It's the night after the diner closes, Lorelai had left a few minutes ago and Luke had to stay at the diner for early deliveries. As he is wiping down the counter he hears someone knocking on the diner door, he thinks it's Lorelai but when he whips himself around its Rachel. So he walks over and let's her in.

"Rachel, what are you doing here?" Luke says, shocked

"Well I was on an assignment in Hartford, so I thought I would stop by and say hi."

He knew she wanted more but she just wasn't saying anything, so he just looked at her as if she had 2 heads and she cracked.

"Ok, ok and I need a place to stay for tonight, could I possibly stay here."

She looked at Luke and begged him, he started to feel sorry for her so he what he would normally do, which was help people out when they needed it.

"Sure, I guess you could stay here."

"Thank you so much Luke! Well I'm going to go upstairs and change, oh uh do you have any shirts I could borrow to sleep in?"

He rolls his eyes and says

"Yes, take one of my flannels."

"Eekk, (she screeches) thanks (she runs up and gives him a hug, then runs upstairs)."

As Rachel went up stairs, Lorelai came into the diner

"Hey." She walks in and over to him

"Hey (they kiss) what are you doing here?"

"Oh well I'm happy to see you too."

There is a noise from upstairs

"What was that? Do you have someone upstairs (at first she was joking when she made that comment but then...?"

"Well- (he was cut off by Rachel coming downstairs in short shorts and a flannel shirt)."

"Hey Luke do you-(sees Lorelai) oh, hi Lorelai."

"Wow uh Rachel, hi."

Luke immediately jumps in

"Lorelai I can explain."

"EXPLAIN WHAT! (Tears start coming from her eyes) that I come here, only to see my fiancé with another woman!"

"That's not what happened please just let me."

"So you probably don't really have an early delivery tomorrow do you?"

"Yes, I do I swear, she just showed up here out of nowhere."

"Really?" She says calming down

Rachel buts in

"NO!" Rachel yells

"What!" Luke and Lorelai say at the same time.

Rachel has come up with a plan, she want's him back

"So what we just did didn't mean anything to you."

"We didn't do anything! (Getting angry at Rachel, the turns to lorelai) please believe me; she's been here for less than 5 minutes."

"Don't listen to him Lorelai, I know he doesn't really love you, he told me himself. (she knew she was getting to Lorelai, and soon she would leave)"

"What? (Right now she was very sad, confused and angry)"

"That's not true! You believe me don't you?"

"I...I...I, I don't know what to believe anymore, I gotta get out of here." she starts to run towards the door with tears in her eyes, but Luke grabs her arm and pulls her back.

"Please don't go I know this looks bad, but it's not what you think."

"I just need to go Luke, but before I do tell me one thing."

"He won't care."

Lorelai gives Rachel an evil death stare

"Rachel! Stays out of this (to Lorelai) go ahead."

"Did you sleep with her?"

"No." he knew he had to look her straight in the eyes for her to believe him so that's what he did

Rachel chimes in

"You actually believe him."

"YES! Rachel I do believe him, because when he's lying he looks at the ground, but when he's telling the truth he looks into my eyes."


"Luke, did you kiss her?"

And once again the answer was


"Good, (happy to shove this in Rachel's face) well goodnight Luke I'll talk to you tomorrow, oh and Rachel"


"Go to hell!"

With that she left slamming the door in Rachel's face

"Why would you do that?" He said very angry

"Because I want you with me not her."

"Well you're a little late Rachel."

"Oh please, you can't possibly love her."

"Goodbye Rachel." He leaves her in the diner alone and heads for lorelai's house.

Lorelai hears the doorbell and gets up to answer it

"Oh hi" she says once she opens the door and sees who it is.

"Hey" he grabs her and kisses her passionately.

While still in Luke's arms she begins to talk

"Is she still there?"

"Yes, she just won't leave."

"Oh I'll make her leave. I'll take one of your diner forks and stick it right up her"

"Woh, ok I get it you don't like her."


"I'm sorry."

"I know, but you know you didn't really do anything so there is really nothing to be sorry for."

"I know but still do you forgive me anyway."

"Of course, come here sailor."

She's drags him inside and slams the door shut, all thoughts of what happened early were completely forgotten.