A/N: hey guys! I'm finally updating! Sorry for the long wait. I hope you guys aren't too mad. I just couldn't bring myself to write this chapter. I mean this is my baby, so I didn't want it to end. I would also like you guys to read my other story called Sickly love. I want that one to be a success to, but I won't be mad if it's not, but my next story that's coming out soon better be to everyone's liking. I'm working on that one as we speak...er type...whatever. Anyway, here's the last chapter to Wishful Flames of Blue.

Disclaimer: does it look like I own this show? Fuck if I did, it'd have hell of a lot of yaoi.

Warnings: grammar, um very cruel words toward seto, um seto acting a little stupid, language, and other stuff.


Joey's POV

Life is good. Life is great. I get to hang out with my friends and buy clothes for my baby. All is good in my world. Currently we were in Wal-Mart and looking at the cute baby clothes. We-meaning Yugi, Ryou, Malik, and I- were getting just a little happy. There were so many cute things. The shopping cart was full of baby clothes.

"Aw! Joey, look at the cute little baby booty's." Yugi cooed happily. I looked over at him and them at the booty's. They were small and cute and they were pink. I squealed in happiness.

"Seto, look at these! Aren't they cute?" I asked. Seto looked up from his conversation with the yami's and smiled a little.

"Yeah, they're super cute." Seto said, with a shudder. I'm not sure if it was because of the cuteness or if it was the pinkness. I nodded my head at him a little and returned to looking through the racks. As I looked through I found this cute little cheerleaders outfit that a blues eyes white dragon on it. I quickly pulled it and searched through the racks again to see if there were any others. To my great happiness, there were a lot more. I grabbed as many as I could. One of them had a red eye- my favorite-, another had the dark magician, and another had the change of heart card on it. I showed them to my friends and we all squealed in happiness.

"That's so cute." Ryou said, his accent was clearly heard.

"I know!" I said, happily.

"We are going to have the cutest niece ever!" Yugi exclaimed.

"Indeed. I'm so going to teach her how to play the boys!" Malik said.

"You better not let Seto hear you sayin' that." I say, with a laugh.

"Yeah, I really don't have a death wish." Malik said.

I nodded my head in agreement with a small smile, but it didn't last long. The baby kept kicking at my stomach and it hurt a little. I was pretty sure that they weren't contractions- at least I don't think that they were. I mean there was no sharp pains as of yet, so I'm just assuming that the baby is moving around a little. She's probably restless. I'm almost at the end of my eighth month. Just two more days and I'll be nine months.

I grimaced out a smile as my friends continued to pull out cute items for the baby. I looked over to Seto, who was talking with the yamis. They seemed to be having a heated discussion about something. The only words I could make out were "boys", "date", "kill", and "murder". Suddenly the baby gave a sharp kick and I let out a tiny gasp. I looked around, nobody heard me. That was good. I looked down to my stomach and whispered quietly to it.

"Naomi, please be a good girl. Just stay in for a couple more days. I don't think daddy can handle going back to the hospital again if you're not ready to be born." I gently rubbed my stomach to soothe the pain. My stomach muscles were so taut and stretched it felt like I was trying to rub a rock. Hah! Rub a rock, I crack me up.

Ouch! The baby kicked again. That really hurt. Naomi kicked repeatedly for a few second and then stopped. There was no movement inside of me. I thought all was good, so I made my way toward Seto. As soon as I moved, a sharp pain went shooting up my stomach and I let out a pained moan. Seto quickly turned towards me and ran to my side.

Seto's POV

I can't believe I got dragged to Wal-Mart. I thought we were all just going to hang out and have a picnic or something. Nobody told me that we were going shopping…again. I don't want to shop, so I decided to hang back and talk with Yami, Bakura, and Marik. We were in a really good conversation about pregnant ladies and men fighting against duel monsters. We were just about to decide who was scarier when we heard girly squeals coming from in front of us. For a minute I thought some crazy fan girl was coming after me, but it was only the pup and his friends. They seemed to be happy over a pair of baby booty's. Go figure.

"Seto, look at these! Aren't they cute?" Joey gushed happily. I nodded my head slightly.

"Yeah super cute." I say, with a shudder. That thing was too pink. Note to self: never let my baby wear that hideous thing…ever.

Anyway, I returned to my conversation with the others. Some how they had gotten from pregnant people and duel monsters to killing little boys that wanted to date my unborn daughter. I quickly jumped into that when Bakura asked me what I was going to do when a boy took my daughter out for a date.

"First of all, I'm going to see what type of car he's driving- assuming that they are old enough to drive-, and then I'm going to interrogate him. You guys can be there for that part. Matter of fact, you guys can help me interrogate him, if you like." I say proudly.

"Hell yeah. We accept. Besides, I was going to be there whether you liked it or not." Bakura said. The others nodded in agreement.

"What will you do if a guy ever put his hands on her or tried to force her into doing something she doesn't want to do?" Yami asked curiously.

"I will kill him. First I would slowly cut off the most important thing to a man," I started. Yami, Marik and Bakura grimaced. "And then I would cut off all his fingers and I would laugh the whole time. I would skin him alive and put salt in his wounds. Then I would make him disappear. It would be like he never existed. Nobody would ever find the body, because I would feed it to the sharks and maybe a few cannibals. It would be great to watch the poor guy suffer. I would laugh insanely and groan in pleasure at pain filled screams. Ahh, murdering the sorry son of a bitch that dares to lay a finger on my daughter will be the ultimate pleasure."

"Priest, you're scary, but I like your style." Bakura said.

I nodded my head in agreement. I knew I was scary, that's why I was the CEO of Kaiba Corp. I glanced out the corner of my eye and saw Joey whispering to his stomach. It was cute. Although he looked to be in pain, because he kept rubbing his stomach. I kept my eye on him, while I talked to the others. Suddenly I heard Joey moan, so I turned to him and saw pain etched into his face. I rushed to his side as fast as I could.

"Joey! What's wrong?" I ask.

Joey just clutched his stomach, letting out little moans and whimpers. I held Joey in my arms and softly told him to take deep, slow, even breaths. Joey did, and slowly, but surely his face relaxed. All was good again.

"Oh man. That was intense. I really thought that I was going to have to go to the hospital again." Joey sighed heavily.

"Well, we don't so that's good. We get you home so that you can rest. You'll probably be tired for the rest of the day." I say.

"Yeah, I could go for a nap right about now and maybe some hot cheetos and cream cheese (1)." Joey said.

I nodded my head and we all made our way toward the front of the store, when I realized that I was having a dinner party in two days. I veered off course and took everyone to the men's department. I, of course, got a glare from everyone, but who cares? Not me.

"What are we doing Seto? I'm tired. Let's go!" Joey whined.

"I forgot to tell you guys that I have a dinner party in two days and you guys are invited. A few people from work are supposed to come over and have dinner with me, and I want you guys to be there. I'm pretty sure the mutt will pleased with having some company, besides he won't be bored." I say boredly.

"Why didn't you just say so? God, you could've saved me so much time." Yami said.

"Whatever." I mumbled. Then I went to look for descent outfits for everybody.

Two days later...Joey's POV

My gosh. So much to do, so little time. I'm officially 9 months. In three day I'm supposed to have my baby. At least that's my due date. I can't wait for it to happen. I won't have to constantly go to the bathroom and sleep. Although I probably will be up most of the night, at least that's what I read in the baby books. The house is in total chaos. All of the hired chefs are in a frenzy to make everything to Seto's liking. The decorations were being fixed every couple seconds and seto was in CEO mode. This is the mode where he is his coldest and everything has to be done his way or you're fired. Fortunately he's been very sweet with me, but that's because I haven't been around him all day. I mostly have been laying around the house.

I'm not feeling too great. My stomach hurts a little, but I think that's because I'm nervous and excited about giving birth. I mean I have every right to feel that way. I just don't know what to think of the feeling. It's not that it hurts really bad per say. The pain is more of an annoyance. It's just a weird feeling. I can't really explain it. I've been filling like this since 4 am this morning. I haven't told seto yet. I don't want to bother him with something so trivial. Currently, I'm sitting in the living room with my friends.

Seto has been in and out of the room. Every time he came in he would ask me how I was doing. Of course I told him I was ok, just tired, which was partly true. I was tired, but I'm not ok. My stomach was starting to throb. It felt like contractions, but if that was the case, that would mean that they started at 4 am. Impossible right? Right? I hope that it's impossible.

"So Joey, are you excited?" Yugi asked joyfully.

"Yep. Can't wait for it to be over though. It might take some stress off my body. Then I'll be able to lay on my stomach again. Ahh, life will be good. So, so good." I say, imagining myself able to fully relax. I was brought out of my thoughts, by the door bell. "I'll get it." I say and I got up and waddled my way towards the door. When I opened the door. I seen like a million people at the entrance. Ok, maybe not a million, but at least 75 people.

"Hello." I say putting on a smile. How all these people are going to fit at the table, I don't know.

"Hello. You must be Joey! Congratulations. Where do u want me to put all this?" The first couple said, holding up a medium sized boxed, that was wrapped up nicely.

"Um, just put it in the living room. Seto!" I say. Seto came bounding around the corner with a walkie talkie in hand. He seemed to be communicating with Mokuba. He put the walkie talkie down and greeted everyone.

"Welcome, Welcome. Please come in and enjoy yourself." Seto said ushering every last one of them in. each person seemed to be carrying a gift, so I told them to put their's in the living room too. Soon, the whole house was packed. Classical music was playing in the background. I huddled in a corner with my friends. They were getting plenty of lustful looks from men and women alike.

"I shudder with fear at the looks I'm getting." Ryou said, wrapping his arms around himself... Bakura wrapped his arm around his lover's shoulders. Ryou looked up and smiled at him, before kissing him on the lips. That sure disappointed a few people, but it turned the others on more. It was a lost cause. We just had to make sure to watch our backs. I was getting a few looks too, but Seto wasn't around to say anything, so whoa is me. Just as I was about to say something, this really handsome guy walked toward me. He had long silvery hair and mischievous blue eyes.

"Hello, my name is Makoto Miwa." he said smiling. I did not like the looks this guy was giving me. He was eyeing me as if he was undressing me in his mind. It was a creepy feeling.

"H-hello." I stutter. Oh crap! I stuttered, now he's gonna think that I'm interested.

"How come I've never seen you before?" Makoto asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know. Maybe, because I wasn't looking for you." I say coldly. Whoot! Seto is rubbing off on me.

"In case you don't understand his language that means fuck off fuck face." Marik said. Makoto just smiled and leaned close to me.

"Sweet heart, I'm sure you want to get to know me. Why don't you come sit with me? Your feet must be hurting from standing up." He said. Damn this guy is persistent. I give him an 8 on the persistent scale.

"Please sir, could you please leave me alone." I say. I was really not getting the right vibes from this guy.

"Dude! He said fuck off. Now go, before I fuck you up." Bakura growled, before pushing Makoto. Before anything else could be done, Seto walked up behind Makoto.

"What seems to be the problem? I have people telling me that there is going to be a fight." Seto said annoyed.

"Hell yeah there is going to be a fight. This guy won't get the hint and leave Joey alone. He keeps hitting on him. So we told him if he doesn't stop, we were going to fuck him up." Yami said. Seto nodded then looked at Makoto.

"Mr. Miwa," Seto started. "Would you like to lose your job?" Makoto shook his head no. "Then leave my boyfriend and his friends alone, before I fire you. Now, for anybody that cares, dinner is ready." Seto finished before wrapping his arms around my waist and dragging me off to the formal dining room. Surprisingly, everyone fit. Seto, my friends and I sat at one table while everyone took there seats at the other tables around the large room. I believe it was a ball room. You know, since those things are so big?

"Are you ok?" Seto asked. I nodded my head yes. With that whole Makoto fiasco, I completely forgot about the pains in my stomach, but I feel them full force now. I took labored breaths, so as to not alert anyone of my pains and attract attention toward myself. As dinner was served, I ate slowly and not nearly as much as I usually would. I just couldn't. It hurt too much. I decided I wanted some water; I excused myself and made my way over to the bar. I asked the bar tender for a glass of cold water. As I walked away from the bar, I felt something weird trickling down my leg. I thought nothing of it; I guess it was just sweat. I was kind of hot. As I stepped forward, I slipped and fell. I managed to land on my side. I looked around myself and noticed the water surrounding me. Who the hell spilled water on the floor? Don't they know that I'm pregnant?

I realized that while I was thinking about that, my glass full of water had come crashing to the floor. A few people were looking at me, before rushing to my side. That's when it all set in. my water broke. Wait, my water broke? Oh my god! My water broke! I frantically looked around. I couldn't see seto or my friends. As I looked, my stomach started to hurt a lot. Tears prickled in my eyes, before falling down my cheeks.

"Oh, god. Please get seto. Get him please." I say trying to stay calm. Almost everybody dispersed except for Makoto. Where he came from I don't know, but I really didn't want to deal with him right now.

"Oh, do you need help? I could help you, for a small fee." Makoto said with a perverted grin. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt before punching the lights out of him. Just I finished seto and Yugi and everyone rushed over.

"Oh, my god. What happened?" Seto asked, worriedly.

"I fell on some water that was on the floor." I said angrily. God, what was he stupid? I sighed before talking again.

"Honey...it's time." I say. He should be able to understand that.

"Time for what? To get you into a chair?" Seto asked. Oh my god! He really is stupid!

"No, my water broke." I say, looking around at the floor where all the water was. Seto's eyes landed on the water, then the broken glass.

"Your water broke? We'll get you another glass. Hey, bartender, another water please." Seto said. Everyone stared at seto before I yelled at him for his stupidity.

"You stupid ass! My water broke! Which means the baby is coming! I'm going into labor!" I yell before screaming in pain.

"Oh. OH! Alright, take slow deep breaths. hee-he hoo. hee hee hoo." Seto continued to do that.

"I'm supposed to do that! just get me to the hospital." I say, before moaning in pain.

"Alright," Seto said, taking charge. "Yugi and Yami go to the closet by the front door and pull out Joey's overnight bag. Malik and Marik get everybody the hell out of my house. Bakura and Ryou, get the Limo. Go! Go! Go! heh, I've always wanted to do that." Seto said, before trying to help me up. everybody dispersed and went about to do their instructions. by the time me and seto made it outside. the limo was pulled in front and everyone was rushing to get everything into the car. Bakura was in the driver's seat, while Ryou sat shot gun. Malik and Marik were shooing the last of the people off the property and Yugi and Yami were putting the rest of the stuff in the trunk before closing it. I was ushered into the car. the car took off as soon as everyone was in the limo and the door was shut.

"Bakura, I don't care what laws you have to break! get us to the hospital and get us there fast!" Seto yelled while calling the emergency room.

"this is Seto Kaiba. my boyfriend is in labor. have a room and doctor ready. if there isn't anybody waiting for us by then, you bet your bottom dollar that you will lose your job and I will stop all funds going to this hospital." Seto said in his business tone. I don't know why, but that really turned me on. but then I remembered that he's the reason I'm in this predicament and quickly forgot about what I just thought.

the car was swerving left and right. all the while I was screaming in pain.

"It's coming. I can feel it." I cried. seto moved his head between my legs.

"Naomi Renee Kaiba! you stay in there. I mean it! if you come out, you are in big trouble young lady!" Seto said.

"Please. please let me push. she wants out. please. it hurts." I say, grabbing Yami and Marik's hands. I squeezed really hard while grinding my teeth. I was trying so hard not to push. I wanted to so bad.

"No. no Joey. you can't push. besides we're here, so the doctor is going to take care of you now." Seto said opening the door to the car. I was quickly helped out of the car and into the waiting wheel chair. I was quickly wheeled inside the hospital. I couldn't see anything. we were moving so fast. everything was a blur.

"Seto? Seto where are you?" I asked panicky.

"Right here. I'm right here." he said. I could hear his fast paced foot steps as he tried to keep up with the nurse that was wheeling me to the ER. I could hear the panicked voices of my friends. as we reached the Emergency Room, I heard somebody telling my friends to stay behind and wait. I was saddened by this, but it couldn't be helped. I was quickly removed from the wheel chair and onto a hospital bed. my clothes were being pulled off of me. as soon as all my clothes were off they put me in a hospital gown. seto rushed to my side.

"Alright, Mr. wheeler, I am Doctor Soma. when I say push, you are going to push." the woman said. I nodded my head and grabbed Seto's hand.

"Alright. push! push!" Dr. Soma said. I could vaguely hear a nurse counting to ten, before I was told to stop pushing. I tried to stop, but it hurt too much.

"Please, please," I begged. "let me push. please let me push." I was crying. I had to stop myself from choking on sobs.

"Alright. push again." The doctor said. I gladly pushed again, but nothing was happening.

"stop pushing Mr. Wheeler. it seems the baby's head is stuck. we're going to have to do a C-section. somebody call the anesthesiologist." Dr. Soma said. minutes later I was getting a shot to numb my body and then I was carted down to the operation room. Seto quickly told everyone what was going on, before following a nurse and getting dressed up in scrubs.

once I was on the operating table, they set to work. they blocked my view of them cutting open my stomach and I held

Seto's hand. minutes later it was over. Seto went over to cut the umbilical cord and then they weighed the baby. she was 8 pounds and 6 ounces. seto brought her over to me. she has the prettiest eyes ever. her left eye was blue, while her right eye was brownish-blue. she had a head full of brown curly hair. she as so beautiful.

"Hi, baby. hi." I say as a tear came out of my eyes. I reached my hand up and tried to touch her, but all of a sudden I got sleepy and lost consciousness. the last thing I heard was Seto's panicked "Joey!"

Seto's POV

I didn't know what was happening. one moment Joey was awake the next thing I know he was knocked out. his heart monitor started to go crazy. it would do frenzied beats then flat line. oh my god! Joey was going to die. he was going to die. my daughter was taken out of my hands and I was being pushed out of the room.

"What's wrong with him? tell me!" I panicked.

"Your boyfriend is losing a lot of blood. if we don't stop the blood, he's going to bleed to death." The nursed said before shutting the door on me. I stood at a loss, before going to find everyone else. I rushed to there side, before collapsing, to my knees.

"What's wrong Kaiba?" Yami asked.

"Joey's dying. he bleeding excessively and if they can't stop the bleeding, he's going to die." I say. I was shaking with sobs as I was embraced in a huge group hug. I could tell that a few them were crying to too. we sat like that for an hour, before Dr. Soma came out. she seemed very stressed and tired.

"Mr. Kaiba," She said. we all held our breaths as I pulled away from everyone and walked over to her, trying to be as brave as possible.

"Well, we did as our best and tried as hard as we could, but," she said. I held my breath even more. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if Joey was dead. I let her continue. "Joey will be ok. we managed to stop the bleeding. you and your friends can go see him if you like." she finished, before walking away. I stood stock still, before turning to the others with a relieved smile. I nodded at them and we all went to go see Joey.

he was still sleep when we got to him, but after 10 minutes he woke up.

"Don't you ever scare us like that again." I say, speaking on everyone's behalf.

"Sorry. I won't do it again." Joey whispered. "How's the baby." he asked. before I could say anything the doctor came in with our baby. I let everyone coo over her, before showing her to Joey. Joey smiled lightly, before sitting up and holding the baby.

"Now, since the baby is born you guys can relax. and no sex for 8 weeks. Joey's insides need to heal. I'll be back later to check up on you guys." Dr. Soma said, before leaving. I mumbled a few choice words, about not having sex, then I looked at Joey and Naomi.

"I love you." Joey said looking at me. a small tired smile adorned his lips.

"I love you too, Joey." I say, smiling. yep, life was going to be good for now on. I have nothing to worry about. well, except maybe boys trying to pick up my daughter.

"Seto stop making that crazy face. that goes for you guys too." Joey said to me, Yami, Bakura and Marik. hmmm, I guess we were thinking the same thing.

The End.

Well, that's the end. there is no more. I hope that you guys enjoyed it. thanks to everyone who stayed with me this far. I love you all. I was going to make an epilogue but that would've taken forever to get out. please be on the look out for my new story that I will post soon. it's called Joey's Rhapsody. it's a story in which Joey tries to balance work, school, two kids, a stalker while trying to find a little love in life.

(1) Hot Cheetos and Cream cheese, is a really good combination, especially if you don't spicy stuff.

Well, gots to go. Please review and let me know what you think of my new story idea.


Love me always Elemental Moon Ninja.