Running from the truth

Chapter 2- Aftereffects

(A/N- Mark is brought to a different hospital then the one Collins was in.)

Roger and the gang walked out of the hospital emotionally drained. "Well, what do you guys want to do?" Roger asked. "I think we should all get home, I mean Rog, look around you, a blizzard is going on!" Joanne exclaimed. "I hope Mark got home Ok." Maureen said and roger just huffed.

Roger took two steps outside and he felt his foot hit into something hard on the ground. Roger bent down picked up the object and brushed some snow off of it. It was a camera but not just any camera, it was mark's camera.

"Uh, guys, I just found marks camera in the snow, do you think something happened to him?" Roger asked the gang. Maureen stepped forward, and nodded. "You did say some nasty things to him; I think you should go home and say you're sorry." Maureen said and roger nodded and said, at least you can see where you are going now, the snows lightened up." And then he took off.

Roger got home to an empty loft; he looked at the answering machine the red light was blinking. Roger pushed the button to play the massage and to much of Roger's surprise and dismay it wasn't mark, it was Benny.

"Rog, listen I know you probably don't want to hear from me but I have bad news, uh, I don't know how to tell you this, I uh hit mark on the busy intersection, my range rover plowed right into him, he's in bad condition but, he's fine for now. Only for now. The doctors can't predict the future right? Well, he's in room 525 at the northington hospital, Listen I'm really sorry and I'll pay for everything. OK? Just get over here NOW!" The message ended.

Roger didn't say word; he just turned around and ran out the door and to the northington hospital.

At the northington hospital…

Roger showed up at northington hospital completely out of breath, he forgot how far northington hospital was. He walked up to the front desk, "Hi, I'm here to see, Mark Cohen, I'm his brother," Roger said, he had to lie or they would never let him see Mark, stupid rule, you have to be family, "Could you please tell me what floor he is on, I already know the room number." Roger said and the nurse typed it up, "He is on level 3." The nurse, whose name tag read Brit, said and Roger took off to the elevator.

On the 5th floor…

Roger ran to Mark's room. He stopped in front of the door and looked through the window, all he could see was Benny, standing outside of a circle of Doctors that were around Mark, Benny saw him and walked out in the hall to talk. As soon as Benny came out of the room, Roger lost it, he grabbed Benny by the collar of his shirt and pushed him against the wall, "You bastard!" Roger exclaimed as he raised his fist, "Roger, don't! I didn't see him, I'm sorry!" Benny yelled as Roger dropped him, "I'm such an idiot!" Roger exclaimed and Benny walked over next to him.

"Roger this isn't your fault." Benny said calmly, roger just shook his head, "yes it is." Roger said, Benny just looked at him disbelievingly, "How is this your fault?" Benny asked and Roger looked at him, he made a mental decision then and there never to tell Benny what happened, "Never mind." Roger said and then a doctor came out of marks room, "Who is a family member?" The doctor asked, and Roger raised his hand, "Alright then, come with me." The doctor said and Roger followed leaving a confused Benny behind.

"What happened? Is he ok? Is he even alive?" Roger bombarded the doctor with questions, "He is ok, for now, he is in a bad condition, but alive," The doctor said, "You can see him now." The doctor said and roger went up to Mark's room door and stopped, he held his breath as he opened the door.


A/N- HAHAHAHAHA! I'm evil with cliffies! Review and I will post a new chap, if you don't, I won't!