Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Any OCs though, are mine.

Chapter One: I'm Too Late!

A demon raced through the forest, only one thing running through her mind. Kagome, I must find Kagome. I must warn her. As she approached Kaede's village, she slowed down and allowed her human form to conceal her demon features, not wanting to alarm the villagers. She made her way to Kaede's hut, sweeping aside the curtain in the entrance.

"Why are ye here?"

"Kaede-baachan, where is Kagome and the others?"

"Kagome is with Sesshomaru, child. I do not know where the others are, nor do I care. They are no longer welcome here after what they did to Kagome. Which reminds me, Serena, why are ye here? Why don't ye know where she is? Were ye not with her?"

"No, I wasn't. I just came back from the other side of the well. That's why I don't know where she is. There's not even a scent that I could track. And what do you mean, the other's are not welcome? What happened to Kagome?"

Serena listened in growing horror and rage as Kaede told of the betrayal by Inuyasha and his friends and everything else that had happened. This sounds a lot like my vision. Could it have been happening when I saw it that night?


Serena watched from her perch in a tree as Inuyasha and Koga tied Kagome's hands to a stake in the ground. Unable to move, she watched helplessly as first one, then another of her friends spoke hateful words to Kagome before leaving her alone in the woods. Time passed and then Naraku came into the clearing. "How nice of them to leave you all wrapped up like a package for me," he chuckled. "I intend to have fun with you."

end flashback

"Kaede, when did this happen?"

"About two weeks ago, child. Why?"

"Because I saw it happen in a vision, and returned as quickly as I could. I thought it was a premonition, but I was wrong. I must have seen it when it was happening. You said she was with my brother?"

"Yes, she is with Sesshomaru."


"Serena, what are ye planning to do?"

"I am going to teach that little brother of mine a lesson. Kaede, will you hate me if I kill Kikyo?"

"Nay, child. She is only a shadow of who she was. Besides, she betrayed her sister miko. So no, I will not hate ye if ye teach her a lesson as well."

"Thank you, Kaede. I will be leaving now. Take care."

She stepped outside and headed for the forest. Once there, she summoned her youkai cloud and turned to the west, calling her brother as she went.

Sesshomaru, I need to talk to you.>

Then speak. Do not waste this Sesshomaru's time with senseless chatter.>

Damn, do you ever take that stick out of your ass for one second? I swear Fluffy, you need to lighten up. Anyways, I will be in your lands tomorrow. I'm coming to see Kagome.>

Why do you wish to see her?>

I found out what happened and need to apologize for not being there to stop it. By the way, where is that halfbreed brother of ours anyway? I need to have a "discussion" with him.>

In a village near the castle. May I watch?>

Sure. You can bring Kagome as well. I think she'd like to see Inuyasha get beat up. See ya when I get there.>

End Chapter 1

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