Arranged Marriage

Disclaimer: puts her hands up I don't own anything but my underwear! I swear!

Chapter One

"Honey?" asked the Lady of the Southern Lands.

"Yes Mom?" answered Kagome.

"I need a word with you privately in my chambers after dinner okay?"

"Sure Mom."

After Dinner

"Mom, you called?"

"Yes dear, sit down." She said motioning toward the couch.

"Is there something wrong Mom?"
"Well, you know about the war right?"

"The one we might have with the Western Lands?"

"What about it?" asked Kagome curious.

"Well, it's going to be called off."

"Really? That's great Mom!"

"No Kagome. You don't understand. The war will end when the treaty is confirmed."

"What is there to confirm?" she asked confused.

"The war will not begin if you mate with the eldest son."

Kagome gasped. "What?"
"I'm so sorry honey, it was the only way. You'll do it won't you?"
Kagome gave no answer. Kagome didn't want to be arranged to some evil youkai who hated humans. She wanted to fall madly in love and be swept off her feet like all of the fairytales that she read.

"Kagome, it's your decision I know. But think of all the lives you'll save…" But the Lady was interrupted.

"I'll do it." She said quietly. Kagome had to think rationally. One person's happiness or the lives of thousands. She had to do the right thing, which was to marry the eldest son of the Western Lands.

"I knew you'd do the right thing. I'm sorry."

"No Mom, it's okay. I understand."
The lady went over to hug her daughter.

"Get some rest. You must be exhausted."
"Okay Mom." She said as she left her mother's chambers.

In the Western Lands

"What do you mean I'm getting married?" asked Sesshomaru coldly.

"Son, you are of age. And I'm getting old, once you inherit the lands, you'll need an heir. Plus, it's too late now, they've already agreed and it's been arranged."

"Father! I do NOT wish to marry some empty-headed princess!"
"Perhaps you'll change your mind when you see her."
"She is human!"
"Actually she is a youkai."

"…" Sesshomaru raised a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"She is a rare type of youkai. Her true form will be revealed once you mark her."
"That's ridiculous Father. Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"No, but it is the truth."

"Father, think…"
"ENOUGH! It has been arranged. End of discussion, now go."
Sesshomaru bowed. "Yes, Father."

'I despise this. A human! How utterly repulsive.'

Sesshomaru thought about what the princess probably looked like and how she'd act.

'She's probably really ugly like most humans are. She probably reeks of that dirty human scent. I bet she's really stupid, no manners, no respect, and she's extremely spoiled and rotten to the core.' Thought Sesshomaru as he went to his office.

Back in the Southern Lands

Meanwhile Kagome was getting ready to leave. She had maids help her pack her clothes and such.

"Kagome, you must be on your best behavior. I heard that the Prince does not tolerate improper behavior. Try not to be so stubborn. Be polite. I heard he has a little half-brother about your age maybe a year older."

"What's his name?"
"Lord Sesshomaru is the one you'll be marrying, Lord Inuyasha is his half brother. He's a Hanyou. The brothers share different mothers. Lord Inutashio is the father and Lady Izayoi is Inuyasha's mother and the current Lady of the Western Lands."

"Kagome, I love you. Be safe okay?"
"Yes, Mother."

Kagome's mother had tears in her eyes as she hugged her daughter one last time. Kagome hopped onto the carriage and waved good-bye. The townsfolk waited at the sidelines cheering for their princess. They were grateful that the princess would give up her happiness for her people. That showed true compassion towards her people. Lady Kagome would make a great queen someday.

Please Review! I'd really appreciate it.

Vote on the pairings!

Sango/ Miroku

Sango/ OC (If OC what should he look and act like)

Miroku/OC (If OC what should she look and act like)



Inuyasha/Kagome (One-sided love)