"Can't you just leave us alone?" Jack begged.

Evan smirked, "Aw, come on now Jackie, have I ever been able to do that?"

Jack's eyes went wide as Evan grabbed him and threw him against the wall, getting close to his face.

"So how does it feel? Huh? Knowing that things are this fucked up, that you're this fucked up. I mean, hell, your stupid enough to have sex with a guy who clearly has every intention of killing you…so, I want to know, how does it feel?"

"Get off of him," Bobby demanded.

"And what're you gonna do about it, huh? Does it bother you to know that you're helpless, that I have complete control? That I'm the one letting YOU live?"

"AH! GOD…!" Bobby shouted as Evan shoved his thumb into his bullet wound.

"Yeah, that's right. Who's in control now? HUH?"

Bobby continued to moan before Evan shoved another one of his fingers in and gripped the bullet.

"Want me to take that out for you?"

"No…just leave it alone, leave it…please…AH! GOD!"

As he screamed Evan pushed it in further, before forcefully ripping it out. Bobby continued to scream after Evan tossed him aside and focused his attention on Jack, who was sobbing uncontrollably. He grabbed his shoulders and started to shake him.

"How does it feel?"

"Like SHIT!" Jack finally shouted, causing Evan to back off.

"Take me!" He begged, "Leave Bobby alone, please! Please, Evan!"

Evan stared at him, and a sort of affection taking over his face again. It was crazy as Jack watched the change in his face. He swallowed hard before putting his hand out in front of his goon.

"Pistol, I'm done."

The guy pulled a gun out of his pocket. Jack was stunned as he realized Evan was only stalling to emotionally and physically torture the two of them.

"Evan…?" Jack whispered as he watched him load his gun and point it at him.

"I'm sorry, Jack…" he whispered.


Jack screamed as the gun fire rang throughout the air.


He continued to scream for a few more seconds before he felt something heavy on top of him.

"Shit!" He cried out, as he realized it was Evan who was on him, limp and bleeding.

"Bobby…" he whispered as his brother shoved the dead body off of him and helped him get up.


"I did it," Evan's assistant replied.

"Why?" Jack questioned as he looked on the ground to see Evan's body, still wildly attractive, even in death.

"Because I offered him more money," a voice from up the stairs said before they saw Jerry appear.

Jack smiled as Bobby looked at Jeremiah, amazed.

"Jerry!" Jack cried as he embraced his brother, never so happy to see him in his life.

"Hey there, Jack."

They hugged for a few seconds before Jerry focused his attention on Bobby, who was still stunned.

"Not bad, huh, Bobby?"

"Not bad…not bad at all," he replied before embracing Jerry.

"Come on, let's get you home and get that cleaned up," he offered before he and Jack each let Bobby drape an arm around them to help him walk.

"Yeah, let's get the fuck out of here…" Jack said as he took one last look at the body behind him.

Someone somewhere once said that the past can't be erased. Well, they were wrong…it may not be able to be undone, but you can most certainly erase it, and leave it where it belongs: behind you.


---So! Let me know what you guys think! Hopefully this is a satisfying ending…I've been wrestling with a few ideas for a while! Thanks for reading!---