Sadly, I do not own Charmed or any of the characters you recognise. Aaron Spelling and some other people I don't know own them. I'm just borrowing them. But I do own some elders, demons and people. If you want to borrow, just ask!

I meant to put this sequel up ages ago! But for those of you who have read my fiction while it's being written know, I suck at updating! But it's ok, I've got enough 'back writing' to keep my updates steady (I hope…)

You may want (well, you're probably gonna need) to read Together Again The 4th returns for any of this to make sense. Enough with the space filling, enjoy…


Scene- Halliwell Manor, Kitchen

Four months after Together Again The 4th returns

Paige wandered down into the kitchen her eyes half closed, she'd just had a shower and got dressed but she looked like she could use a few more hours sleep.

Piper was sitting at the table, eating a piece of toast and reading some P3 paperwork. She smirked as Paige wandered in. Glenn had left an hour earlier to sort out a band for next week. He'd said he had a connection, God how she loved that man. Like Paige, he looked like the walking dead. It seemed like Paige and him had been up for most of the night.

"Late night?" Piper asked with a grin. Paige gave her a withering look.

"Tease later, coffee now." Piper stood up and poured Paige a mug of black coffee. She grabbed at it gratefully, took a sip, and then proceeded to spit it out again. "Urgh! Tastes like diesel!" Piper grinned.

"Prue made it." Paige rolled her eyes and sighed. Prue always made petrol coffee.

"Thanks for the warning Pipe." Piper raised her eyebrows,

"Erm, excuse me? Pipe? No calling me that, or you are squirt forever." Paige raised her hands in surrender.

"Ok, ok." Paige smirked. "Never again Pippin." Piper pursed her lips.

"Call me that again sis," she said, pausing, as if to consider Paige's 'punishment'. "And you'll be the only one without dinner tonight." Piper's voice was sickly sweet.

"Have I ever told you just how brilliant you are Piper?" Paige smiled at Piper fluttering her eyelashes and showing off her big brown eyes. Piper laughed.

"Whatever. What are you doing today?" Paige shrugged innocently.

"Oh…nothing you need to worry about." Piper frowned.

"Paige, I don't like the sound of that. What are you doing today?" Paige bit her lip.

"I'll tell you later Piper. It's nothing important." Piper placed her hands on her hips.

"Paige." She said in a warning tone.

"Piper, I promise. I'll tell you later."

Piper shrugged and nodded. "Okay, fine." Paige smiled awkwardly at her sister. This was something she had to do on her own.

"So Piper, where are the others?" She was referring to Phoebe, Prue and Leo. Also, very carefully changing the subject.

"Leo's with a charge, he said that he'd be out most of the day. Prue's gone to some kind of Whitelighter retreat thing; I'm not too sure. I think it's just the elders trying to get Prue to vaguely follow the rules." Paige let out a laugh.

"Fat chance." Piper grinned.

"Tell me about it."

"Is Phoebe at the paper?"

"No actually. Jason let her have the day off. I think he had some kind of surprise for her, she didn't go into any detail but looked happy when she left this morning."

"Great, she'll be in a good mood when she gets home." Piper nodded in agreement. She stood up and grabbed her keys and jacket.

"Well I better get to P3. I've got two meetings, an interview for a bartender and lots of paperwork to do." Piper sighed dramatically. "What an exciting life I lead!" Paige giggled lightly.

"I better get going as well." Piper raised her eyebrows.

"And where are you going again?" The smile disappeared from Paige's face.

"Later Piper."

"Fine, fine, fine." She walked towards the door. "Bye sis!" She called over her shoulder and walked out the door. Paige heard the door slam shut.

"Bye Piper." She replied in a soft voice. She turned back towards the kitchen and grabbed a pen and paper. She scrawled a note and placed it on the fridge with a magnet. She mentally crossed her fingers. Piper, Phoebe and Prue would be furious if they knew where she was going. But she had to know more. And Piper's not exactly forthcoming with answers to my questions. Though, she thought guilty. I haven't exactly asked her directly. She shook the thoughts from her head and orbed up to her bedroom. There, she grabbed the bag that was hidden in her chest of drawers. She pulled out the bit of paper from her bag and recited the spell, which was written on it.

"I call to the powers that be,

I ask thee to cloak me,

Hide me from my family,

For three hours, allow me to be free."

Paige almost laughed at her own spell, it definitely wasn't one of her bests, but it would do. She just needed a little bit of time and three hours would be perfect. She orbed out.

Leo orbed into the Manor. He thought that he'd be out most of the day but he found that he had half an hour spare so he wanted to drop in and see Piper. He closed his eyes and tried to sense each of the sisters. Piper was at P3, Phoebe was travelling, downtown, Prue was in the heavens and Paige was…Leo opened his eyes in panic. He couldn't sense Paige. He tried again. Paige was…he still couldn't get a reading. He had to interrupt the elders meeting and get Prue to try and sense her youngest sister.

Paige orbed into the underworld and felt guilt hit her full blast in the stomach. I shouldn't be doing this, she thought. It's going to hurt Piper. But I have to know, Prue, Phoebe, Leo and I have to know. She mentally psyched herself up before calling the name of a demon that she had hoped never to hear from again.


Leo orbed into the heavens and braced himself for his meeting with Prue. He didn't worry so much about interrupting the elders, ever since that day when Paige was kidnapped; he had a lot more courage when it came to his bosses. It was Prue who he was scared of confronting; all four of the sisters were super protective of each other. But the three eldest were more so of Paige. Perhaps it was because she was the youngest, though Leo thought that it had more to do with Paige being kidnapped.

All of the sisters had been in trouble before, but none of them had ever been held in the underworld for so long. Since that day, if Paige's mobile were switched off then Prue would orb just to check up on her. If she were in her room alone for too long then Piper would go and knock and if she stayed overnight at Glenn's then Phoebe would insist on calling her the night she went and the morning before she came home.

He immediately felt more serene and calm in the heavens. His mind cleared and he felt refreshed. He bowed his head respectively at an older whitelighter and made his way to the elder's chambers. He walked in and spoke up before he lost the bottle.

"Sir?" One of the older Elders, Rantham, gazed down upon him. Prue stared at him in surprise and started to worry. Leo would never interrupt a meeting with the elder's if it weren't important.

"What is the meaning of this interruption Wyatt?" Leo bowed his head again.

"I'm sorry sir, but I must speak with Prudence." Prue scowled slightly at the use of her full name but was grateful for a break. Rantham opened his mouth, as if to protest but another kinder elder, Lana spoke before he could.

"Of course Leo. We are done here anyway, I believe that there is nothing more we can say to Prudence." Prue smiled, Lana was a 'nice' elder, if there was such a thing.At least Lana was preferableto the out-spoken Rantham. Prue walked over to Leo and looked up at the elders.

"Buh-bye now." She smiled and wavedas she orbed out. Rantham growled in frustration.

"That girl will never be tamed!" Lana smiled.

"She's a Halliwell Rantham, what do you expect?"