. Draco had never done such a peaceful thing in his life, and marvelled at the notion that the common society had gotten at least one thing right. He watched with high interest as an oddly dressed man meandered about, roughly ten meters away from their bench, before dropping onto the grass and slumping backwards.

The blond gaped for a second then, laughing outright, exclaimed; "he's just like Blaise!" A nearby woman gave him an irritable look for breaking the peace so he grinned back, making his expression as cheeky he possibly could and feeling oddly proud when she moved away from them with a disgusted huff. He couldn't care less about some snotty woman's opinions at that very moment! Turning to Harry to see his reaction, he found the other man staring back, with a deep expression upon his face and dark, intense eyes.

It was moments like these that really threw Draco, he understood that something was happening between them; even blind fool could recognise the sparks that were flying. What surprised the Malfoy heir, however, that no matter how much his body and instinct yearned, his heart didn't reciprocate. It was strange how much attraction he held for the actor, and yet how uncomfortable he got when he thought of a serious relationship between them. It was obvious that he was the victim to a frighteningly strong dosage of lust, but he was scared to act upon it; they had formed an odd friendship from the scam and he was worried that a slightly too rough push could knock it down and cause a rift. When they separated, Draco wanted the parting to be one of mutual peace and slight sadness, not of anger and relief.

Realising that they had been staring into each other's eyes for much more than the appropriate time allowance, Draco coughed slightly and shifted his equally as intense gaze to his Prada covered feet. The shoes probably wouldn't have appreciated it much, but at least this way was less embarrassing he summarized as he pretended to critically eye the stitching of his shoes (not that he needed too, he had already spent fifteen minutes checking that it was perfect after he had bought them, much to Blaise's amusement).

At the same time as wanting to allow space to grow and their emotions to die down, Draco also felt the strong desire to act upon his impulses; to be with Harry. The idea was so suddenly appealing that the blond had to take a moment to ensure that he was still breathing evenly, he slyly glanced at the current object of his thoughts, and found the raven haired man gazing at the man on the grass (he appeared to be unconscious) with glazed over eyes. Draco hoped that Harry was suffering the same inner turmoil as himself, that way he wouldn't be the only one in their odd relationship that was feeling as if his mind had determinedly split into two parties, similar to the Montague's and Capulet's…not that he had ever read Romeo and Juliet of course, and not that he had seen the modern film twelve times either…

Draco shifted slightly to swat at a large hovering beetle and caught Harry's attention, instantly he regretted it, as their eyes locked once more and those sparks that the blond had seriously started to hate, happily began their irritating air display once more. The familiar push at the back of his head tempted him to lean across those forbidden seven inches and press his lips against Harry's, but he fought the urges back with all of his might; desperate to preserve whatever self control he had left. "Unfortunately" for Draco, Potter appeared to have completely discarded his self control, the heavier breathing and hooded eyes were a dead giveaway.

'It really isn't a case of me not wanting to…' Draco found himself mentally reasoning with nobody in particular as he started to lean in, 'and this isn't me giving in to my urges at all,' he decided when his eyes slowly closed. 'Of course I'm not breathing loudly in the same uncouth manner as Harry,' he rambled, his heart rate increasing as the distance between them became completely non existent. 'I'm not feeling butterflies, I'm not rambling, and I'm certainly not givin-' Draco's mental tirade screeched to a sudden halt, as their lips connected and all thoughts simply became incoherent mumbling. If he had thought that the sparks were intense, he certainly had to reconsider when he felt the fireworks that instantly flared up.

It was like magic; all of the awkward moments, shy smiles and stolen glances had dissolved into none existence, and were instead replaced with the longing and sheer passion that surged through every fibre of their beings, zapping the ends of their nerves and causing small shocks to dance up and down their spines. Draco had gained his share of experiences and then some, but never had he felt anything such as this, it was so powerful that he finally understood why the tension that had circled the pair had been so incredibly intense. It was uncanny to say the least!

He might have heard the 'snap' of a photograph or two being taken, but for once in his life, Draco didn't care. He didn't bother to pose in anyway. He didn't fret and wonder whether he had been caught in the correct light. He didn't bother to hope that he was doing something of interest to the public. He simply didn't. Draco couldn't possibly regard for the thoughts and feelings of anybody but himself and Harry less than he did at that precise moment, Harry being the gorgeous raven haired man that was currently doing rather interesting things with his tongue.

Someone sighed softly, whether it was Harry or himself, Draco didn't know, but either way the blond decided to later pin the blame upon Harry as he ran his fingers through the other man's hair. 'It really is as soft as it looks' Draco marvelled to himself, allowing his questing digits to toy with the silky locks a while longer. If anything, this action made Harry kiss him a little harder, his lips pressing firmly against Draco's in an insistent yet cautious manner, betraying his uncertainty of their motions.

Despite how slightly clumsy their movements were, and the fact that they were in broad daylight where everyone could watch, Draco could quite honestly say that it was the best kiss he had ever experienced, and he was determined not to give the moment up when Harry drew back for air, swiftly pulling the other man back in for another ardent kiss the instant that he was no longer in danger of fainting at any second. It wasn't being greedy at all, the Malfoy heir decided, pinning it as another one of those 'just five more minutes!' times, and besides, he knew that it wasn't ever going to happen again so he was allowed to self indulge for just a little longer, surely? It didn't really matter in the end, as long as Harry reciprocated, then Draco would continue to channel all of his built up emotions into this one action and desperately hope that it would be satisfaction enough.

Harry simply couldn't believe it, one moment he had been mentally tearing himself apart over his conflicting feelings for Draco, the next he was pressed up against the other man, kissing him passionately in manner that Harry could only describe as breathtaking. How they got to that stage, he couldn't remember at all, but found himself completely unfazed by that, simply choosing to focus on the incredible sensations that were caused when his tongue met Draco's. He vaguely heard the sound of a camera shutter going off, and felt, rather than heard, Draco sighing in a surprisingly emotional manner, but all of that was instantly forgotten when he felt slender, but strong fingers running through his mussed hair. He had to admit that it was a bigger turn-on than he had remembered and found that he was responding quite roughly through the kiss. Eventually he found that he could no longer hold off his respiratory necessities and quite regrettably had to pull away to regain his breath, so needless to say, he was delighted when Draco tugged him back into another searing kiss.

It felt –no matter how cliché- as if the world had indeed stopped spinning, and time had taken a selfless moment to stand still for the pair. Honestly, Harry wanted nothing more than for the moment to carry on for eternity, but eternity is a very long time and regrettably the kiss would loose it's appeal. Harry decided that he would put everything he had into the final stage of the kiss, knowing that it would be their last despite how strangely depressing that idea was for him.

Eventually they parted; with closed eyes and deep breaths as they tried desperately to imprint the moment in their memories forever. Gradually opening their eyes they faced each other, with only a taunting two inches of space between them, it was incredibly difficult to maintain what control they had left and Draco forced himself to move away and close his eyes once more before something stupid…alright, more stupidhappened.

"Oh" Harry gasped; he didn't know what else he could say in that situation but he did know that their silence was becoming almost painful.

"That…that was incredible, but must never happen again" Draco said falteringly, ignoring the voice that screamed at him from within. He had to do what was right for once. Or at least what he thought was right.

"I know and I'm sorry." Harry replied suddenly he was feeling a great discomfort and a lot of regret.

Draco snorted, "Don't be; It was the best bloody kiss of my life." He checked his watch and sighed gustily, "I have to leave now; rumours about our ruined relationship still need to be spread." Draco laughed humourlessly and stood up.

Harry watched him rise, his heart writhing violently "yeah, sure." He stood also, gingerly putting weight onto his embarrassingly weak knees.

The Malfoy heir smiled slightly "I don't really know if we'll see each other again, and I'm not all that good at this sort of thing but," he held out a hand "thank you."

Harry wasn't sure what exactly he was being thanked for, but he shook the blond's hand anyway. It all felt so surreal; saying goodbye, most likely to never hear from the other man ever again and so soon after what had just happened! 'Never again' his thoughts vaguely echoed, for once they were on the same level as he was. All too soon the warm hand was retracted from his own, leaving a permanent imprint on his soul, and he was facing the back of the man that had pushed his world off-centre with strange games and charming smiles.

"Bye…" Harry whispered to know one in particular, feeling the ground tip slightly, he sat weakly down on the bench as the past week's events finally caught up with his brain and he allowed five minutes for these thoughts to cause impact, organise themselves and hide in the recesses of his mind. Sure, this wasn't anything like the movies that he acted in, the experience had nothing in common with the romantic films that people took great pleasure in, at all. But life wasn't all scripted; there was no writer to ensure that the ending was always a happy one, no matter how much we try, everyone makes mistakes. Harry hoped with every fibre of his shaken soul that this wasn't a serious error, he prayed to any deity that would bother to listen that he had made a good choice by not running after Draco.

Draco Malfoy.

What a character. Harry was certain he'd never forget the man and even though nothing had come from their potential relationship, he was content to settle for the memories he had. Especially the kiss. What a kiss! Heaven knows Harry wasn't fool enough to simply dive into a relationship that was as complicated as theirs would be, but at that very moment the waters seemed blue and he was so sorely tempted.

He sighed and allowed a shaky hand to run through his darker than sin hair. Eventually he would stand up and walk away from the bench that he would never see in the same light again and pick up the life he was living before, but for now he was perfectly content to just sit and wallow.

"Coffee, Harry! Cinnamon bagel, Harry! Have you seen the newspaper Harry?" Lavender flitted about the actor, bleating mindlessly and ignoring his protests as she peppered him with various objects.

Harry grabbed his P.A.'s shoulders in a bid to keep her in one place, "Lavender, stop! Please, just stop!" Miraculously she did and he sighed in sweet relief.

Lavender grinned slyly, waving a newspaper about "I've got something that you might be interested in!"

Harry sighed gustily, "great, another story about Kate Moss…what has she allegedly done now?"

She frowned in confusion, "I told you that an hour ago…never mind that's not important at the moment. This, however, is!" She thrust the newspaper into his already full hands, simultaneously relieving him the polystyrene coffee cup, bagel, napkin and script. Harry never failed to be impressed by Lavender's multitasking skills, and took a moment to marvel at her before turning his attention to the front page of the tabloid.

It had been two months since the 'Draco Malfoy phase' -as Ron had so originally dubbed it- and still, Harry spent almost every night reliving everything that had happened and wondering if he had made the right decision. He often daydreamed of what they could have had, but every single dream ended in a disaster of some sort; Draco was a wild spirit and Harry knew that 'commitment' was certainly not a word in the blond's dictionary. Harry only hoped that the heir at least thought of him every once in while.

So it was a blessing when he glanced at the headline and found his reassurance; 'Draco Malfoy: runaway heir?' Harry grinned broadly as he scanned down the article; it was certainly a message from Draco, who had taken Harry's only pitiful scandal and blown it up into gigantic proportions.

Lavender only smiled knowingly at him as he muttered his thanks and without a single word she deposited his items onto the small table beside him and walked away to leave Harry in peace. He watched her go feeling slightly sentimental; she may have a tendency to pester and generally annoy the actor, but she was one of the very few people that truly understood him.

As if on cue, Ron chose that moment to walk by and wink at Harry, indicating the newspaper with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Harry grinned back, mindlessly rubbing his fingers over the platinum band that still sat snugly on his finger. He knew it was silly really, to let something as childish as a scam to affect him in this way, but it had truly been a special moment in his life.

'But seriously though' Harry though with a small smile as he tore of the front page, complete with a charming picture of Draco, folded it up and placed it carefully in his pocket, 'what is there to get so worked up about? After all, in the end…it is just a scam.'

BG:…omg…I'm sorry if the ending made you annoyed but I didn't want to go for the over used ending of them falling in love and rubbish :D! No, I'll save that for my other fics

I finished it!! You won't believe how glad I am to relieve myself of this wonderful burden haha :D. So…please, please pleasetell me what you think, I'd appreciate it so much.

You know what? Right now I'm considering a follow-up one-shot of how their relationship could have been in the fairy tale style ending lol!

But anyway, please review! It doesn't take much, just to tell whether you enjoyed my fic or not. :) Well at least consider it anyway haha.

Thank you for reading

BG xXx